July 05, 2020

This Is Your Brain On Technology And New Media

Twitter Ditches "Offensive" Non-Inclusive Terms Such As "Whitelist", "Man Hours" And "He, Him, His"

Twitter on Friday announced a list of words and phrases that their engineering team will begin using in place of ‘problematic’ language which “does not reflect our values as a company or represent the people we serve.” Now, “man hours” will be “person hours” or “engineer hours,” the word “Blacklist” will become “Denylist,” and Whitelist will be the “Allowlist.” Don’t even think about misgendering – the ultimate microaggression. Inclusive language plays a critical role in fostering an environment where everyone belongs. At Twitter, the language we have been using in our code does not reflect our values as a company or represent the people we serve. We want to change that. #WordsMatter https://t.co/JVO8968B7K — Twitter Engineering (@TwitterEng) July 2, 2020

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