Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia. Show all posts

February 25, 2025

RAGECAST 519: THE SHIRT ON YOUR BACK ~ Jeffrey Sachs EU Parliament Speech ~ Following The Psyence ~ Muammar Gaddafi at the 64th U.N General Assembly & More

Jeffrey Sachs, Jimmy Dore, Muammar Gaddafi, MediaGiant, Time Unveiled, SGT Report, Gonzalo Lira, Jeremy MacKenzie.
JeremyMacKenzie - Rumble

How are enjoying the new normal ?

Please stop calling it "Trudeau's Canada" and pretending like the other 337 assholes in that god forsaken dump don't have anything to do with how absolutely fucked this place is.

When Canada feels about all politicians the same way they do about Justin Trudeau, we might get somewhere.

May 11, 2024

Society is Saturated With Satanists - Henry Makow + Smiling Faces Sometimes - The Undisputed Truth

WEF rentboy, communist Muppet Nerogula and cuckservative/Zionist champion Alberta premier Danielle Smith exchange Masonic - thumb on knuckle - handshake. All these political fakers, including Trump, DeSantis, RFK Jr. might be secret Satanists. Zionists and Communists are a tag team.
Hospitals Have Become Legalized Killing Fields...
Smiling faces sometimes
Pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces
Of the evil that lurks within
The Truth Is Coming Out Like A Cleansing
Michael Gray Griffith in Australia
Canada's Nero-Caligula Combo: Nerogula