August 26, 2014

"NEW WORLD ORDER PLEDGED TO JEWS" New York Times, October 6, 1940


Nick Dean said...

2109You have to wonder - are consumers of mainstream media really so much less *awake* on average than consumers of conspindustry media?

So the fuck what? Whenever this innocuous phrase has been used by a politician the only meaningful question is what kind of order they are proposing to establish.

And it has been used by many politicians proposing many alternative and opposing policies precisely because it is so innocent and straightforward.

And after all, everyone but the lobotomized wants a new world order!

Presumably it was promoted into the conspindustry discourse precisely because it's so obviously trivial and therefore those who make so much of it look so foolish.

Noor al Haqiqa said...

There are a few lines given by Daddy Bush on Sept 11, 1991, that are almost word for word in this article. The intent is identical.
These stubborn buzztards will not give up until they are annihilated.

They have been boasting about their control over the NWO/JWO for some time now but people have just not been listening. Articles like this are sort of serving notice of intent so that they can say you were warned... If you do not then actively dissent, they take your negligence as consent to continue with their actions.

This is a very necessary part of things, they must have our consent one way or another. Having our consent for our own downfall was part of Satan's final bargain with God, wasn't it?

Unknown said...

Noor al Haqiqa summed up her comment by saying...

"Having our consent for our own downfall was part of Satan's final bargain with God, wasn't it?"

Depends who you're asking. If you were asking me I'd say that I don't believe Rapunzel had hair long enough or strong enough to allow her to lower it all the way down from a tower so that her knight in shining armor could climb up to save her either. Or that Sleeping Beauty really slept for a hundred years. Or that the Evil Queen actually had a talking mirror that told her who was the fairest in the land. Or any other fairy tale that's not supposed to be taken literally...

Henry said...

Noor is right to point out the uncanny similarity with the words of Bush Sr. There's a likely reason for that.

Arthur Greenwood's letter to the head of the WJC was actually drafted by the WJC following "negotiations" with the British Government.

That's right Ladies and Gentlemen...It's another "Balfour Declaration".

Only this time bigger and better...Rabbi Wise says as much in the article:

'Comparing the statement with the Balfour Declaration of 1917, Dr. Wise declared that "in a sense it had wider and father reaching implications" as it dealt with Jews throughout the world.'

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