January 31, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.01.31

Guest: Bob Chapman

Bob and John talk about the circus (Elections)

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Spingola Speaks 2012.01.31

Guests: Kenneth W. Ford Sr. & Kenneth W. Ford Jr.

Kenneth W. Ford Jr. and his father talked about Kenneth's trial and incarceration on espionage charges because of a report he wrote while working in the Iraq office indicating that there were absolutely no WMDs in Iraq. That report went to Dick Cheney. Thereafter, the government framed him apparently in order to silence him for what he knew. Ken spent more than 62 months in jail.     Listen    Download

David Duke Show 2012.01.31

Today: Guest Alfred Vierling https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Vierling Discussion about immigration in the Netherlands etc.  


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.30

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - William Rodriquez - The Last Man Out On 9/11

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Mario Apuzzo, Atty - Is Obama Coming Unraveled?

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fuksuhima Radiation In The US -From Hong Kong - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report


January 30, 2012

Robert Anton Wilson - Disinformation.mp3

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The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.01.30

Guest: Ronald MacDonald  -- NewPeopleOrder.com

Sheriff meeting in Las Vegas sparks a discussion about our only constitutionally elected law enforcement officers, and the methods of maintaining our lawful government.

Next, in an opinion column presenting the views of Mises and H. L. Mencken, the question is asked of those who seek their true power, in the fight for freedom - “Is ignorance bliss?” The CFR was created to monitor and control the major mass media newspapers of the time, and continues its control of media into the present.

Ron and John expose the take-over orchestrated by the globalists through control of our money and government, by citing the cases and law which relate to true property.     Listen    Download

David Duke Show 2012.01.30

Today: Discussion with Adrian Salbuchi in Argentina which was cut short because of a bad skype connection. David switched to Gary John in China and they then talked about genetic and cultural diversity, Christianity under siege etc.  


David's site

January 28, 2012

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye 2012.01.28


Show: Inside the Eye Live!
Websites: http://illuminatusobservor.blogspot.com/
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch is also the voice of "Inside The Eye", the podcast companion to the Illuminatus Observor.

64K - In hour one, the Fetch talks about the Adler article which called for the assassination of Obama: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/284979-ajt.html In hour two: The Iranian embargo.   Listen   Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - John Barbour - Real People

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Raj Bavnani - Mr. Raj's Neighborhood

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Mark Underwood - The Prevagen Story Continues (encore)


January 26, 2012

Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.01.26

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

No Agenda Show for Thursday January 26th 2012 " Cleanest Dirty Shirt "


David Duke Show 2012.01.26

Today: Hesham Tillawi from currentissues.tv discusses the Jewish problem.  


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.01.25

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - From England - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical/Military Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Charlotte Iserbyt - Americans Now Dumber Than Dirt

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joseph Farrell - A Conversation


The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.01.25


-Apple has 96 Billion in cash; how balance sheets provide power
-Former Treasury Secretary Paulson with inside talks with Goldman Sachs on Fannie and Freddie.
-What happened to the MF Global story ?
-Black ops, the media and money
-Andy is researching the trial of Raymond Burr, what is treason?
-The India, China Iran oil for gold stories are abundant today
-Housing numbers are in. We asked Andy what the Straight of Hormuz story is all about
-Understanding the discount window at the Fed
-Long predicted loan modification program to save the banks is getting closer. Can you particiapate?
-The USG is responsible for 40% of GDP. Have we painted ourselves into an unsustainable corner where we need poor health care and wars just to maintain status quo?
-Maiden Lane II and AIG bedtime story. It stars the Fed of NY
-EU update
-Andy’s Gold/Silver predictions for 2012

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