March 30, 2012

Spingola Speaks 2012.03.30

Guest: Karl Radl

Karl Radl, author of Communism and the Jews: A Source Reader, talked about various chapters from Fords The International Jew.

Karl Radls Website is:

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.03.30

Bank of America branch manager admits stealing $2M from customers. Greece may have to restructure debt again, S&P's Kraemer says. Feds Using NDAA To Silence Journalists Critical Of Government. MLK's Niece Alveda King: Sharpton, Jackson should stop `playing race card' over Trayvon Martin. Iranian ninjas sue Reuters for defamation of character. George Galloway wins Bradford West by-election. High Levels Of Fukushima Cesium Radiation Found In Pacific Fish. Insane Michigan government announces plan to destroy ranch livestock based on hair color and arrest hundreds of ranchers as felons.

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.03.30

Today: Dr. Duke shares the CBS article that casually reveals the Jewish Law forbids Jews from reporting Jewish lawbreakers to police, even Jews who are committing horrific crimes against children. Then he and Gary John have a conversation on the Sassoon destruction of China with the Opium Trade and the Opium wars.


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.03.29

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American At The Brink

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Clark McClelland - Former NASA Shuttle Scientist - Greg Evensen - ETs Are Here

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - From Tokyo - Richard Wilcox PhD - Fukushima Catastrophe

March 29, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.03.29

John shoots the shit about current events, and takes a few calls.

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Spingola Speaks 2012.03.29

Guest:Michael Walsh

Michael Walsh, the author of The Triumph of Reason, the Thinking Man’s Guide to Adolf Hitler, Witness to History, and Behind Enemy Lines talked about his latest article, War against the Whites. He also discussed some of the chapters from his book, Witness to History.

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No Agenda Show for Thursday, March 29nd 2012 " Multi Modal Mutt "

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.03.29

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

David Duke Show 2012.03.29

Today: Dr. Duke and International Economist and Analyst Adrian Salbuchi discuss the divide and conquer tactics of the Zionist Globalists masters of the media!


David's site

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.03.28

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - From England - Terrible Tim Rifat - War Between The Koreas?

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Larry Sinclair - Six Figure YouTube Incomes?

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Joseph Farrell - A Conversation

Understanding Law Enforcement Encounters

Special interview with Cloud Rainmaker, detailing the ins and outs of how a law enforcement encounter works and how to keep ones self protected legally when approached by the police. One of the most insightful series’ on Live Free FM so far.

Part 1

Part 2

The Bo and Rocko Show

Bo and Rocko invite Paranoid on to discuss the flaws in the legal system and how to exploit those flaws. This is an all encompassing episode that packs a lot of info into two hours.

Right-click and “save file as” to download.

Sheriff Richard Mack – The Greatest Threat to Us is Not Terrorism, it’s the Federal Government – March 27, 2012

THE MORNING SHOW with Patrick Timpone Sheriff Richard Mack Author, Speaker and Advocate of State and Individual Rights March 27, 2012 “The most important battles that we can take on are the ones that look impossible”-Richard Mack Sheriff Mack joined us this morning for a powerhouse hour on states rights, the destruction of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, state sovereignty and the role of the county sheriff. He tells us why he thinks Rosa Parks was one of the greatest American heros of all time and why Barack Obama is the worst President in American history. The discussion leads into ObamaCare in which Sheriff Mack will not particate and will fight tooth and nail calling it a ridiculous socialistic plan.


The Jack Blood Show 2012.03.28

Wednesday - Rise Up and Shine with Jack Blood. Get the latest news and analysis you won't find anywhere else. Jack's Special guest in the first hour was Wendy Lineweaver reporting on the Hutaree's court victory. In the second hour Jim Norman on the rising oil prices.

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Corbett Report Radio 2012.03.28

Corbett Report Radio 099 - Against Intellectual Property with Stephan Kinsella

Writer, thinker, lawyer and Austro-anarchist libertarian legal theorist Stephan Kinsella joins us to discuss his writing on intellectual property. We discuss the philosophical roots of property rights, how IP differs from those concepts, and how alternative models of making money from creative work are being pioneered in the age of the internet.

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March 28, 2012

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.03.28

Today I expounded on the debate yesterday with Mike Kelley.

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Max Igan - Participating In Your Own Salvation - American Voice Radio - 03/23/12

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.03.28

Guests Peter Niese

Peter joins John and discuss constitutional law and what exactly is being done in the legal system when it comes to criminality, justice, and liberty.

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Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2012.03.28

"Modern Money Theory and Private Banks" with Stephanie Kelton and Michael Hudson at the economic Summit On Modern Money Theory in Rimini, Italy. Functional finance; business cycle; real costs of unemployment; sovereign currency versus fixed exchange rates and the gold standard; macroeconomic policy; fiscal policy; vulture banks; Latvia as the standard for Europe under neoliberalism.

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The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.03.28

He Who Monetizes Debt Makes the Rules….For Now

We start the show with an update on one of the largest brokerage houses in the world, MF Global, as the plot thickens on who done it. And more, such as:

-Never mind paper gold or silver, are your digital dollars secure where they are at this moment in time?
-Post it on your fridge: Andy’s BIG 3 Rules of Money
-Hear Andy’s analysis of the Supreme Court and O’bama care and the U.S. Constitution
-Oops! Some told bars are not…
-What is at the top of the to do list at the Secret Service Offices around the world?
-Fascinating tale of the difference between proof coins and uncirculated coins
-Follow up questions on The Crime of 1873
-The money bomb The boys dropped on Iran
-Central planning is what these people do
-The Fabian Socialist is not a 50’s rock star
-What is the genesis of “Hammer stoutly and pray devoutly?”
-PIGS update and summer in Spain will be a hot one for sure
-Mario Draghi pushes on a string and the coming inflation in Europe
-Ten thousand baby boomers are retiring every day – the fallout?
-“Just say No” and get to know your County Sheriff
-The results of Operation Twist and Bernake score card
-A Canadian makes a valiant effort in arguing the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York, the bank of issue is not privately owned.
And as always, a lot more from Andy Gause

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