Noticing Patterns With Miss Mer Bailey IV
Frederick C. Blackburn (also known as BlackBird9) studied engineering to become an electrical engineer and had a career in IT. He had a Top Secret clearance in the USA. He gave lectures to: Military and Naval Intelligence personnel as well as NSA, CIA and FBI personnel about cell phone and other technologies.
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of all people Mer bailey i dont trust a single word but seems she trust every video out there, what she talks is a mix of Stammtisch and Waschweibergeschwätz if you know what i mean.
sorry dont know if there is a single english word translation, Stammtisch is a table in a pub where men meet regular and talk talk talk alot, thats Stammtischparolen here, and Waschweib are women who do laundry day and often they meet and communicate with other women of that kind on a rumor level.
Bund Deutscher Mädchen the BdM was the female version of HJ Hitlerjugend, my grandma was in the BdM until she married, its nothing else than Boyscouts and Girlscouts, you can find the handbook of the BdM on archive org "Maedel im Dienst - Ein Handbuch - Herausgegeben von der Reichsjugendfuehrung 1934"
I will never forget the day when Mer Bailey called into John Stadtmiller's show.
She was going on and on about bat shit crazy stuff and John called her out immediately. Where did you hear this? where did you find this...She more or less had no answers. lol
He told her not to do that again or he wouldn't take her calls anymore. It was hilarious.
That man is certainly rolling in his grave with her, and others, hosting shows on his network...
from Ontario
Whoa! that's one seriously demented cackling old crone! It almost seems like elder abuse to put her on the air.
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