April 18, 2013

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.04.17

Who is Saying the Dollar is the Only Safe Place to Be, and Why?

-Andy goes in to exacting detail his analysis on the huge drop in gold this past Monday, April 15. You’ll hear facts as well as theories coupled with Mr. Gause’s long time in the trenches in the world of precious metals.
-How and why the main stream media and the bankers are running their own story to the masses.
-The main difference between late ’70 gold run up and now is….The Boys and all the players are telling the world inflation is gone and going down.
-Is deflation possible?
-Are your deposits safe?
-Who owns Blackrock and what aren’t they buying?
-The big banks, the owners of The NY Fed have record amount of dollars on the balance sheet.
-Lower standards on home loans coming very soon.
-Do you think Central Banks like $2,000 gold?
-Wasn’t this whole “States Rights” thing settled in 1868?
-The EU model of Eurobond. Same people, same paradigm as The Treasury Bond
-When will the EU Bond go into effect? When the countries get “Their Mind Right”
-Andy’s thoughts on the John Birch Society
-Wage and price controls coming
-The Government Plan for investing rather than private retirement accounts next on the agenda
-A Bond Bubble? You think?
-Stuffing the inflation where we don’t see it
-What will be the spin on the Boston bombing?
-Just who are “The Boys” a listener in India asks?
-Eustace Mullins told Patrick that G. Edward Griffin simply stole all his stuff from his books, but messed it up.
-Will there be a V shaped gold recovery?

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site



Anonymous said...

5 million ounces of annual silver supply and 500,000 ounces of annual gold supply have just been vaporized... er, uh landslided.

Anonymous said...

Did Gause FINALLY say the Jew word???

Anonymous said...

I haven't listned to this yet but if he did say the jew word--I have always suspected that Gause is holding back. The biggest clue is he is a fan of Eustace Mullins so I suspect he and Timpone probably have private conversations where they talk about those dirty joos.

Mami said...

Andy and Tim call the jews "The Boys"

Can't say I blame them, they have businesses to run and families to feed and "The Boys" can take em out if they step across the line to far.

Anonymous said...

With Gause it's always a... mixed bag of hits and misses.

@33m Gause nicely summarises the 2nd major mode of attack by our money system in the process of deflation (the first being interest on principal, the interest not being automatically provided for within the monetary supply);

@1h06m Gause said the John Birch Society revealed the most on the agenda, hahaha. For a nearer reality approximation see America's Decline by Revilo Oliver and Pierce's comment on Robert Welch's The Neutralizers
titled "Enemies on the Right - The John Birch Society and Individualism";

@2.00h monetary policy necessarily influences GDP, paying off the national debt would eliminate a drag on GDP as it would remove the necessity of paying the interest on it and that money could be invested in the economy.

Gause talks as if gold were a hedge against monetary inflation but at least two on opposite sides of the line say no, Tickerguy Karl Denninger iirc (and he also said if you want a better inflation hedge then buy stock index calls) and Stathis/avaresearch who says gold has been shown to be an effective hedge against deflation, not inflation.

Next Tuesday the 23rd's Timpone/ORN lawyer interview sounds potentially good, at least if PT doesn't run his mouth over the guest. (Maybe if he had listened to Gause more he wouldn't have gone bankrupt a while ago.

OK I take that last back).