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Got Jews?? Get rid of the little buggers with New Testament "Pray-Away"! (* it doesn't work!) |
"Faith Is Not A Virtue, Faith Is Gullibility!" - A segment taken from The Atheist Experience : A weekly cable access television show in Austin, Texas, geared at a non-atheist audience.
Lindsey is so bang on here it is painful. I won't accuse anyone of knowing what they are doing but I do point at this sort of material and see it as more anti-White material. It is digging at the core of our social network that has been going on as part of the spiritual war for centuries. Time to get a little common sense and balance ~ such common sense is unheard of today of course.
Remember, the biggest supporters of atheism and the chaos it can and will wreak upon us are the common enemy of HUMANITY ~ much of the funding of these movements is Chabad oriented.
Who are the true nihilists of the planet? You can kick Christianity this way and that, but it was and remains, in its truest essence, a belief in goodness of mankind ~ the golden rule and all that jazz.
I ain't naive, nor am I a Christian as such. But I shudder when I see such twisted material posted anywhere. Atheism is just plain unnatural.
Cannot have that, can we?
The L word doesn't exist in this Dojo. And it's amazing how the adherents of the Abrahamic Religious sects come crawling out from under their rocks when someone dares to pull the curtain away and expose Religion and dogma for the Jewish Ponzi Scheme it has always been.
To claim anyone exposing the hypocrisies of Religion is "Anti-White" is patently ridiculous. And trying to tar Atheists with the label of "Chabad"? That is Pathetic.
Any time the hierarchies of such Faiths make pronouncements about their own histories, it has always been at odds with the wealth,pomp and circumstance that all Churches surround themselves with. Who happens to be the richest and largest landowners this side of actual nation states? And what are "Spiritual" organisations doing acquiring such wealth and power in the first place?If something is the truth, it doesn't need private armies,Inquisitions and Atrocity after atrocity committed in it's name to prove it's veracity? Yet that's what we've seen from all the Abrahamic religions - from their beginnings, to their positions in the world today.
Thanks Jews? No - Fuck You Jews for unleashing Spiritual Hell after Hell upon the face of this planet in your quest for domination. And fuck all of their little helpers who make our job here harder with their deluded inputs.
I never understood why atheists try to prove there is no God, or that God doesn't exist. I just figure they would be content with the knowledge that they are the alpha and the omega.
It's not about proving there's no God. It's about removing the Power of those organisations who all have their roots in Judaism. Who created the myths and legends they proclaim as truth;as mechanisms of societal control and repression.
To be free of Jewish Control today, you need to divest yourself of everything they have given you - including the Abrahamic Religions. Any attempt to be free of the cloying stench of the Jew is doomed to failure if their support mechanisms are allowed to flourish.
>To be free of Jewish Control today, you need to divest yourself of everything they have given you - including the Abrahamic Religions
Agreed. Christianity and Catholicism have been taken over by Jews.
BTW, Jews are attacking Daily Stormer.
Foon1e; please understand that if it appeared that I was attacking you in my comment (that you deleted), I apologize. Your belief system is the essence of you and is part of your uniqueness. Perhaps my attempt to justify Lindsay was in error because he attacked you rather than allowing his comment to stand on its own merit.
Not withstanding the common adversary wins here using the division tactic.
No problem Michzel. The L word Is banned from mami's permanently. So people repeating his self-important and deranged accusations tend to end up in the spambox too. As i explained on my own Blog, My own reasoning for asking these questions is Simple: Looking at *who* created these "Systems Of Control" 2 millennia ago. The Current state of "Belief" today has been shaped,guided and manipulated to achieve *their* Goals. The usage of the mental enslavement technique known as "Putting the FEAR of God" into the psyche of mankind has produced today a peculiarly malleable creature;whose opinion and actions have been directed en mass towards any achievable goal on behalf of those who govern "Behind The Scenes".
What is Religion? It's mankind's innate fear of the dissolution of the self. To escape the inevitable end result of entropy, they accept any concept that promises them "Salvation" or "Eternal Life". This usually has a price tag though :The surrender of the Moral and Spiritual aspects of their own lives on this plane of existence to self-appointed "Shepherds".
I personally object to the imposition of these Shepherd's Dogma upon the weaker minds of the "Faithful". Denying People the right to think for themselves without FEAR being used as a weapon against them is anathema to me.
Hence my attempting to use articles about this subject to either shock or shake people back to awareness of what has been done to them.
Oh yes. L is indeed shorthand for *Loony*! Rant away Flake. Nothing you ever say will remain here. Twat.
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