March 22, 2025

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye - Live! 2025.03.22

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in the Philippines.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called "Inside The Eye - Live!" 

Hour 1 - News And Current Events

Hour 2 - Guest Fabian Fjälling, former Swedish media activist

Hour 3 - Guest Greg Johnson Editor in Chief of Counter-Currents

80k CF Download


Michael_nyc said...

Thanks Fetch for another great show today... Hopefully you'll be able to broadcast next couple of weeks on the road. God bless.

Ed in Salt Lake said...

Though the video linked below on Timothy Treadwell isn't connected to current events or political topics in any way, I found it quite interesting for multiple reasons. As many were, I was made familiar and aware of Treadwell's story through Werner Herzog's 2005 award-winning documentary 'Grizzly Man.' There are numerous people in party politics and focused on current events who possess a very similar psycho-emotional state to that of Treadwell's.

Treadwell is almost a prime example of someone who was in a state of perpetual emotional arrested development throughout his adult life. The author of the video, Andrew van der Vaart, appropriately compares him to the character Peter Pan. Applicable indeed!

It's interesting on one level because, so often we find people in politics with similar dispositions who, for whatever reasons, form similar-types of obsessive attachments to either the political figures, the parties their members of, or the events themselves. These attachments almost cause them to form these childlike identifications with the said bond. Almost as a way of finding some sustenance and meaning in what has become for them a meaningless world.

As van Der Vaart points out, there's a desire to be almost just like the attachments formed, so that there's a blurring of one's actual identity. During Covid, so many people were almost "proud" to inform others that, they either currently had Covid, or they previously had had it. So that, any criticism of Covid-19 became a de facto criticism of them. This puerile mindset pervades the "fast-food politics" world, the media-manufactured events in this world and the political figures that occupy the whole two-party mindset connected to them.

Anyhow, here's van der Vaart's analysis of Treadwell's story if you're interested!

The Tim Treadwell Delusion

decree said...

the pilot sounded so reasonable and realistic and suddenly he says Trump works long term against Isreal, too much hopium, sad. Donald got high chabad son in law and jewish grandchildren, Trump families future is jewish, why should Donald work against his families future? No way Trump will ever be against Isreal or jews.

decree said...

on the countries patchworked from several countries, look at germany before 1871, how many countries and town we were, and it works most times, except bavarians are not really germans they want to quit long time.
the yugo war was artificial imho, sure it was like a pile of wood ready to burn, but forces from outside the country light it on fire if you know what i mean, my step dad was serbian and i was there 10+ times before the split in the 1980s so i have seen a bit. Kind of ironic i was again there during the yugo war when i was in the german Bundeswehr and could see Sarajevo during the sniper alley days, impressive sad. The images are still in my mind, the blood on the market where so many died or all the bullet holes in my hotel room holiday inn, yea we technicians from the airforce lived in the Hotel, only the "Heer" regular troops lived in tents.

Michael_nyc said...

I must of walked away from listening but it's incredible the pilot would say that trump is actively going against israel. That's so far from the truth it isn't even funny. I have to listen again to the 2nd hour of the show.

TheFetch said...

The show was good and thanks all. The "hopium" vein is very strong. What is good about our network, imo, compared to Jewish or woke veins, is that we can in general accept others opinions even if we do not agree. I am on the side that Trump is clearly a raging Zionist and could even be considered racist, ergo, believing he and his Jewish friends are so far superior to Palestinians.

I don't see Trump working against Israel, but what I do see is Trump and Israel are doing more to elevate the sickness that is Judaism and the Jewish mindset more than we have seen in decades.

Nope. Not working against Israel. What Trump and Netanyahu are doing is shredding what little political sympathy people had for Israel, and it is not due to duplicity. He is showing the true malice that is the Jewish construction.

TheFetch said...

It is truly cool, to use a California term, to have such a well educated international audience...

Panzerfaust said...

Even TGP commentators are noticing it's the Jews.