April 01, 2014

The Spingola Zone at AFP 4/1/2014

Deanna's guest today is Wade of Sandy Hook Analysis and Sandy Hook Facts.
 Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting Reports

American Free Press 
The Barnes Review 



Anonymous said...

Mami's rightly doesn't post Sanshilli shows, but Deanna did the first half hour on Sanshilli's show on Monday.

Sanshilli's was the first Deanna interview I've heard who's challenged her on her complete blind faith & reliance on djooz.gov's "official reports" & "news" stories, in supporting her proclaimed S.Hoax beliefs. Deanna gave some quite absurd "responses", lol. 2nd half hour there, Patrick Henningson comes on, and they talk a bit of S.Hoax too.

Also if you missed it:

^ beginning about 1hr 23mins, Fetcho & Kaminski talk SHoax and the laughably untenable position taken by DS, KJ, MCP & MG; with Fetcho even saying he scratched his head to the point of bleeding, confounded by DS's position on SHoax. They note the oddity of these 4 prominent alt-media voices, so vehemently trying to prop up djooz' official SHoax story...

Latest updates at "Spingola Jumps Shark, Supports Zion.gov's Official Sandy Hook Story" begin here: http://tinyurl.com/ptlqw8f

zapoper said...

"Mami's rightly doesn't post Sanshilli shows" There you go. Why would you agree with that guy. Is it only to feed your obsession?

What a good troll you are. lol

Christopher Marlowe said...

"the laughably untenable position taken by DS, KJ, MCP & MG" --> Indeed. It boggles the mind. I debated MG long ago on the sandy hoax, and his performance fell far short of what I might expect from someone running their own radio network. MCP seems to just have dug his heels in without really putting any thought into it, and now he doesn't want to back away. I can't really understand DS. I used to count her among the best in the alt media. KJ I couldn't care less. Maybe these three are suffering the early stages of alzheimers. Too much fluoride and cognitive dissonance.

I enjoyed listening to the Fetcho/Kaminski show.

rodin said...

I want to hear a refutation of the wayback internet evidence from the pro team. For, like the footage showing collapse of WTC7 at freefall this would appear to be forensic evidence proving a hoax that we can all access. (at least for now lol)

Aleksa said...

Experts have detected a new deadly disease called Sandy Hook Syndrome!

The disease mostly manifests it self at people incapable of clear thinking!
The first symptoms are believing that nobody died on 911,fake fire fighters,smoke machines and no plane theory!
If you have these symptoms please contact your local doctor before the disease take its toll!!

Second more dangerous faze and symptoms,experts say are,fanatically believing that everything is FAKE,believing that no kids died in a school shooting and that NUKES and radioactivity do not exist!
Still at this faze experts claim that disease still is curable!

The last faze ,and the most dangerous faze from which experts say is incurable and may cause death is:
Starting to research peoples ears, Believing Halbnigg,Smallstorm,Simon Shack,Ed Sharoni,september clues,farthologist,Tom in CT,John Fetzer and Jim Friend and constantly trolling and bombarding websites with 6 xilion unworthy links and Youtube videos made by some lonely trolls in their mamas basement!

Experts warn that this disease spreads very fast and that the only cure is Euthanasie!!!

Text Taken from Weekly Medical Research Magazine.

Anonymous said...

These people pushing all of this argumentative BULLSHIT know exactly what they are doing, and are doing what they can do to destroy the REAL truth-movement, since the cabal's efforts have, otherwise, failed at doing this.

Great job at destroying our credibility, you mother fuckers, you.


NB: I will proven right, once again, if I have not already. Try bringing ANY of this bullshit about "no children died at Sandy Hook" to ANYONE on-the-street, and see the response. Anyone presented with such absurdity will NEVER have anything to do with all of the truths and REAL information that we present within the REAL truth-movement, and it is my VERY STRONG BELIEF THAT THIS IS EXACTLY THE POINT OF WHAT IS TAKING-PLACE.

Anonymous said...

Almost everybody in the street is an idiot who does not know anything f.e about the power and nature of the jews. They believe in Holohoax. I don't care bout credibility in the eyes of those kind of citizens.

What is "real information"? The information from the alleged black boxes of the airplanes that never hit the WTC-towers? Almost nothing but "Allah Akbar!" or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Its getting pretty embrarrassing for the hook nosed hoaxers yet they never shut up. Worst bunch I have ever encountered lol

Christopher Marlowe said...

This is pretty pathetic.

Aleksa, Linsey: Your comments were perfectly free of any substance. (Actually, Lindsey, if you examine your argument, you seem to be asserting that Truth is determined by polling the average person on the street... That's ridiculous.)

Rodin said: "I want to hear a refutation of the wayback internet evidence from the pro team."

--> Yes. Instead of attempting ridicule you opponents, why not just try to answer that one instead? Why would a school have a busy website for several years, and then ZERO action for six years? That is a DEAD SITE. As in a CLOSED SCHOOL. As in a School that is used for a fake drill, with fake kids who were not shot; and were not rushed to the hospital; and who were not pronounced dead by a doctor, as the law requires; the fake kids were LEFT IN THE SCHOOL OVERNIGHT AND REMOVED UNDER THE CLOAK OF DARKNESS?!?! Who can actually believe this fairy tale?

Anonymous said...

I will respond, because I KNOW that I am absolutely right about my stance.

We are desperately needing to reach the stupid- and ignorant-masses to make them aware of not only what is happening TO US ALL, but make every effort possible to motivate them to actively try to reach others around them to the BIG-PICTURE, and I am telling you, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, to your faces as directly as I possibly can, that if you think that presenting bullshit, half-truths, rumors, and supposition, is going to do ANYTHING to benefit us in ANY way, then you are out-of-your-fucking-MINDS.

If you are NOT out-of-your-fucking-minds, then you are simply being intellectually-honest, and have been so wrapped-up in all of this "conspiracy" shit that you are wholly out-of-touch with the general-public.

I deal with the stupid- and ignorant-masses on an almost daily basis, and I am here to tell you that people DO want to know--not all, but more than I have seen in the past--what is happening, and ARE receptive to learning more, but need to be educated with events and information that are verifiable and have SOME semblance of sanity and reasoning, and not BULLSHIT like "no children died at Sandy Hook", or "Adam Lanza never existed"!!!

You people HAVE to know what you are doing, and if you are not knowingly pushing dis- and mis-information, then you are FUCKING NUTS.

All of you know that I tell it as I know it to be, and have been around FOR A LONG TIME, and have been around a VERY large number of people, including movers-and-shakers, so I am not just running-off-at-the-mouth talking-out-of-my-ass. I am telling you that you people pushing this BULLSHIT are not just making yourselves look insane, as fools, or dis-information agents of some sort, but you are HARMING US ALL WITHIN THE REAL TRUTH-MOVEMENT, whether we agree with this nonsense, OR NOT!!!

I have simply had enough of what I am seeing, and I am NOT going to sugar-coat the damage that is occurring from this reverse psychological-operation.

I will say this, ONCE MORE, so that you people can see what I can see: Just like with The Pentagon on 911, there are intentional inconsistencies put-in-place by the controllers to create the very thing that we all see taking-place--The arguing and in-fighting and stupidly falling for the divide-and-conquer strategem CONSTANTLY allayed against us to either demoralize us, discredit us, or to cause such tumult-and-chaos within the "movement", itself, so as to make us completely ir-relevant!!!

NOW, those of you who know me know that I VERY STRONGLY believe that a plane DID NOT hit The Pentagon, and there is a tremendous amount of evidence for my stance, especially the video showing A VERY SMALL OBJECT hitting The Pentagon, and not a gigantic jet-liner!!!

My point is that there are "just enough" questions about both incidents to lead to what is taking-place, but, unlike The Pentagon, this is actually doing REAL damage to the various "movements" all searching for different portions of "the truth", and is doing NOTHING to benefit us, at all.


NB: I want you all to very seriously consider what I have said, and HOPEFULLY, I can get you people to put your focus back on where we can all agree, and to PLEASE!!! stop falling for the tricks-and-traps of the cabal that are all being allayed against us.

Anonymous said...

Pat Colo, SHAMSHILLI? you are fucking INSANE. You are like a dingleberry, you absolutely cling to shit!

After listening to Deanna and Wade and furthermore the show with Deanna, Wade and Keith Johnson, I have to believe that those of you who still believe it was a hoax are certifiable fucking nutts from hell.

Christopher Marlowe, jesus Christ on a popsicle stick- you are an absolute fucking lunatic. You suffer from absolute cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous said...

DO NOT delete this comment again from Mr. Whooli's contribution, and I have already let him know about the removal of this comment:

I will respond, because I KNOW that I am absolutely right about my stance.

We are desperately needing to reach the stupid- and ignorant-masses to make them aware of not only what is happening TO US ALL, but make every effort possible to motivate them to actively try to reach others around them to the BIG-PICTURE, and I am telling you, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, to your faces as directly as I possibly can, that if you think that presenting bullshit, half-truths, rumors, and supposition, is going to do ANYTHING to benefit us in ANY way, then you are out-of-your-fucking-MINDS.

If you are NOT out-of-your-fucking-minds, then you are simply being intellectually-honest, and have been so wrapped-up in all of this "conspiracy" shit that you are wholly out-of-touch with the general-public.

I deal with the stupid- and ignorant-masses on an almost daily basis, and I am here to tell you that people DO want to know--not all, but more than I have seen in the past--what is happening, and ARE receptive to learning more, but need to be educated with events and information that are verifiable and have SOME semblance of sanity and reasoning, and not BULLSHIT like "no children died at Sandy Hook", or "Adam Lanza never existed"!!!

You people HAVE to know what you are doing, and if you are not knowingly pushing dis- and mis-information, then you are FUCKING NUTS.

All of you know that I tell it as I know it to be, and have been around FOR A LONG TIME, and have been around a VERY large number of people, including movers-and-shakers, so I am not just running-off-at-the-mouth talking-out-of-my-ass. I am telling you that you people pushing this BULLSHIT are not just making yourselves look insane, as fools, or dis-information agents of some sort, but you are HARMING US ALL WITHIN THE REAL TRUTH-MOVEMENT, whether we agree with this nonsense, OR NOT!!!

I have simply had enough of what I am seeing, and I am NOT going to sugar-coat the damage that is occurring from this reverse psychological-operation.

I will say this, ONCE MORE, so that you people can see what I can see: Just like with The Pentagon on 911, there are intentional inconsistencies put-in-place by the controllers to create the very thing that we all see taking-place--The arguing and in-fighting and stupidly falling for the divide-and-conquer strategem CONSTANTLY allayed against us to either demoralize us, discredit us, or to cause such tumult-and-chaos within the "movement", itself, so as to make us completely ir-relevant!!!

NOW, those of you who know me know that I VERY STRONGLY believe that a plane DID NOT hit The Pentagon, and there is a tremendous amount of evidence for my stance, especially the video showing A VERY SMALL OBJECT hitting The Pentagon, and not a gigantic jet-liner!!!

My point is that there are "just enough" questions about both incidents to lead to what is taking-place, but, unlike The Pentagon, this is actually doing REAL damage to the various "movements" all searching for different portions of "the truth", and is doing NOTHING to benefit us, at all.


NB: I want you all to very seriously consider what I have said, and HOPEFULLY, I can get you people to put your focus back on where we can all agree, and to PLEASE!!! stop falling for the tricks-and-traps of the cabal that are all being allayed against us.

Anonymous said...

I think I have heard a lot of disinfo and misinfo about Mr. Putin and his Russia recently

Deanna said...

Pat Colo, MCP's book did not convince me of anything regarding Sandy Hook. Looking at the evidence convinced me. During the time frame that you cite, 12 programs on Sandy Hook out of 63 hardly constitutes an obsession. Now if you wish to discuss obsessions, let's talk about your obsession/job to discredit me. I have never visited the web site that you designed to bash me as I assume it is all about character assassination and has nothing to do with the real SH issues. As for my other critics who used to like my work but now question it because they disagree with my position on SH, I must ask, have you done any real research or have you relied on Smallstorm, Fetzer, Halbig and Alex Jones for your views. Perhaps you are just following the example of your great leader, Fetzer, who, in his recent email, is distancing himself from Smallstorm just because she has questions about the very notable questioner, Wolfgang W. Halbig, whose questions have been repeatedly answered. Suddenly, it seems that she has lost all validity with Fetzer. I have reiterated my reasons for looking at SH here: http://www.spingola.com/Background.html As far as people feeling sorry for Halbig because of my hard questions - he knew exactly what he was doing when he accepted my invitation and played his cards to look like the poor little victim. Listening to that program requires independent thinking. On the other hand, I had no idea what I was getting into when I accepted Santilli's invitation but I am a big girl and am not going to cry about it. Regarding SH, to the critics, I say, what if it were one of your children that was murdered in a mass shooting? Would you like to be accused of being an actor? I am always going to side with the children. I have always said that if I find out that it was a hoax, I will apologize. I doubt that we will ever see the hoaxers apologize for all of the deliberate deceptions they have used to convince many people of their views and the disreputable opinions that they have given the entire movement.

SatanicJewsClues911 said...

Some of you fellas are being to hard on your selves.

I only have about a year and some change in this Awaking,,, But I see disagreements on issues as natural.

I disagree with Dianna on SandyHook, but I am still willing to Walk a Mile for Deanna and take note of her findings! What a Gift we all have in such a Lady!!

Its the CORE ISSUE of the "Jewish Problem" & their "History", that can never be erased from any Disagreement we may have!

The seeds have been planted & WE are growing in different Shapes/ Sizes & Colors!

Its time to start planting your own seeds with every hand you shake,,,, Its MOVING Forward People!

I can't find the words to Thank all the people that have reached out to me and showed me THEM F&^#king Rats hiding behind them White Faces!
May God bless ALL that share their Gift of such true knowledge with others!

You People hold so much Power, but yet, Some don't seem to realize it.

Stand up proud, Work on your Health & Kick Azz for the Next Generation!!!

Deanna said...

Regarding the alleged email from Fetzer - there are a couple of grammatical errors that a professor, one who has edited numerous books, would not make. Here is the exact text: "All, Let me give you an idea how cheap and phony this is. I have learned that Sofia OF ALL PEOPLE has encouraged the maker of a video attacking Wolfgang that he is doing “a good job" and she has more dirt for him. THAT IS DISGUSTING.

I KNOW THAT Wolf is “THE REAL DEAL”. I am not so sure about some of the rest of you any more. I could tell that Sofia felt she was not getting all of the attention she deserved, but his is DEPLORABLE. I can’t imagine a lower blow.

I no longer believe in her. I am fed up. We are engaged in a might battle for the truth about Sandy Hook. Having traitor in our midst is the most unkind cut. He offered to fly her to Newtown, which she curtly refused. I AM DONE with Sofia.
The period after THE REAL DEAL should be within the quotation marks not outside of them. An educated editor would never make that mistake. It may be that the writer chose that phrase, the real deal, to add credibility to the idea that Fetzer wrote the email. In the next sentence the words any more should be one word, anymore. Fetzer's thinking is very unclear and unspecific - Who offered to fly Sophia to Newtown? Which person, of those receiving the email, exposed it? Who really wrote the email and for what purpose? If he did write it, then he has more than just the problem of being unable to count trees. Where is the original of this letter posted?

kowboy 83 said...

For the few people who can't or won't come to terms with the fact that it is not unusual for our jewish masters to spend billions of dollars and resources and months or even years to plan an elaborate hoax, I have one word for you: holohoax. Do you really think faking the deaths of 2 Dozen people would be too far fetched, when they have successfully faked the deaths of 6 million people when it serves their kosher purposes? I think not.

That being said, whether hoax or not (which all signs point to it being one), their agenda was gun confiscation. End of story. Further bickering and name calling about subjects like this and 9/11 only makes us look like foolish goys entertaining our heeb masters, because you know they are laughing at us when we debate things of this nature.

More important than that, it DIVIDES us and keeps our eyes on each other instead of them. There is a time to debate things of interest to us...and that time is AFTER we expel these parasites from our White nations. When the cleansing is over, then by all means, debate this shit till the cows come home. Until our task is finished however, we should be putting forth the effort to awaken as many Whites who are still in la la land as possible, and exposing these jews as the criminals they are instead of belittling each other.

Divide and conquer is their weapon. Don't fall victim to it again. Let's keep our eye on the prize and stop getting sidetracked.

Beep said...

The email from Fetzer trashing Smallstorm is not alleged, Fetzer admitted to having sent it on his blog.

Fetzer - "Wolf was copied on those emails and I was asked for permission to post them, which I granted. So they are from me and express my sincere views about all of this." Halbig posted it on Facebook where I copied it from.

Halbig claims on Facebook that he invited Fetzer, Tracey and Smallstorm to go with him on his trip to Newtown. Both Tracy and Smallstorm turned him down.

Halbig - I have invited James Tracey, Sofia Smallstorm and Jim Fetzer to go with me and sit in the front row of the Newtown Public School Board Meeting on May 6th. Only Jim Fetzer had the courage to accept and stand with me and that is with all their expenses paid.

Beep said...

The back story to the Fetzer/Smallstorm drama is that Brendan Hunt aka YouTube user xrayutra made a video entitled "SANDY HOOK: Wolfgang Halbig Is a Fraud", highly critical of Halbig's 16 questions. It would appear that Fetzer trashed Smallstorm and called her a traitor because of her endorsement of the video as seen in the top comment by Hunt.

xrayultra - Sofia Smallstorm (the lady who made the "Unraveling Sandy Hook" video) just called me and said the video I made on Wolfgang was very good, and she apparently has additional info to share. im taking that as a good sign I was on point about the concerns I shared here. ill keep people posted if I learn anything interesting.?


Deanna said...

Smallstorm and Dr. James Tracy are incredibly wise not to approach the Newtown School Board with questions that have already been answered and are not even under the school board's jurisdiction. The only question that is relevant is #9. Fetzer and Halbig are going to look pretty ridiculous. See the answers to the questions at Wade's site: http://sandyhookanalysis.blogspot.com/