Guest: David Icke spends about 70 minutes Answering all of your email questions. Continuation of yesterday's show.
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No Agenda Global Radio
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August 17, 2012
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.08.16
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - H3N2v Flu Infections Grow
Listen Download Hour 2 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases
Listen Download Hour 3 - Brien Foerster - The Mystery Of Easter Island Revealed
Rense' site
August 16, 2012
Spingola Special 2012.08.15
Dr. Judy Wood,
Andrew Johnson, and
Rob talk about the 9/11 movement and independent thinking
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Deanna' site Spingola Specials
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Deanna' site Spingola Specials
Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.08.16
BEX ALERT - Syrian Rebels Put Captured Iranian Drones on YouTube; Syrian troops free journalists kidnapped by rebels; CANADIAN ZIONISTS OUTRAGED AT LATEST BDS VICTORY;US Hypocritically Accuses Iran of Sending Pro-Regime Militias to Syria;Syria's crisis helps warm relations between Riyadh and Tehran;Israel would be willing to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, even if doing so only delayed its ability to produce nuclear weapons for a few years, Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren said. ;New Evidence That Israel Is Bluffing About Iran;In violation of peace accord, Egypt deploying troops in Sinai without Israel's prior approval ;Facebook shares hit all time LOW as early investors get first chance to sell off their stock;Warning: Get Your Money Out: "All Legal Bank Deposit Protections Are Now Officially Gone";Citigroup, AT&T Among 26 Companies That Paid Their CEOs More In 2011 Than In Taxes: Report;Jon Corzine Will Not Only Not Face Prosectuion, But May Be Launching A Hedge Fund Imminently;Buy Team America?; Soros Exits Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Adds To Gold Position;Report: 7 banks subpoenaed over rate-fixing;California Sales Tax Revenues Nosedive By 33.5%;Australian stock market rigged: top insider speaks out!!; Bristol businesses queuing up to join local currency scheme - Telegraph;Ponzi Scheme Goes for the Gold: Poland's Amber Gold's PHYZZ Has Vaporized; Silversun Pickups Tell Mitt Romney To Stop Using 'Panic Switch,' Say They Dislike The GOP Candidate ; Romney's Top Contributors; Ann Romney: `There's Going To Be No More Tax Releases Given'; Ryan corrected Hill reports during VP search; Brewer bars public benefits for illegal immigrants;Navy SEALS Start `Swift-Boating' Obama;Obama's $25 Billion Government Motors Lemon;Appeals court halts Hasan case over beard; DHS Sex Scandal Widens; ICE Chief Goes on Leave;Poll: Ron Paul 3rd Party Bid Could Transform 2012 Election;Approval of Congress Again Hits Record Low of 10 Percent;Rocky, Rambo Star Stallone Rails Against Banks, Corruption, 'Foreign Enemies' Destroying Our Country;Chavis Carter 'Suicide' Reenactment Video Released By Jonesboro Police;FLASHBACK 2002 - Police shoot handcuffed man in the back 12 times ;Court: If Violating Your Privacy Helps The Police, It's Not Violating Your Privacy;Social Networks Develop Deep Packet Inspection Backdoors For Govt Spying;South African police opened fire Thursday on a crowd of striking workers at a platinum mine, leaving an unknown number of people injured and possibly dead. Motionless bodies lay on the ground in pools of blood.;The Most Sickening TV Show in History; Universal Music Uses Bogus DMCA Claim To Take Down Negative Review Of Drake's Album;4 Nuclear Reactors in US Shutdown in Last Few Days as Power Grids Worldwide Expected to Fail; William Ostendorff, GOP-Appointed Regulator, Under Investigation For Thwarting Nuclear Safety Probe ; Winter 2011-2012 Forecast: Another Brutal One;Scandal at the FDA: board members with drug maker ties voted to approve drug that's killing women; Louisiana TV: "Growth of the sinkhole was expected and could continue"; Law Abiding Gun Owner Assist Police in Carjacking Capture. Thank God for the Second Amendment!; American civilians buy as many AK47s as the Russian military and police... and demand is surging because gun owners fear they will be banned ; Big Pharma Targets Free Speech And The Entire Anti Vaccine Safety Movement ; Preposterous media claims that eating egg yolks is 'as bad for you as smoking' debunked; `Who's Your Daddy' Truck Rolls Through NYC, Offers Answers With DNA ;California: The Companies Trying to Stop Mandatory Labeling of Products Containing GE Ingredients; Top Chinese politicians accused of taking part in an orgy after 100 naked photos go viral on micro-blogging site
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The Morning Show with Patrick Timpone 2011.08.14
Steven Jacobson
Mind Control in America
Steven Jacobson is a graduate of the Boston University School of Communications. He worked in the film industry for 13 years, produced sponsored films, was a production manager and editor for a New York City documentary film company, did contract work for a Washington, DC film institute and re-cut features for U.S. theatrical distribution, TV syndication and cable.
“Working as an editor, it was easy to see how simple it is to change the meaning of an event or of what someone says through editing,” says Jacobson. “But I did not fully appreciate the extent to which we are all manipulated and controlled by mass media (even those who work in it) until I was given the results of private medical research investigating mental programming and deprogramming.”
This led to his leaving the film business to research the mind control issue and the use of hypnotic programming in the mass media, leading to the development of the “Mind Control in America” audio series. Steven’s goal is to bring the use of mass hypnosis and manipulation to the attention of the general public.
Mind control is the most important issue facing America. Freedom of mind is the first freedom from which all others are derived. The solution to the problems we face requires a raising of consciousness that allows people to discern for themselves the difference between what is real and what is illusion.
We live in a “virtual reality” where deception has become an integral part of the framework of society. The audios “Mind Control in America” and “Wake-Up America” illustrate exactly why this is and how it came to be.
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Spingola Speaks 2012.08.16
Guest: Lark
Lark in Texas talked about Communitarianism, social engineering, the Kaballah, the Babylonian Talmud, the Christian social gospel, political Zionism, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Deanna's site
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David Duke Show 2012.08.16
Today: Dr. Duke and Westley Smith in Australia address the twin and intertwined issues of Jewish extremism and massive immigration into Western nations. Smith shows how Australia has the same pattern of Jewish control and influence as in the United States and Europe.
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David's site
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David's site
The Jack Blood Show 2012.08.15
Guest: Chris Maple joins Jack to discuss his documentary film series “THE GREAT CULLING” – the first edition is about our poison water (Fluoride)! Facts fly like crazy in this 60 min interview. The same director made “What in the world are they Spraying”, and the next film will be about our food.
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No Agenda Global Radio
Deadline Live
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No Agenda Global Radio
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Sammi Ibrahem Program Aug 15, 2012
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.08.15
Listen Download Hour 1 - Charles R. Smith - Mideast War Grows
Listen Download Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - Eyewitness To Vivid UFO Sighting
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Condit Jr - Why Are Republicans Destroying Themselves?
Rense' site
August 15, 2012
The National Intel Report with John Stadtmiller 2012.08.15
Mike Rivero - What Really Happened 2012.08.15
The Syrian Government Has Deep International Support; The Sinai Joins the Axis of Resistance; CNN Giving Up On News, Switching To Reality Shows?; YouTube deletes "History of Palestine" video for "terms of service" violation! ; Zionist extremist Chamish admits Bollyn is right, Zionists did 9/11!!; Boston airport security program rife with racial profiling has Israeli links; Russian attack submarine sailed in Gulf of Mexico undetected for weeks, U.S. officials say; What Did Rand Paul Gain?; Foreign Money for Mitt?; Israel to Demand Guarantee Obama Will Attack Iran; Fake Round Can Cause Real Problem; Price of Ground Beef Hits Record High; Chris Whalen: 'Bank Of America Will Split And Merrill Lynch Will Have $30 Billion+ Of Litigation Exposure; For The Mortgage Mess, Just By Themselves' Bank of America drills open customer safe deposit box and removes contents.; 'My £7,000 just vanished': How a slip of a finger could cost your life savings; Wayne County to hold its biggest foreclosure auction ever; More QE coming, Bank of England minutes show -Telegraph; Germany: no more chances for Greece; Riot engulfs troubled French district in north; "Robin hood" Spanish mayor becomes hero for robbing supermarkets ; The Mystery of the Encrypted Gauss Payload; Iran to File Lawsuits against Cyber Terrorists; Mars Curiosity under hacker attack?; Coming Soon to Your Facebook Experience: Ads in Your News Feed; Facebook, Click Fraud, and the Deceptive Digital Advertising Landscape ; Why Spotify Doesn't Make Sense for Musicians: 70,000 Listens Earns Less Than $300; Social Security Administration To Purchase 174 Thousand Rounds Of Hollow Point Bullets; Post Games UK: full-blown police state; FAA Documents Show Drones Over US Pose Huge Safety Risk; Federal judge throws out lawsuit over spying on O.C. Muslims; Wells go dry across rural U.S. ; Former FDA Reviewer Speaks Out About Intimidation, Retaliation and Marginalizing of Safety; New UK data finds prescription drugs 62,000 times more likely to kill than supplements; The most damning vaccination study not publically disclosed to date; J&J removing harsh chemicals from products by 2015; DEQ seeks salt cavern butane scenario; Sun creams 'protect less than they claim' ; Solyndra Bankruptcy: Solar Panel Company Won't Pay Back Most Of Its $527 Million Government Loan; Register Your Business, Your Car, Your Gun, Your Child, Your Life, and Your ... Garden?; Philadelphia Homeless Feeding Ban Officially Blocked By Judge; Outrage Over Preacher Who ‘Cures’ Cancer by Hitting People; Monticello, Prairie Island nuclear reactors idled for repairs
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The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2012.08.15
“We are all Keynesians now” said Nixon 40 Years Ago
Andrew’s own birthday show turns out to be a real gift to all of us, his fans. Andrew is able to give copious amounts of unique insights, and as cool as it is, he gets better with age.
Up front, somehow JFK came up and we learn Andrew has been a sincere student of the 35th. President of the United States, his life and his murder. And curiously enough, President Nixon closes the gold window on this day in 1971. Hear the back story as well as sound from the original Nixon TV announcement forty one years ago today. Hint: WWII and Vietnam wars are involved in this move by Nixon at the bequest of The Boys.
What other information does Andrew share?
-In 1971 two thousand silver dollars would get one the best cars out there. Today two thousand silver dollars can be traded for $60,000 and probably get a fairly nice ride for that, wouldn’t you say?
-Your smart phone is your new wallet.
-The importance of The U.S. being in reorganization bankruptcy, Trading with the Enemies Act and The U.S. being in a “State of Emergency” for many, many years.
-The fact that “They” say a twenty dollar bill is the exact same thing as a twenty dollar gold coin is, in their words, a legal fiction; is curious indeed.
-The tax issues involved in bullion vs. collector coins of legal tender.
-The FDIC is bankrupt
-We play Paul Ryan’s 2008 House argument for the TARP deal. Andrew comments on his claims, point by point. Interesting indeed.
-Hear how Greece came up with the 5 Billion Euros they needed this week
-Why paying off debt early is a bad, bad idea
-Goldman Sachs and AIG, the rest of the story
-Reuters and Wall Street Journal are controlled by The Boys, so be careful what you read.
-What needs to happen for gold and silver to go down in the next few years
-And planned obsolescence by the corporations.
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
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Andrew’s own birthday show turns out to be a real gift to all of us, his fans. Andrew is able to give copious amounts of unique insights, and as cool as it is, he gets better with age.
Up front, somehow JFK came up and we learn Andrew has been a sincere student of the 35th. President of the United States, his life and his murder. And curiously enough, President Nixon closes the gold window on this day in 1971. Hear the back story as well as sound from the original Nixon TV announcement forty one years ago today. Hint: WWII and Vietnam wars are involved in this move by Nixon at the bequest of The Boys.
What other information does Andrew share?
-In 1971 two thousand silver dollars would get one the best cars out there. Today two thousand silver dollars can be traded for $60,000 and probably get a fairly nice ride for that, wouldn’t you say?
-Your smart phone is your new wallet.
-The importance of The U.S. being in reorganization bankruptcy, Trading with the Enemies Act and The U.S. being in a “State of Emergency” for many, many years.
-The fact that “They” say a twenty dollar bill is the exact same thing as a twenty dollar gold coin is, in their words, a legal fiction; is curious indeed.
-The tax issues involved in bullion vs. collector coins of legal tender.
-The FDIC is bankrupt
-We play Paul Ryan’s 2008 House argument for the TARP deal. Andrew comments on his claims, point by point. Interesting indeed.
-Hear how Greece came up with the 5 Billion Euros they needed this week
-Why paying off debt early is a bad, bad idea
-Goldman Sachs and AIG, the rest of the story
-Reuters and Wall Street Journal are controlled by The Boys, so be careful what you read.
-What needs to happen for gold and silver to go down in the next few years
-And planned obsolescence by the corporations.
The Real World of Money Archive
Andrew's Site
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The Flipside with Robby Noel 2012.08.15
Robby tries to sweep away the fog of "political correctness" on a daily basis.
Robby's site
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Robby's site
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David Duke Show 2012.08.15
Today: Dr. Duke first discusses the new Zionist-inspired change in American immigration law and why Jewish extremists promote immigration and other means of dividing societies int order to take control of them or in some cases to destroy opposing national entities (such as in Syria and Lebanon). Then young activist Johanson from Sweden asks Dr. Duke how to deal with family differences in these issues and other family conflicts as well as how to pursue higher education in relation to your political beliefs. Finally, there is a short discussion on male female relations and some of the problems of finding a suitable wife or husband and starting a family.
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