August 08, 2015

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2015.08.08

Inside the Eye – Live! for August 8, 2015, took a decidedly sharp turn in covering developing US political developments within the first GOP (Republican) Presidential Candidate Debate as well as Obama’s foreign policy speech at the American University, wherein he discussed the necessity to conclude the Iran P5+1 Nuclear Deal in the face of Jewish efforts to sabotage the internationally negotiated agreement. In addition, Inside the Eye – Live! covered the very real problems of radicalized immigration in Europe as well as the ongoing economic war on Russia via economic sanctions.

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Revolution Radio @ Freedom


rodin said...

Fetch is on fire and I am only 1/3 way thru

Scotland is nowhere near as bad... yet...

Negentropic said...

@Analysis of the Osama bin Obongo speech

Fetch, I couldn't believe what I was hearing near the hour and a half mark. Have you lost your mind man? lol

Osama bin Biden aka Obongo never wrote a speech in his whole life, probably never had a single independent thought in his whole life. He is AT ALL TIMES reading a teleprompter and/or repeating words previously written and rehearsed by an entire TEAM of speech-writing/rhetoric and mass-psychology experts. Neither did any other president since Nixon and probably even before, but especially this sleaziest of puppets. That whole "anti-Israel" stance is nothing but a "damage control" ruse written in by the Jews themselves for their robotic neuro-linguistic manipulation machine to parrot out which gives. Obongo's "speech," if it had been a real and honest speech, wouldn't even get on the most rinky-tink of airwaves and Osama Obamalabama robot # 4 himself put on ice through scandals Billy Bob Clinton never dreamed of, faster than his tele-prompter could malfunction twice.

And this is BEFORE anyone might come to realize that Iran itself is controlled opposition and has been since 1979, nuke weapons have never conclusively been proven to exist, and Islamic Iran itself has mass-unemployment, 35 years of double-digit inflation, the #1 rate of hard-drug addiction on the planet to fix BEFORE it can even have dreams of something as complicated as "nook weapons" or a "space program." LOL Islamic Iran still has to make a single car off a production line of its own design! That's when it's not lashing people 74 (7+4=11) times, as per their written penal code, for "horrific crimes" such as adultery and lesbianism. But it's building nookoolar weapons? Come on!

Don't you see how silly the whole 35-YEAR-LONG media-circus and charade is? The low-level chosen-foreskins like Yetanbahu-baby-goober-sucker and the rest are SUPPOSED TO go out there and sabre-rattle, WWF style, on a regular basis, to confuse the goyim of the world glued to their electric Jew.

I know you said you don't like Osamabongado, but even speculating on the possiblity of "heroism" out of a puppet like this is silly. Were you out in the sun too long out there in Saudi land? LOL

Negentropic said...

Correction of unfinished sentence: parrot out which gives it more "street-cred."

WWS said...

Jews come in many different strains. Obongo's backing is by the liberal non-pro-Israel (but still pro-Jewish) faction. Donald Trump is the crazy Likudnik candidate, and that means 50+ million Christian-Zionist votes, plus all the others.

Whether we like it or not, as things stand now, he is already in. Trump is the 'White Obongo' (note the similarities).

A 'third party' Trump win would be an almost immediate disaster: after the Republicans are destroyed and Democrats become toothless, this American single party fascism, controlled by Jews through their shabbos goy pretty boy, is the worst thing that could happen – first thing to go: 'freedom' of speech!

Republican Trump vs Democrat Hillary is the best bet for this increasingly implausible world, so play for time and pull for a Trump Republican candidacy. Then, if you must vote, vote Hillary – the former 'worse is better'.


quaere verum said...

Scotland is nowhere near as bad, but, it is on it's way. Especially with the SNP communists in charge.

TheFetch said...

First of all guys - if you listened carefully - I clearly said in a very explicit but indirect way, that Obama did not write that speech. The key point is that this is the first time we have heard any speech of substance that directly challenges the Neocon narrative.

The truth be told, on this issue (Nuclear Issue), nobody who is serious believes Iran is trying to build a bomb. That is not the point. Unless a system can be put in place to remove the constant media and political forces that constantly sell this line, public opinion can always be changed and conditions created that would send the United States into what could be a final death knell as it is plunged into another senseless war based on fabricated realities - ala Iraq - and who ever wrote this speech - was clearly saying this.

Second, we cannot just assume "out of hand" that everything is "just a ruse" relative to the Jewish question: there remains a faction within US national security infrastructures that are not loyal to, and indeed despise, Jews and Israel as much as I.

Third, I am already of the position that Trump is a neophyte relative to geopolitics. The issue here is that he is speaking about two issues that are of a critical concern: Immigration, which dilutes White voting power, and Political Correctness, which creates rhetorical conditions that prevent discussing the real political issues the country, which remains largely White, faces.

Last. No way no how are we trying to paint Obama in some hero light. The guy is exceedingly evil. He is an imposter. We really do not even know who he is. However, this speech contained many hints and overt comments that are coming from a minority "Nationalist" US Security block within the deep state of the United States. I feel that, as these shows are produced on the fly, that the effort sought to properly keep everything in perspective.

WWS said...

Fetch ~ I'm not sure how much, if any, of your response was directed my way, but I'll stick with my analysis, and concerns. All the best! ~ Bob

rodin said...

SNP have no truck with Israel, and ps used to be known as Tartan Tories...

We got some decent broads in charge over here...

TheFetch said...

At 2:08:39 of this recording, I actually explicitly said that Obama did not write this speech...

TheFetch said...

WWS - no worries on that one. I have received some emails that definitely support your views and I am inclined to agree on the points you make. Enough so that it will prolly make it into next weeks show as a caveat to damper some of the enthusiasm.