May 13, 2012

No Agenda Show for Sunday May 13th 2012 " Odious Debt "

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Texe Marrs - Power of Prophecy

19. America Is Unravelling

A Texe Marrs Special Report. A process of global and U.S. Destabilization is underway. The economy is at the danger point. The dollar is in a free-fall. The EuroZone is collapsing; Japan is also suffering a depression, and Mexico is a basket case of corruption, drug cartels, and mass murders exacerbated by Obama and Holder Fast and Furious gun running scheme. A gigantic socialist welfare state is being erected in the U.S.A., and tens of billions of taxpayer dollars are being redistributed to blacks, Hispanics, and to illegal aliens to create dependency. A shock troop force ”literally Red Youth Brigades”are being organized by the criminal Obama Administration, and the entire country is under imminent threat of social breakdown and civil war. Trash society is fed by meth, cocaine, oxycontin, and other drugs. Millions of dumbed-down college students are on the dole due to wasteful government loan programs. Homeland Security is engineering the Sovietization of America, complete with a Big Brother Police State and gulag camps. America is in grave danger, and neither the Republican or Democrat Party can help. Romney and Obama ”along with the debauched liars of the mainstream media” are under the thumb of the Illuminist elite. What are patriotic men and women to do faced with such immense and grave danger?

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18. The Holocaust Hoax Exposed

Why do most people in the conspiracy field refuse to expose the holocaust? Are our children being programmed by public schools, promoting the victimhood of the holocaust? Why are Jews so afraid of questions about the holocaust? Has the holocaust become part of the Jewish doctrine? Were the concentration camps truly "death camps," or were they used for another purpose? This week Texe Marrs interviews Victor Thorn on his outstanding new book, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed.

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May 12, 2012

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye 2012.05.12


Show: Inside the Eye Live!

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch is also the voice of "Inside The Eye", the podcast companion to the Illuminatus Observor.

64K CF - Dennis attended SOFEX (Special Operations Forces Symposium and Exposition 2012) Dennis talks with Emily which has been vocal since the Fetch and Tuskin incident.   Listen   Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.11

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Joseph Chiappalone MD - Terminal Madness

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - (encore)

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Dr. Richard Wilcox, PhD - Time Running Out For Japan & The World

Max Igan & Santos Bonacci on the Vinny Eastwood Show

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May 11, 2012

Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.05.11

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

Spingola Speaks 2012.05.11

Guests: Dr. Paul Byrne, Bernice Jones, both of The Life Guardian, talk about why you do not want to be an organ donor.

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David Duke Show 2012.05.11

Today: Dr. David Duke discusses the critical issues with James Edwards the host of the Political Cesspool. A lot is covered in this show from the realities of politics in America and what our personal response, as individuals, should be to turn the world around.

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David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.05.11

In hour one, Jack explains to his new listeners what is the Bilderberg group and the Bohemian grove. He then talks about American politics and news. In hour two, Jack talks with Matt Kazee of about Steve Cokely's death.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.05.11

In the first hour, Charles shoots the shit with Michael Anthony. In hour two they take a call and the three of them shoot the shit some more. WARNING: Listen to this show only if you're bored to death and don't care about losing some of your brain cells. Zap

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.10

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Master Of Trends

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - David Oates - Newsmaker Speech Reversals

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jay Weidner - Dark Days

May 10, 2012

No Agenda Show for Thursday May 10th 2012 " Exploding Dog "

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.05.10

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

Spingola Speaks 2012.05.10

Guests: Hans Krampe, a contributor to Warwolves of the Iron Cross: The Hyenas of High Finance

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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.05.10

Guest: Dr Jerome Corsi

Jerome Robert Corsi (born August 31, 1946) is an American  author, political commentator and conspiracy theorist best known for his two New York Times bestselling books: The Obama Nation and Unfit for Command (with co-author John O'Neill). Both books, the former written in 2008 and the latter in 2004, attacked Democratic presidential candidates and were criticized for including numerous inaccuracies.

BREAKING: Jerome Corsi's Birther Book Pulled from Shelves!

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David Duke Show 2012.05.10

Today: Dr. Duke announces the sad news of the death of Bob Strait, a practically unknown American who died from injuries sustained in cross race home invasion, rape, and murder. His wife of 65 years, 85 year Nancy Strait was raped and murdered while her husband was injured and forced to look on. Still no one knows the name Bob and Nancy Strait from press coverage, but they know the name of Trayvon Martin who was likely shot in self-defense by a Hispanic. Also guest Germar Rudolf discusses the new Holocaust religion and how it is used to wage wars that kill or injure millions of men women and children.

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David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.05.10

Jack talks about current events and describes another absurd TSA story. In hour two Dan Dicks of  joins Jack.

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Joe Rogan Podcast - Freeway Rick Ross 2012.04.24

 Ricky Donnell Ross, better known as “Freeway” Rick Ross, is one of those rare figures whose experience as a drug kingpin has lead him to a life of rebuilding the community in which he once helped destroy. According to the Oakland Tribune” In the course of his rise, prosecutors estimate that Ross exported several tons of cocaine nationally, and made more than $600 million in the process. Counting inflation its 1.6 billion dollars comparing 1986 to 2010. Now, he has applied the passion that helped him build an empire to helping the youth, Ross has been given a second chance to uplift his community by giving back through mentoring and sharing his story. He plans to inspire many of today’s youths to achieve their greatest successes without following in his footsteps. He was a key figure in filmmaker Kevin Booth’s documentary American Drug War: The Last White Hope as well as the second episode of the first season of BET’s American Gangster documentary series which focused on his story and his connection to the Iran-Contra scandal.He is currently in the process of creating the feature length film of his life story with Nick Cassevetes, and creating his autobiography ”Freeway Rick” with nationally renowned author Cathy Scott. Recognized as a pawn in the CIA drug game, Ross was a pioneer in the crack cocaine trade in Los Angeles, as well as other parts of the U.S. A renowned drug dealer, Ross harvested millions as an unknowing participant of Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operatives, who provided him with unlimited amounts of cocaine. It was said that his suppliers used the profits to pay for the CIA-spawned Contra war against Nicaragua’s leftist government in the 1980s. His connections were first revealed in a series of articles published by the San Jose Mercury News and in court testimony.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.05.10

Charles continues his talk about the early earth.

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Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner 2012.05.02-09

"A Noble Lie, Oklahoma City 1995"

Part 1    Listen    Download

Part 2    Listen    Download

Bonnie's website