September 11, 2023

911 Flashbacks - Israel, the Neoconderthals & 911 - The Collapse of WTC 7 & The "Free World" - Ernst Zündel on Adolf Hitler - HOTEL CANUCKISTANIA: Raging Dissident - Andrea Bocelli and HAUSER in New York


It Explodes Just Like That
More Concrete Evidence Of No Planes On 9-11 - Examining The Reality

Israel Did 911

911 Leads Have suddenly Dried Up
Israel & 911
WTC 7 Collapse many angles
911's a Lie
Deek Jackson
Doth thou thinketh 911 an insideth job
Deek Jackson


More Concrete Evidence Of No Planes On 9-11 - Examining The Reality

On the 22nd anniversary of the crime of the century, the criminals remain at large while the public has only gotten dumber and easier to fool and we continue to suffer the consequences of zero accountability for the powerful. For now.
In memoriam of all those tragically lost at home and around the world as a direct consequence of our cowardice.

No more thoughts and prayers - lots more plans and action.

We will not roll over and go away.


911 Leads Have suddenly Dried Up
Israel & 911



WTC 7 Collapse many angles

911's a Lie
Deek Jackson

Doth thou thinketh 911 an insideth job


Andrea Bocelli and HAUSER - Melodramma LIVE from Times Square, New York

Brought to you by Voltman


Voltman said...

andyay on August 19, 2023:

I thoroughly recommend Voltman’s contributions to grizzom.blogspot. Our friend is a most astute curator of important but marginalized materials. He highlights revisionist authors; independent journalists and commenters; video and audio from the political fringe; utterly daft memes and cartoons, in a richly educational pot pourri. Grizzom is a graphically attractive site too. I’m not saying this because Voltman graciously includes comments from truthseeker regulars, like Fred B, Yukon Jack, Tony O’Neill, Mefobills, myself and others, among his splendid collations. I’m trying to tempt you all, though.

I have a hardcopy of Thomas Dalton’s “Hitler On The Jews.” It is highly instructive to read what Adolf Hitler actually said about the jews, as opposed to what others have falsely attributed to him post-mortem.

How can we reconcile the words of World War II’s greatest soldier, Leon Degrelle, who remembered Adolf Hitler as a man whom he thought was “too kind in his nature”?

“Mein Kampf” — Hitler Used Rothschild Banker’s Typewriter – Aug 17, 2023

Adanac said...

Voltman on August 19, 2023 at 12:07 am
I strongly recommend listening to this narration by Thomas Dalton of Mein Kampf and other written gems by Adolf Hitler, a True Leader – Hitler on the Jews – An Homage to The Fuhrer – Voltman –

Nothing wrong with some shameless self promotion!!!

The big problem is people are too invested in their saviors. Hitler, Putan etc, were and are nothing more than establishment lackeys. Adolf was a trained actor. Frothing at the mouth while reading speeches that were prepared for him was nothing more than ruse. You need to know who you are and where your line in the sand is. Most people don't are are willing to suck a dick to stay fed.

Adanac said...

and are willing*

Adanac said...

Lift To Experience - These Are The Days (2017 Mix)

Adanac said...

These Are The Days (2001)

These are the days
Marching toward us with visions in their eyes
These are the days
Racing toward us with blood on their teeth and lips

And I can hardly wait to hear that great trumpet sound
Pouring down out across the land

These, these are the days that must happen to you
These, these are the days that must happen to you

[Verse 2]
These are the days that must happen to you
Bloody times ahead for God's chosen few
With our instruments as swords, weapons of war
Marching around the city seven times

And I can hardly wait to hear that great trumpet sound
Pouring down out across... out across the land

So we approach the end, when God judges man's sin
Yeah the time is running thin
Let the countdown begin
Four... three... two... one...
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With Crippled Wings
Lift To Experience
Just As Was Told
Lift To Experience
Into The Storm
Lift To Experience
[Verse 3]
Yeah the whole world is gonna shake
When The Levee Breaks
And it feels the wrath
Of God's terrible swift sword

(These, these are the days that must happen to you)
These are the days that must happen to you
These are the days that must happen to you
The best and the worst, the blessed and the first
These are the days that must happen to you
(These, these are the days that must happen to you)
These are the times that must happen to you
These are the things that must come on out
To bring out the best to bring out the worst
Times of it all

[Verse 4]
These are the days that must happen to you
The stars are aligned for all God's chosen few
So all you haircut bands, doing headstands
Thinking you'll turn the world upside down
Put your guitars up over your shoulders
A new sort of experience is taking over
'Cause we're simply the best band in the whole damn land
And 'Texas Is The Reason'
The city is ours for the taking
And a host of many
More Heavenly angels
Are on their way
These are the days

Adanac said...

Covid, Normies, Hitler Oh my!

Why are People so Obedient? - Compliance and Tyranny

Voltman said...

andyay on September 8, 2022 at 11:40 am

On April 7th 1933, Adolf Hitler made the decision to ban freemasons from public office. He had been Reich Chancellor for sixty-eight days. Freemasons who formally terminated their membership of the lodges, were not debarred from government or civic administration.

The National Socialists had been anti-masonic from their inception. Yet, freemasonry was not banned in Germany until two years later in 1935. The reason for this was, in part because the Prussian lodges had never allowed jews to join their fraternities and were unquestionably, ethically, anti-jewish. The other German lodges were distinct and freely admitted jews into the “craft.”

The leadership of the NSDAP might have believed that the Prussian lodges could be brought on side and might even provide a model of tolerable freemasonic practice. Secret societies can never be persuaded to act against the interests of their hierarchies, however. There is too much internal constraint against independent advocacy and freedom of association.

In Royal Arch Freemansonry (semitic-aristocratic freemasonry) the initiate is required to pledge fidelity to their worshipful bretheren, above and beyond the law of the land and common morality. It is even clearly stipulated in their rule book that where a lodge member has committed murder, the murderer is to be protected from arrest and prosecution by all means. Freemasonry is devilry.

If Adolf Hitler were a covert freemason, why would he have proscribed all freemasonry within two years of his Chancellory? What is difficult to understand about this? How on Earth does a borrowed typewriter mitigate against his subsequent actions? Ahistorical, hysterical, inversions of the truth are, what they should be taken for: ruinous propagandism.

Adanac said...

Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles! There is a ton of smoke and mirrors during this period.

It's a big pile of shit to pick cherries from. What was happening in the banking sector both pre war, during the war and post war, paints a pretty clear picture of the usual suspects doing their thing.

Hjalmar Schacht was one of the founding members of the BIS along with Montagu Norman. Norman was the god father to Schcht's children FFS.

"The BIS was created by Montagu Norman in the context of the Young Plan, on the initiative of a group of American bankers including Owen D. Young, J. P. Morgan Jr., Thomas W. Lamont, S. Parker Gilbert, and Jackson Reynolds, with further elaboration in the spring of 1929 by Owen Young with input from Shepard Morgan, Warren Randolph Burgess, Walter W. Stewart as well as Belgian official Émile Francqui and German central banker Hjalmar Schacht. Political positions within the Herbert Hoover administration made it impossible for U.S. Federal Reserve System officials to participate directly in the initiative, but the U.S. was still able to retain the roles of BIS chairman and president (held by private bankers in liaison with the Federal Reserve) during the bank's first half-decade of operation.[4] He resigned as President of the Reichsbank in January 1939. He remained as a Minister-without-portfolio, and received the same salary, until he left the government in January 1943"

Hitler was a tool in the old game of resource management, moving people around and general genocide. Our rulers have been doing this for a very very long time.

Maybe our time would be better spent getting out from underneath our own current enslavement?

The Strawman - The Trap - Birthing Certificates - Voluntary Slaves - Banking Law - Human Farming

United Nations: The Fourth Sovereign City State of New York City

Adanac said...


"He" being, Hjalmar Schacht

[4] He resigned as President of the Reichsbank in January 1939. He remained as a Minister-without-portfolio, and received the same salary, until he left the government in January 1943"

Adanac said...

Hjalmar Schacht

Voltman said...

Economic recovery: the role of Hjalmar Schacht

"This section explores how the Nazis achieved economic recovery in Germany, which was to prove so vital to their ability to carry out their plans, such as remilitarisation and territorial expansion."

The Nazis viewed economics as a foundation to their future ideological goals. The Nazis entered government in 1933 with a set of outcomes that they wanted to achieve through economics, but not a clear policy to achieve this. The outcomes they wanted to achieve were economic stability, an end to unemployment, and Autarky .

In the first few years following their election, the Nazis tried to calm fears within the business community that they would radically reform the economy. The Nazis instead made it clear that they first sought to achieve economic stability. Their first actions towards this were to ban trade unions and freeze workers wage rates. Both of these moves greatly benefitted business interests, as they could no longer be lobbied for fairer conditions or have to compete with others wages.

On the 17 March 1933, the Nazis further appeased the business community by appointing respected banker Hjalmar Schacht as President of the Reichsbank. Schacht had previously helped to bring Germany out of crisis in 1923. In 1934, Schacht was also made the Minister for Economics. The appointment of a banker and economist who had previously had success in reviving Germany following the crisis of 1923 helped to create a sense of continuity, and reassure the business community that no radical changes were imminent.

State investment

The Nazis expanded and refined the Weimar Republic's policies of state investment – spending government money on public projects or businesses – which had been started in 1931. State investment, it was hoped, would stimulate demand for goods and expand income, and lift Germany out of economic recession. This policy was one of the defining features of the Nazis economics, as it allowed the Nazi state to slowly take control of industry."


Schacht set out his ‘New Plan’ to achieve economic stability in September 1934. This plan promoted autarky. Autarky is the concept of economic self-sufficiency, and removing dependence on foreign investment, imports and trade. It means being able to produce all that you need within your own country.

The idea that was that by achieving economic self-sufficiency Germany would be less vulnerable to fluctuations in the world’s economic situation, and more able to sustain a long war. In the First World War, Germany suffered from all kinds of shortages due to the Allies blocking the flow of goods into the country. Achieving autarky would mean that this situation could be avoided.

By 1936, Germany had reached a turning point. Unemployment had been dramatically reduced and the economy was well into its recovery under the leadership of Minister of Economics, Hjalmar Schacht. The Nazis had also consolidated their power.

Economic policy -

Voltman said...


"Having achieved economic stability, Hitler could now push for one of his key ideological goals – Lebensraum , or living space for the German people, to be gained through a war to take control of lands in the east.

Hitler set out how he planned to achieve this ideological aim and prepare for war in a secret memorandum , issued in late August 1936 to senior Nazi officials. The memorandum identified four key priorities. The priorities were: regulation on imports and exports of goods, achievement of economic self-sufficiency specifically in raw materials needed for rearmament, and retraining the labour force with industrial skills.

Hitler’s memorandum formed the basis of the Four Year Plan , which started in 1936 and aimed to be completed in 1940. The Four-Year Plan aimed to re-orientate the German economy towards rearmament and preparing for war. On the 18 October 1936, Hermann Göring was made Commissioner of the Four Year Plan, with ultimate authority to oversee its implementation.

The appointment of Göring undermined the authority of Schacht, who was opposed to rearmament. Schacht believed that the economic revival should have been continued in order to improve living standards and Germany’s international position. Schacht opposed Hitler using the stability of the economy to launch into a full-scale rearmament programme, as he was concerned that Hitler’s policies would undermine his economic achievements.

As the economy was on its way to recovery, however, Hitler no longer needed Schacht’s economic skills.

Schacht was sidelined by Göring, who enthusiastically set about implementing the Four Year Plan . The appointment of Göring to this powerful position freed Hitler from his reliance on non-Nazi economists to stabilise and recover the economy since 1933.

Economic policy -


Hjalmar Schacht

"Schacht also had doubts about the large amounts of money being spent on armaments. He warned Hitler that he was building armed forces far beyond the country's economic capacity. He found it increasingly difficult working under Hermann Goering who fully supported the government's policy on military spending. As Goering told Schacht "If the Fuehrer wishes it then two times two are five."

In November, 1937, Schacht resigned as minister of economics. However, he remained as President of the Reichsbank where he continued to oppose excessive expenditures for armaments. Hitler eventually removed Schacht from power in January, 1939."

During the Second World War he was approached by Hans Dohnanyi and Erwin von Witzleben to become involved in plots against Hitler. Schacht refused but in 1944 he was arrested and charged with being involved in the July Plot. He was sent to Dachau Concentration Camp but was still alive at the end of the war.

Arrested by the Allies he was accused of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. He was found not guilty but the German government had him re-arrested and charged him with other offences. He was sentenced to eight years imprisonment but he was freed on 2nd September, 1948.

On his release he formed his own bank in Dusseldorf. He also advised several foreign governments including Gamal Nasser in Egypt. Hjalmar Schacht died in Munich on 4th June, 1970."

Spartacus Educational Publishers


Adanac said...

Ha! He was on the payroll for several years after 39 (1943) and his so called imprisonment was short lived, he then went on to have a successful banking career! Well done!

You can dig up all the "historical facts" you like. When you follow the money it's pretty easy to understand the commercial ventures that WW1 and WW2 were. If you want to continue worshipping Hitler by all means, knock yourself out LOL

Here is an old thread from a few years ago.

Adanac said...

corrected thread,

Voltman said...

Adanac wrote:
"He was on the payroll for several years after 39 (1943) and his so called imprisonment was short lived, he then went on to have a successful banking career! Well done!"

Waht do you expect? He was a jew!

"You can dig up all the "historical facts" you like."

I certainly can dig up all the HISTORICAL FACTS i like.

"When you follow the money it's pretty easy to understand the commercial ventures that WW1 and WW2 were."

The NSDAP had to transition from a system that relied heavily on Rothschild Bankster money to a system that was based on the true source of wealth: the people's labor.

In the process, the NSDAP took money from whoever wanted to finance the Reich.

So you followed the money? I don't see the trail of money you followed. Some bankers and industrialists financed the Reich; others did not.

Money is the fruit of the people's labor.

I don't worship anybody. I admire Hitler and the Germans who tried to get out from under the yoke of bankster tyranny and nearly succeeded. He prepared for war because he knew the banksters would not allow for an independent and prosperous Germany.

His writings are a reflection of a very intelligent and knowledgeable man.


"Hitler was an intelligent and well-read man, remarkably so for someone with no formal higher education. He had a broad and largely-accurate knowledge of history, culture, religion, human biology, and social evolution. His knowledge, depth, and insight puts to shame most any present-day world leader; Hitler would have utterly embarrassed any of them in an intellectual debate."

Hitler on the jews: Learned Assessment of History’s Diabolic Parasite

"Here is the main point: All that follows, all of Hitler’s words, are not just ‘history.’ This whole topic is of colossal importance for the present day. Virtually everything Hitler said is, by and large, true today. At least in America—the ‘lone superpower’—jews do in fact run the media. Jews do in fact run Hollywood. Jews in fact own a hugely disproportionate share of wealth. Jews in fact are the primary influence in government. Jews in fact dominate academia. They manipulate these institutions to their own advantage, often—usually—to the detriment of everyone else."

Even Jesus didn't write his own book (if he even existed as presented)
Hitler did:
Hitler on the Jews - Edited and Translated by Thomas Dalton (2019)

Adanac said...

Well Voltman, you can admire Hitler all you like, but the fact is this, The whole exercise was calculated. They achieved all the things they wanted to achieve. Today the UN and associated corporations run this realm. Who do you admire today? Putin? What are you going to do when the digital ID comes a calling and the digital cash appears as legal tender for all the things you need?

I have lost faith in the church, Jesus was likely a composite character, IDK. What does matter who wrote what? Is it possible Hitler did not write anything? I say absolutely! Do you think this kind of propaganda written buy intelligence agencies is new? LOL wake up man!