October 21, 2019

Four More Years Of The Faggot Par Excellence


KnownUnknown said...


blake121666 said...

Cool! I hope he and his family wear samurai garb in a trip to Japan. Loved, loved, loved the India trip!!!111

zapoper said...

I'm so fucking pissed off. I know that they are all marionettes but I was hoping for the right to win because they would have built the pipeline and toned down the immigration etc.

Now I'm hopping mad and getting drunk.

I understand that elections are fixed but we still have paper ballots up here and they are counted by humans. It is still relatively easy to "fix" some problem cities but not as easy as flipping the votes through black box machines like in the USA.

If this is the real result of the Canadian elections then most people in this country are fucking retarded.

I see it all day long. Why Am I surprised?

The brainwashing is so ingrained in people that they call me the usual names that you would only expect out of antifa.

If they prefer taking the express train to hell,


. said...

I am, truly, sorry for your plight, Zapper. As I have written, so many times, before now, AT LEAST, we have President Trump doing SOMETHING, in-stead of the fucking SHIT that you have in Canada.

The fact is that The United States of America is the last hope for this planet, and that is that.

What happens, next year, People, will be THE most important period-of-time in our life-times, since the TRUE good-guys were defeated, so many years, ago, now.

I know how depressed, and upset, you are, and RIGHTFULLY-SO.

. said...

THIS kind-of-fucking-shit pisses-me-off: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1186500787922448384

Why does he have to be a God damned LIAR? Why can't he just FUCKING TELL THE TRUTH, ALL-OF-THE-TIME, and not LIE like that?!

It is BULLSHIT, and it is BAD.

. said...

I posted that, so that you people can read the replies, especially that first one, from mike cernovich.

maƱana-life said...

We're fucked, welcome to Canadastan

KnownUnknown said...

It's fucked mate! Welcome to the club lol

KnownUnknown said...

BTW my mates in Vancouver want out! Lol

Scorpio said...

Imagine if someone on the right had been caught dressing up in blackface not once but several times. Their career would have been over and disgraced for life. shitlbs get a pass. This double standard BS seems to permeate every aspect of political life.
I was rooting for the guy in the turban, just for the visual effect.

Og said...

@Unknown change your ID when you post here, do NOT USE Unknown again or I'll spam it and I don't give a shite what you post

Use any fake name you like, but not Unknown

As for the thread, all you homo Canadians deserve what you got lol

. said...

"EVERYONE" is glossing-over the FACT that trudea is a LITERAL pederast, and child-fucker.

Is there a reason why people are not en-raged about that FACT?

. said...

If any-of-you-people want to know what has become-of-Canaduh, WATCH THIS: https://youtu.be/Mkb3oFIFAXc

You can skip to just the "panelists" conversing, in-order to see my point, which adds-up to only about two hours, or so, in-total.

Holly Woodrow said...

The confidence-man extraordinaire there is the trumpster

badbeta said...

Thanks to the BQ for holding the Libs to a minority government. I figured that was going to be the best we could do, since we have 4 Lib parties running in this country.

Nona said...

Of course, he cheated with the voting machines!

Liam said...

@ The Ogster "As for the thread, all you homo Canadians deserve what you got lol" Kind of like the Irish got the homo PM they deserve, aye! lol
I am not Canadian or a sodomite, but I like it here in Canada and could not give a toss about the poly-ticks.