May 05, 2024

Joe Bribem & The Bribe Tribe - AIPAC of Thieves, The Self-Immolating Kind + White Man, Save Yourself - Salamandren - Revolution Time - Son of Enos

 Joe Bribem & The Bribe Tribe
Majority of Americans Support Mass Deportation

Joe Bribem & The Bribe Tribe

 channel image



Dennis Fetcho knows all about the jews and knows how to sock it to em'

Don't (parody of Elvis Presley's "Don't")
BuelahMan's Revolt
(parody of Elvis Presley's "Don't")

Don't, don't, that's what you say
Each time that they offer you pay
When I feel like this and I want you to stop the gravy
Don't say don't
Don't, don't be a “Dual State”
Remember the US is your place
They want more control and I want you to end their terror

Don't say don't
If you think that this is just a game
They’re playing
If you think that they don't mean
Every word they’re saying

Don't, don't,
Don't heed their sway
You’re soul still can be saved that Day.
This you can believe
I will never trust you
Heaven knows I won't
Puppets, don't say don't

Less Bullshit From Bribem is More

October 7 was an israeli setup



BuelahMan said...

Thank you for sharing Voltman!

Jumbo Patterson said...

That poor hound looks mighty uncomfortable with Groper Joe.