March 17, 2019

Putin’s Scientists Predict Mega U.S. Earthquake in ‘Two Weeks!’

In a new report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Institute of Physics of the Earth warned that America in the next two weeks is in danger of catastrophic proportions Earthquake .
Focusing on the U.S., Mexico, Central and South America, and the region along the west coast of the New Madrid zone Fault.

SCIENTISTS have urged government officials to prepare for a terrifying and unprecedented magnitude-9 mega-earthquake that would unleash a deadly tsunami with 30 metre-high waves.


mañana-life said...

Originally published on March 5th, I guess we're screwed now.

Naji Ahmadhi said...

At first I thought it was Sorcha Faal This was first published around 2011 and is being recycled

Jew_ ron_im-o said...
