January 26, 2014

Up and out of the sick bed: The Piper Report 1/25/2014

note from MCP–

I return for a 2 hour exposition on ‘Fetzerism,’ beginning with a complete run-down of the debate history and of Jim Fetzer’s “pilpulism” regarding my purported health hoax (or hoaxes).

I have included even a quote from Pete Papaherakles regarding Fetzer’s smears of AFP being an “op” and even one from Willis Carto (who laughed at the opportunity to say something, really giving Fetzer Hell.)

Wonder what this Fetzer Freak will have to say about that?

I contacted both Pete and Willis before the broadcast (which was pre-recorded) and got their quotations with their full knowledge that I would be quoting them on the broadcast.

All credit is due Pete in taking on Dr. Fetzer and rejecting his claim that AFP is an “op.”

Let’s have a “here here” for Pete.

I hope John Tiffany will sing out in approval.

I’m very sorry that John Friend’s “friendship” appears to be in doubt, further feeding fuel to a lot of fires that he’s already set all over the “truth” and “white nationalist” movement(s).

When Julia Foster and John Tiffany and I started to work for The SPOTLIGHT we underwent lie detector tests (I went the the sophisticated voice stress analysis kind; I think Julie and John underwent the old fashioned kind). I’m starting to think perhaps we need to re-institute that. (The tests really make you think that you are a bad ass and make you doubt yourself! I don’t suggest them as pleasurable prospects for anybody. But I sure would be curious to see what would come out of a test of John Friend!)

I also spent a few minutes giving an overview of how much Fetzer’s so-called “contribution” to the JFK debate is really just a compilation of the work of others . . . Fetzer was a fraud from the start.

Have fun listening. Consider all the crap you people have listened to (or, pardon me, even engaged in) regarding Sandy Hook, it might not hurt for you to take two hours and 20 minutes and listen to MY crap. You might even hear something you haven’t already heard or it might clarify something you’d never thought of before.

I’m not too vulgar—a few god damns here and there, but not in a loud Fetzer-style way—and I must surely, at least, invite someone to go to Hell (although I wouldn’t swear to that).


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Anonymous said...

So...when are we going to get-back to discussing what the demons walking-on-two-legs are doing throughout our world, like their attempt at taking complete control over Ukraine, their continued attacks upon our political-system here in America, and what they are failing to do within, and without, Syria.

Stop falling for their divide-and-conquer strategy, folks, and let's get past this intentional division surrounding this Sandy Hook psy-op.


WHOOLI said...

LOL, Piper is out for Friend/Fetzer blood.

Anonymous said...

At 19m, Piper challenged those who say that DallasGoldBug was a plant to make the Sandy Hook crisis actors theory look ridiculous and said it was another matter for another time, and it doesn't wash.

Does he believe that DGB is legit, and is just some crazy person? If so, Piper has lost all credibility, as DGB is an obvious government plant.

delcroix said...

we all know that uncle fester is a numpty
but i never thought i'd see the day when i would say that piper is full of shit ....
and a whiney jew esque one at that
2 hrs of bluster and crap
go back to your sick bed mick

Anonymous said...

FC, I've seen several SH-True-Believers, & anti-SH-skeptics, toss the DGB-ear-studier straw man out there to mischaracterize/ridicule SH-skeptics.

I haven't seen any SH-skeptic cite DGB's 'work' in relation to SH-skepticism. If one exists, please link me to it, so that I can toss that 'skeptic' into the agent bin.

"Abandoning support for The Ugly Truth podcasts "


Anonymous said...

Bollyn: "The Cure for Disinfo"
^ use your browser's CTRL-F search function to find "Piper" and/or "AFP".

Bollyn's site pages are so long (take 1+ minute to load..) and poorly organized, I'll point to this messageboard thread where this stuff is discussed,

" Bollyn on DBS, Hufschmid, Piper, Thorn, CIA "

RJ said...

Lindsey Lindsey Lindsey!!!!! Fuck Yea!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why anyone would call this whiney jew crap after the man was accused of faking his heart attack. That's the kind of world that Fetzer and John "Friend" live in. For fucks sake what is wrong with those two clowns?

Unknown said...

I'd ask why Mark Glen and then his faithful contingent went hysterical almost immediately at those who suspect jew subversion could be at the bottom of the Sandy Hook incident? Why the cacophony of divisive namecalling, which is childish and extremely divisive, by the antiwhite Mark Glen and his band of apologists for nonwhite invaders into White countries, was directed at those who have compiled a mountain of questionable scenarios and individuals related to Sandy Hook and therefore don't accept the rather suspicious handling of it by the authorities or believe the jewsmedia reporting of that incident. Not to mention the antiwhite governments overarching aim to separate Whites from their firearms.

I'm not losing any sleep over the legitimacy of the Sandy Hook narration by the jewsmedia, because unfortunately, whether it really happened or not can't be proven one way or the other, but what is more suspicious is that people who supposedly understand jew perfidy and deception are so down on those who view the Sandy Hook debacle with honest skepticism and suspicion.

Why should those who do, be impugned so virulently by others who claim to share the very same beliefs concerning jews and their evil machinations?

The idea or poor excuse we shouldn't voice our incredulity about Sandy Hook because mainstream jews and their minions would think we've gone bonkers and/or that they can use our conspiracy suspicions against us is absurd. Do we have some honorable standing in the mainstream I'm missing? The jews and the unawakened masses already smear us on the jewsmedia for what we already know about them, so why should an alternate explanation of what some of us think happened at Sandy Hook or any view the jewsmedia puts forward on anything be any more damaging to our reputations or credibility? To who?

And as far as mentioning this goldbug character ... when is it he ever had any credibility with anyone? The first time I heard about him and looked at his ridiculous website and allegations, I dismissed his nonsense out of hand. The guy is a joke or some sort of whacky disinformation agent. If any of you do not see that, see a shrink! I would expect any sane individual to have come to the same conclusion about goldturd, and the bringing up of this idiot is only for the purpose of further smearing of those who do not so readily accept the validity of the jews narration of the Sandy Hook incident.

Aleksa said...

I didnt listen to the show,probably i want either!

Its enough for me to read all these BUT HURT Sandy Hook worshipers comments to get the whole point!

All of you cultists are brain dead!
Thake your fantazies else where,do not connect your silly theories to WN people!

Go explore rabi wholes,chase reptoids,look for nibiru,elenin,ison,research ears,holograms,UFOS,area 51,no planes,smoke machines,jesuits,germanic death cults,nazis on the moon,hollow earth,hollow moon....

Do not polute people that are concerned about white geNOcide with your silly FILTH!!

Unknown said...


There you go again! I think you're the anti-Sandy Hook worshiper. After all, here you are again casting aspersions on those who are I think very much concerned about White genocide. This idea that suspicions about SAndy Hook, (started the day after the incident by Mark Glen, clearly an anti-White) backed up by various evidence showing it very well may be a hoax, is by no means, a cult, your accusation, or worshipping. That you refer to it all as "filth" goes far beyond thoughtful criticism and has more to say about who you might be than those "cultists" who investigate jewish misdeeds.

Aleksa said...

john dicarlo @@

I am not sugesting that MG is pro white,neither MCP,it just angers me when i see Jim Friend (so called pro White Advocate) push John Fetzer,Simon Shak and all their silly idiotic theories!

People in WN movement should stay out of these crazy stories and hammer the real visible story that is about us becoming minority in our own countries!

All others,I DONT CARE,investigate what ever you want,but WN should stay out of it!!

Unknown said...


Again, "crazy stories" -- so YOU say. That's John Friend, by the way, and merely because he allows different views to be discussed on his program doesn't mean he's hurting WN. I really don't listen to John that often, but he is a powerful and articulate writer and certainly on the right side of WN. Another point would be that he has different guests all the time. This Simon guy he took heat for, but he didn't have him on again. As far as Fetzer, if you heard the "debate", certainly Fetzer, while I don't agree many of his stands, had his shit together on the Sandy Hook hoax while Keith Johnson embarrassed himself. Really, we have time to consider many, many, topics all at the same time. I've heard others here lament, "another day wasted on the Sandy Hook incident". Statements like this are just absurd.

Aleksa said...

john dicarlo @@

My point is that people that are in a heavy jew research or WN, shouldt get involved SH hoax theories cause it doesnt do any good!Everyone will look at you like you are an idiot,even if you might be right!

I do not buy the official story at all,but do not spend any time thinking that there were some actors and that nobody got killed!

John Friend has done great shows,about real isues,but my criticism is that he brings guys lik Fetzer and many others with these CRAZY theories wich enemy uses to discredit all of us who research the very sirious jewish question!

Unknown said...

Everyone will look at you like you are an idiot,even if you might be right!

(rolls-eyes) From my post @12:27

The idea or poor excuse we shouldn't voice our incredulity about Sandy Hook because mainstream jews and their minions would think we've gone bonkers and/or that they can use our conspiracy suspicions against us is absurd. Do we have some honorable standing in the mainstream I'm missing? The jews and the unawakened masses already smear us on the jewsmedia for what we already know about them, so why should an alternate explanation of what some of us think happened at Sandy Hook or any view the jewsmedia puts forward on anything be any more damaging to our reputations or credibility? To who?

Anonymous said...

I want every one of you people to read my first post here...

AND READ ALL OF THE OTHER COMMENTS, and tell me what you see...


NB: Thank you, Mr. Livegood, for acknowledging my very obvious--at least to "ME"--observation that I have been saying for a long time, now, and have been harassed and harangued FOR TELLING THE TRUTH AS IT IS.

Deanna said...

For at least a week before the debate, Keith spent at least 12 hours a day researching and preparing for the debate. He had 27 pages of notes. His computer worked perfectly before and after the debate but froze up during the debate. He provided evidence showing that Alicia was NOT Alicia Hannan but a resident o Newtown who worked at a local grocery store in which all of the employees wore the same name tag. Yet, Fetzer implied that many of the people at the scene wore name tags because it was a drill. Also note that Alicia, the local resident, was in short sleeves. It is plausible the Fetzer obtained some of his research from http://www.insanemedia.net/sandy-hook-cast-of-characters-alicia-hannan/2477 where one may see the photo of Alicia. Keith actually talked with the local resident, Alicia. Fetzer claims that the photo of the children, who were not dressed in warm clothes, shown leaving the school was shot in the fall. Connecticut in the fall is very colorful. If one looks at the background of that photo, it looks exactly the same as the background in the video of Carver - very brown as it was in December 2012, which was unseasonably warm. Fetzer, in his top ten, uses the video Going in Circles, which is obviously a looped video with added music. The original, from which that video is made is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5bVoXK-E9g. Someone obviously adapted and looped the original video. Further, Keith has also produced a video demonstrating people using a Bushmaster XM15-E2S AR15. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVf26gxF5Ms One of the most obvious situations that occurred during the debate was Fetzer's use of the Delphi Technique, something he is incredibly proficient at. Mile Piper does not give any credence to Ed Chiarini who once claimed that I am Victoria Jackson, something that Mike is well aware of.

Henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rodin said...

@ Pat Colo

Good to see the old guard still active!


rodin said...

Hi Deanna

You are a great historical researcher and especially a great interviewer, but like me you are not perfect

IMO Sandy IS a hoax, Gene Rosen is all you need to see that, and Judy Woods is suspect. Her freefall analysis was tops, but this energy beam weapon idea is not tenable. Plus there was the suspicious death of her protege


Deanna said...

Of course, I am not perfect and I would be the first person to admit that fact. Dr. Judy Wood never used the term "energy beam weapon" or "space beam." Energy weapons are regularly used in Iraq and many people use energy devices in their home - microwave ovens. The death of Wood's friend and protégé, Michael Zebuhr is indeed suspicious. It would certainly discourage other potential advocates of her work. Certainly, no one with any kind of critical thinking skills believes that it was a random killing. She is one of the few guests that I have on my program that always generates criticism or what, according to the Delphi Technique, is called mob censure. Sure, people are free to accept or reject a guest's ideas. But, typically people will not email me about them. Gene Rosen, while a factor, certainly does not prove that people did not die at Sandy Hook. We have all been indoctrinated against believing in the MSM and for good reason. But to discredit everything that the MSM disseminates is a bit foolish. I think it best, as I have suggested, to do in-depth research into SH and not simply accept all of the opinions on various web sites. While many claims seem plausible, one must look deeply into all of the circumstances and not rely on other's conclusions.

Anonymous said...

Is that lunatic Fetzer still at 'writer' at that JEW Gordon "40% disinfo" Duff's site?

I would guess that Fetzer makes up about 30% of that disinfo...

Anonymous said...

Next thing you know you guys will be telling me that Fetzer is a no planer. If so, you guys are being played for gullible fools. Fetzer and Friend have to go.

Unknown said...

1. Hitler sends Jew Jacob Goldschmidt as the 3rd Reich's representative to New York. (New York Post - May 22, 1935)

2. Hitler sends Jew Otto Jeidels as the 3rd Reich's Banker between Germany and Britain. (Time Magazine - July 3, 1939)

3. Hitler hires Freemason Hjalmar Schacht to run the Reichsbank who then hires the Hamburg Jew Banker Max Warburg.


Anonymous said...


Yes, the SSDI death date change is apparently true, with the Huffington Post reporting on it, with the explanation that it was a clerical error.

If that really was a mistake, why should we believe a darn thing they told us about the story on face value? Originally they said Lanza didn't have a long gun on him during the shootings, either.

Deanna said...

Ken Horst: I did respond to you via email. I have not "repeated" the SH story for "so long." The first program that I personally conducted on Sandy Hook was on 1/15. I reported what I found in the SSDI. Fetzer reported a death date of 12/13/2012. You say that the government altered the date eight months later. How do you know that? And if I don't believe you, then that somehow makes me dishonest? I have addressed the issue of who funded Hitler in my upcoming book. How is having a different opinion based on my research dragging someone who has a another view through the mud? It is still permissible in America to have a less popular opinion. We obviously disagree on a number of issues; so what!! That is your right, just as it is mine.

Unknown said...

@ John Dicarlo

Yea, I guess the New York Post and Time Magazine are lying about which Jew Bankers Hitler sent to represent him. ROFLMAO!

Hitler was also a MURDERER who murdered German Christians during the Night of the Long Knives yet never had the balls to MURDER any Jew Bankers? If I am going to MURDER someone it will be Jews. But but but Hitler was a Christian. LMAO! Actions not words are important.

Hitler was also a 42 year old dating a 17 year old imbecile named Eva Braun who he had to HIDE and DECEIVE the Germany people about. Talk about a sexual degenerate.

The reason why the Holocaust is a LIE is because Hitler had no desire to harm Jews at all. While he waged war on Europe to make his Jew Bankers RICH, he was protecting Jews in those camps and working with the Zionists to create Israel, which Zionists had been trying to create since the late 1800's.

Hitler was also a SPY who worked for German Intelligence. He was ordered to infiltrate the original NSDAP (DAP) and then became its leader. Sound familiar?

Hitler was JAILED for Treason but then is given a typewriter to write a manuscript against the very Government he was jailed by? LMAO! Then he is released for treason after only 9 months, once he has finished writing his manuscript? LMAO!

Fools worship Hitler, like American Troops worshiped Bush or Al Qaeda idiots worship their Jew run leaders.

Anonymous said...


I've only heard one show out of about half a dozen consisting of at least 10 hours of radio where MCP spent only about 20 mins. specifically refuting claims put forward in support of crisis actors at Sandy Hook, and he did so in such a trivial way.

He makes a big deal out of Cass Sunstein's memo, yet may soon be telling us that even though he doesn't agree with DallasGoldBug's claims, he's not one of Sunstein's infiltrators, and is at most a useful idiot of Sunstein and co.

The U.S. government has been engaging in massive cognitive infiltration of groups since the 1960s, and 9/11 was heavily infiltrated, so what's so special about Sunstein's memo with sudden relevance to Sandy Hook?

rodin said...

Thanks Deanna for the response.

I do try apply my own analysis to whatever evidence is available. Plus my motto is Belief is the Enemy of Truth.

I am surprised that the Boston Marathon fiasco is not being used as comparison to Sandy Hook.

The guy in the wheelchair proved that Boston was an exercise only. Why are no insiders coming forward to expose that?

Same reason Jews don't snitch on Jews, or Freemasons on Freemasons. Plus the threat that any loose cannon would be committing commercial or actual suicide/

Finally, I measured the collapse of WTC7 in about 2006 for myself and confirmed it fell at free fall, anyone with knowledge of physics or mechanics could repeat the measurement and would know this is impossible without demolition, yet the lie of 911 is promulgated by the full spectrum of mainstream establishments.

Unknown said...

Ken Horst -- all I can say is that you are really OUT THERE but I'm equally sure there's an obvious method to your madness.

Unknown said...

I have always liked MCP, in my opinion a considerate, thoughtful guy, and a stickler for accuracy. I've even emailed him a few times. I even accept him as being White though he must repetitively expound of the fact he's some part American Indian. I have not always agreed with his point of view on everything but I think he's too quick to criticize mainly WNs and on the other hand seems to have too much respect for certain jews as I've heard him say on various radio broadcasts over the years. He gives those kosher parasites much more consideration than he has given those who have investigated and spoke out about their conclusions concerning Sandy Hook as a hoax. That just makes no sense to me, and because of this alliance with antiwhite Mark Glen, I'm less inclined to listen to MCP.

That being said, I took the time to listen to Piper's show, and it's worse than I could have imagined. Maybe it's just me, but when I see a disagreement, and one side resorts to ad hominems and namecalling, that shows me those people have nothing else to support their "arguments". Piper starts off his broadcast by accusing that those curious about Sandy Hook are "obsessed", and goes into a tirade about cults by the end of the program to further ridicule his opposition. Maybe someone is "obsessed", but I think this is just another term being used to discredit and marginalize those who believe Sandy Hook was a psyop. Proof no one is "obsessed" about this topic is that there are relatively few commenters posting in this thread.

It has been the Mark Glen contingent and supporters who are so hysterical they needed to resort to really nasty ad hominems. Keith Johnson's reaction to Fetzers arguments was to snicker and mock on mike when it wasn't his turn to speak -- just plain rude, but received cudos for his performance from Piper in this broadcast. It would seem obvious to me, it's the MG/MCP contingent that is working double time and has been from the first day to discredit the other side. From calling Fetzer a "freak" to comparing Fetzer to Madelyn Murray O'hare, as though this is pertinent to the disagreement -- does the smear ever stop? NO! Piper then links Professor Fetzer and Sophia Smallstrom to Scientology which Piper says is run by Mossad to further smear them.

Next are accusations of "nutty-ness from the crisis actor crowd" by Piper. I'm listening to a steady stream of condescension and namecalling, in view of all of it, I find it doubtful that Fetzer's supposed allegations against AFP alleged by Piper, to Willis Carto, or in this broadcast, are at all in context. Apparently Piper believes the government's narration of Sandy Hook, and to think otherwise, described by Piper, as "dangerous". I quote Piper, "Absolute lunacy coming out of Fetzer and Smallstrom" and John Friend, is "the giggler". How nice. Simply, the intentional deliberate divisiveness by MCP I heard in this broadcast is beyond the pale.

A. J. MacDonald, Jr said...

Did Piper & Glenn have advance knowledge of Sandy Hook & Boston?

“What really happened at Sandy Hook and Boston is something unlike anything—and so very much bigger—than even you might have imagined.” ~ Michael Collins Piper (False Flags, p. 279)

It seems to me the Boston Bombing was a real event, which took place not long after the Sandy Hook hoax event, and I think this timing is the reason why so many people began saying the Boston Bombing was a hoax event, too.

This is likely why some folks in the alternative media (e.g., Piper, Johnson, Glenn) dissuaded their followers from believing Sandy Hook was a hoax. Not because Sandy Hook wasn’t a hoax, but because the next event — the Boston Bombing — would be a real event that would be portrayed as a hoax in the alternative media, which would make people — and the “Truth Movement” — appear foolish.

The “hoax event” meme was instilled via Sandy Hook.

When the Boston Bombing occurred, with the “hoax event” meme already in place, certain persons began to (re)interpret the Boston Bombing event photos and videos by replacing the obvious appearances of a real bombing presented in the photos and videos with the notion of fakery, stagecraft, and a hoax event (i.e., a mass casualty drill portrayed as a real mass casualty event)

The purpose of this tactic, I think, was to cause those who already believed Sandy Hook to be a hoax (mainly due to lack of photo and video evidence) to discount what they perceived via the Boston Bombing photos and videos, which appear to present a real bombing event.

In other words, instead of allowing people to observe the photos and videos of the Boston Bombing and make their own determination, those who desired to instill the “Boston Bombing was a hoax” meme led them to believe the photos and videos presented fakery and stagecraft.

Certain persons (re)interpreted and re-presented the photos and videos of the Boston Bombing — complete with arrows, circles, and commentary — pointing out that, although they do appear to present a real bombing event, if you already believe Sandy Hook was a hoax, and if you examine the photos and videos closely while accepting our interpretations and suggestions in place of what you actually see, then you will see in the photos and videos what we tell you to see: crisis actors and fake blood, as opposed to actual victims and real blood.

This sort of photo and video (re)interpretation is very much like (re)interpreting a text, such as the Bible. And there’s a big difference between reading the Bible and interpreting the text for yourself and reading a study Bible that has notes which (re)interpret the text for you and tell you what you should be seeing in the text.

At first glance, to an individual alone, the photos and videos of the Boston Bombing appear to present a real bombing event. But once an individual (already predisposed to look for hoax events) sees the photos and videos of the bombing with accompanying  commentary pushing the hoax meme, an individual can adopt the authoritative analyst’s (re)interpretation in place of her own interpretation.

Read more: The “Boston Bombing Hoax” = Suggested, Anticipated, & Presupposed “Evidence” - http://wp.me/pPnn7-2B5