July 09, 2015

The Trans-Pacific Partnership: It’s Free Trade on Steroids

The Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a treaty involving 12 nations, essentially an expansion of “free trade,” the “Trojan horse” of multinational and globalist interests. The planned treaty consists of 29 chapters, only five of which deal with trade, not unlike the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) that comprises two entire books and over 1,000 pages of text.
A large portion of the intended treaty deals with the Internet, regulating what service providers must collect, what content shall be allowed, and how it will be regulated. Currently, the U.S. controls ICANN—the body that regulates the Internet—but that is planned to be terminated and the Internet become controlled by an international body. This will likely mean the end to net neutrality, the First Amendment and the Fourth Amendment.         ***Read full article here***

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