May 17, 2012

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.16

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Charles R. Smith - Geopolitical Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dave Lindorff - Fading America

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Brother Nathanael - Who's Your Favorite Antisemite?

May 16, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.05.16

John announces that Bob Chapman is on his death bed and he will soon be burying a friend.  He talks to Peter Niese about US inc and take calls

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The Real World of Money – Andrew Gause 2012.05.16

Gambling Like a Drunken Sailor, JP Morgan Loss Just the Beginning of Much Bigger Things to Come

JP Morgan loss just the beginning of much bigger things to come this year, says Andrew Gause on this weeks Real World of Money
We start the show and dig in, dollar by dollar, the JP Morgan story devouring the news cycles. The big question is what is this really about?

-How the losses happened and why this is just the beginning of big losses throughout the banking industry
-You will understand the ramifications of ending Glass-Stegal, Dod-Frank and The Volker rule
-JP Morgan carries about 40 Trillion in derivatives positions
-Remember our shows in the Spring of 2008 when Andrew predicted a fall tsunami? It is déjà vu all over again says Andrew
-When you deposit money in your bank they give you a counterfeit receipt in return
-Huge money laundering/foreclosure suit coming and we have the lead attorney scheduled for the show
-The “Gold is backed by nothing” crown will be coming out of the woodwork
-Andy gives an update on the EU, Euro “crisis” arguing all is in place for a more secure political union and Euro Bond by the same people who bring you U.S. Treasury bonds
-Are U.S. banks exposed in Europe? The Fed lent 16 Trillion new dollars out half of which went to European banks
-China’s financial situation update from Mr. Gause
-Will “The Boys” ever attempt to confiscate numismatic coins?
-The British Pound was born in 1694. Still strong after all these years.
-More states are working on gold and silver to be used in commerce and banking
-California is 16 Billion dollars short. Here comes the Fed
-Thinking of buying silver or a home this summer ?

Patrick Timpones One Radio Network archive:

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.05.16

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

Spingola Speaks 2012.05.16

Guests: Friedrich Paul Berg, Billy Wilder at Buchenwald; Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth; Holocaust-bigotry is the other side of Anglo-American Guilt

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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.05.16

Guest: Kathy Markwood from

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David Duke Show 2012.05.16

Today: Dr. Duke and Germar Rudolf discuss the economy again with some solutions to the economic reduction of the middle class in America and around the world to debt slavery. Also discussed. Is a gold-backed currency really the answer to our economic woes or one more means of economic manipulation and theft? Finally a great quote about Goldman Sachs.

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David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.05.16

Hour one: A typical Jack Blood monologue mostly about the divide between races.

Hour two: For the second day in a row, Jack's guest doesn't show up....Monologue instead.

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.05.16

Guest: Kyle Hunt joins Charles and they both discuss different interesting theories.

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.15

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Terry Arnold - Geopolitical Report

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Hour 3 - (ENCORE)

May 15, 2012

The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.05.15

Guest: Robby Noel

Today we have more information about: Ron Paul strategy, the effect of the IMF gold purchase on the market, mainstream media admitting size of US debt, the Romney platform, Chinese economic influence, and Greece leaving the Euro.

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Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.05.15

Geraldo Rivera "Manually Raped" by TSA Agent. I Spoke With Headquarters! Paul Is Still Running and In The Race! Media Twisting! Dead people, prisoners casting ballots in Michigan. Greece calls new election after coalition talks fail. Greece Faces Big Debt Payment Tuesday: Now What? WORLD BRACES FOR EURO SPLIT.

Hour 1  Listen  Download

Hour 2  Listen  Download

Mike's Site

Spingola Speaks 2012.05.15

Guests: Jesse Beltran and Eleanor White

Eleanor White and Jesse Beltran talked about a special kind of warfare against citizens in something called Organized Stalking and Electronic Harassment. Eleanor has a 51-page booklet describing this.

Jesse's web site is

Eleanor White's book is at

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The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.05.15

Hr 1 Nancy Battle fellow freedom fighter from Texas joins me to discuss  things she did in her town to fight against UN Agenda 21. If she can stand up at age 78 and fight back, all you youngins can do so too.

 Hr 2 Devvy Kidd joined me to discuss the criminals that abound in congress. is where you can read her articles and more.

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David Duke Show 2012.05.15

Today: Dr. Duke and Germar Rudolf examine the interest system that demands economic growth rather than stability. Such an interest-based system creates huge damage to both human and ecological life, with shrinking standards of living, less quality of life, ecological damage, and demands for higher rates of immigration that have many negative social consequences.

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David's site

The Jack Blood Show 2012.05.15

Hour one: Jack talks about how the MSM reported that Ron Paul had effectively ended his campaign for president. Chris Matthews is a dumbass and Rachel Maddow is a mad cow. Next, Jack discusses drug cartels.

Hour two: Middle east wars and news.

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Flash Point - Dr Micio Kaku 2012.05.09

Professor Shocked: Unit 2 completely liquified, 100% liquification of uranium core — “We’ve never seen this before in the history of nuclear power” -- There's nothing left -- There's no hook -- There's no remaining collapsed core!

Michio Kaku on Spent Fuel Pool No. 4: People don’t realize it’s on a knife’s edge — Near the tipping point

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.05.15

Catastrophic events in the solar system Part MCMLVI.

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.05.14

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Pastor James David Manning - Obama Martial Law Here

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Larry Sinclair - Newsweek Obama 'Gay President' Cover

Hour 3 - (ENCORE)

The Unsolicited Opinion with Maggie Roddin 2012.05.14

Guest: Ronald MacDonald in hour two

Hour one: social justice vs equal justice, illegal immigrants.

Hour two: Medical boards drastically closing down a colon hydrotherapy facility and legal and social ramifications.

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