June 15, 2019

War drums beat louder @TheDuran


Voltman said...

Fagotty Gayham said Iran is hitting tankers? Really?

Hemorrhagic Stupiditas strikes again!

Nelms June 14, 2019:

"Well sure, I always remove unexploded ordnance with my hands, just pull it out. Unexploded grenades, pipe bombs, missiles, you name it, I just pick that stuff up with my hands."

US CENTCOM releases grainy video of boat to accuse Iran of attacks

Fagotty Gayham wants to terrorize the rest of the world by attacking Venezuela to save the Venezuelans from Maduro The Thug...? (insert laugh track)

US must invade Venezuela to scare Iran and North Korea: Senator Graham


I want to see Russia invade BrainWashington D.C. and show us what real meddling looks like!

Hey Vladimir! Come on down! Send some of those special forces of yours to WARshington if you're serious about fighting the war on terror.

Osama Bin Laden only had 4 hijacked passenger planes, a box of box-cutters and a Quran, yet they managed to bring down not one, but two skyscrapers a quarter-mile high, as well as hit the central headquarters of the US war machine: Pentagoonia!

Imagine what the Russians could do with real military equipment and imagination. Imagine if Vladimir financed Plutonymus Maximus!

Voltman said...

"Plutonymus Maximus" claims to have developed “The Genius Bomb” which allegedly is equipped with psychopath detectors and bullshit detectors allowing the bomb to zoom in on bullshitting psychopaths within targeted organizations while leaving the innocent people nearly untouched unless they happen to be within 10 feet of these targeted individuals. These Genius Bombs have the ability to split into many smaller bombs eliminating collateral damage.

Voltman said...

!!! Latest breaking news from Plutonymus Maximus !!!

Software specialists at Plutonymus Maximus have perfected their algorithms in such a way that each target selected by the ZIOG (Zionist Ogre) gets re-assigned to a more appropriate and deserving target...{{{ smiles }}}

The fact that most of the hardware has already been put in place by the empire itself, has allowed Plutonymus Maximus to keep the costs at a bare minimum...
{{{ BIG smiles }}}

Voltman Plutonymus Rex

Come on Back to the War - By Brother Nathanael