June 19, 2013

Conspiracy Confirmed! TWA Flight 800 Whistleblowers Speak Out – NTSB Told Them To Lie

What *really* happened here?
We learn tonight that the crash of TWA Flight 800 off of the coast of New York back in 1996 was much more than we had been previously told. Whistleblowers have come out stating that the NTSB told them to lie by placing gag orders on this entire episode of American history,in another US government coverup now falling to pieces. Think that the crash of TWA’s flight 800 wasn’t a cover-up or a conspiracy? Then you haven’t read the latest. (beforeitsnews.com)


Unknown said...

Like I said before the US Navy are the scum of the Earth.

Unknown said...

In the video they are claiming that middle eastern terrorists used a pleasure boat with a portable missile launcher on it. Then why would the CIA and military investigators cover up for Middle Eastern Terrorists. The Navy was conducting exercises there were hundreds of ships and Salinger said that his information had been confirmed by a source who learned of the Navy's involvement from a friend who had a son in the Navy. The son was said to have personal knowledge that a Navy missile had downed the plane, but his father did not want to be identified, fearing his son would suffer retaliation for disclosing information the Navy was hiding.

There are hundreds of Navy and Coast Guard personnel, as well as some FBI, CIA, FAA, NTSB and former White House employees who know that the real cause of the crash of TWA 800 was papered over with a tissue of lies.