May 07, 2014


Deanna Spingola talks to her guests Wolfgang Halbig, Jim Fetzer and Dave Gahary, as they discuss their day in Newtown, Connecticut.

Update (by Deanna): Unfortunately, Dr. Fetzer and Mr. Halbig were unavailable for the program. They decided to join Jeff Rense later in the evening after taking a much-needed rest from their day's activities. Apparently, Halbig was unable to obtain the answers to his 16 questions from anyone in Newtown after spending all of the time and money (from donations) to go there. One may see the answers to those questions by visiting Wade's page, which he posted on March 23, 2014. Halbig did not ask the school board the only question that they, having the proper jurisdiction over, could have answered—had the school been in operation during the last five years? Some people claim that it was not. It is uncertain exactly what Halbig and Fetzer actually accomplished but their visit certainly became the focus of a lot of media attention. An NBC correspondent was at the school board meeting, InfoWars had a representative there and the local newspapers covered Halbig's viist.

AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk) 



phyllis66 said...

More arm waving and donation seeking b.s. by a guy that revealed NOTHING! Do you actually any of those false info sites are going to reveal the smoking gun info on anything? ha ha not a chance.

Anonymous said...

Deanna is hilarious

"He was hungry"

"He is photogenic"

Those comments made me laugh. Great job to Deanna

Aleksa said...

Bravo Deanna!!

Nick Dean said...

Well as a SH agnostic I wasn't impressed by Spingola.

Immediately Gahary talked about the way everyone in SH/Newtown clammed up and wouldn't speak at all, even pushing Halbig out the fire station/f.s. office, and Spingola made pains to understand and explain away the omerta or refusal to debate, I thought of how often she has been sensible about the omerta or refusal to debate the lolocaust - rightly recognizing this itself as an indication of bullshit and cover-up.

And the unwillingness to acknowledge weird anomalies she'd happily point out if this were a conspiracy theory she believed in - Gahary's example of the kids walking down the road past several more friendly looking places, then up a hill to get to Rosen's house. And the Coroner's bizarre, "I hope all this doesn't come back and bite Sandy Hook" (my paraphrase, but you all know what I mean).

Why try and hush all this away when it really is odd? If she is so confident in her police and MSM derived big picture, why is she sweating over the details?

There were other things I forget now.

Having said all that, I would much prefer both Spingola and Fetzer focus on the lolocaust and 9/11, the defining events and lies of the modern world. SH in contrast isn't known to matter very much at all.

Anonymous said...

Review of the May 6 DSpingola/DGahary/KJohnson/Anonymous-Wade show:

From Mar 31 2014:
Santilli: So, you've said you read the reports, and, I'm not even going by the conspiracy theories. How do we know that we're to trust those reports? Can we?

Spingola: I think that, yes, I think you can.

^ ref:

I've got a sneaking suspicion, that Deanna's Illinois State Lottery ship might be about to come in!

Jim Fetzer said...

If it's working now, here is a link to the interview we did with Jeff Rense that evening:

And here is a link to Academic Freedom Conference: JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust:

For my presentation specifically,

Wolf and I decided that this was not the venue for us to be discussing Sandy Hook. Deanna has a long and disgraceful record of shilling for the official account, which is provably false:

"Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an elaborate haox"

"Wolfgang Halbig heads to Newtown for the Truth about Sandy Hook"

"Sandy Hook Elementary School: closed in 2008, a stage in 2012"

"Newtown School Board, The Newtown Bee complicity in the Sandy Hook Hoax"

Anyone who is naive enough to swallow what they have been told about Sandy Hook, as this person does, it really not worth the time and effort. We have been there, done that, with her before. We passed.

Jim Fetzer said...

Here is a link to a story about our visit to the School Board and some comments I posted, including 15 of my own questions for them to answer. Of course, it was their tactic to remain silent, but this is not about to go away, which Deanna can belittle at her leisure:

Jim Fetzer said...

We made Brasscheck TV:

Nick Dean said...

Thank you for the links, Prof. Fetzer. And your Rense link is working fine.

Are the other presentations from the Academic Freedom Conference available online yet - Nick Kollerstrom etc.?