September 28, 2012

Moishe Riverowicz - What's Gonna Happen 2012.09.28

"Aloha Schleppers"

Today I talk about the poor survivors of the holocaust, and the shekels we receive from Germany for their pain and suffering. 

The bottom line is that we Jews are entitled, because we have been persecuted for thousands and thousands and thousands of years, and so we are entitled to anything we want.

"Oy Vey"  "Even a hundred years from now there will be Jews collecting shekels from Germany"

"Mo Shekels,  Mo Shekels,  Mo Shekels"
Moishe's Site


Spingola Speaks 2012.09.28

Guest: Rodney Martin, Everyday Life in the Third Reich – Fact versus Fiction

Deanna's site

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The Jack Blood Show 2012.09.28

" Well I'm counting my chickens."

Guest: Vinny Eastwood

No Agenda Global Radio
Deadline Live

64k CF Download

David Duke Show 2012.09.28

Today: First Dr. Duke talks about alien domination of America and the promotion of torture and other human rights violations. He shows how the ziogovernment of the United States even says it is legal for the President to order the crushing of the testicles of a person's child if he deems it valuable to an investigation! Then he shows how tv programs like 24 are promoting torture a completely moral and justified by government officials. What has happened to America? David Duke asks.

Then Dr. Duke goes into the issues of exercise today, showing the science behind modern excercise methods and the importance of understanding the concept of Minimum Effective Dose both in supplements and exercise. He describes how often to exercise, how long to exercise to get the maximum health and fitness benefits from it. A very powerful show that will get you on the road to a more healthy body and a better life!

David's site

56k CF Download

The Ugly Truth Broadcast Sept 27, 2012


ED Note: The pic above is the invitation I was sent for the event.


1st hour–The one and only ‘Antiochus’ with a stunning discussion/analysis of the news.

2nd hour–A discussion of my recent trip to New York City, where I met Iran’s president Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejhad and gave a speech at the banquet set up in his honor.




Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.09.28

So last night Charles got a beer buzz, went on Paltalk and bitch-slapped a ziobitch from hell. He still managed to wake up in time for the show and continued explaining the Noachide Laws with the occasional comical comment.

Show Notes

64k CF Download

64k CF Clip of rant after a call Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.09.27

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Edwin Vieira - A Constitutional Militia

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Brink

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

Fox News 9-11 Israel-Mossad Banned News Report

Reality Check: Actions Speak Louder Than Words With President Obama and the NDAA?

Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at how President Obama says one thing about the indefinite detention clause of the NDAA and yet continually does another.

September 27, 2012

The National Intel Report with John $tadtmiller 2012.09.27

Guest: Michael Shaw

Michale Shaw joins The Intel Report today to discuss Agenda 21, its origins as well as its onset into each and every person's home and daily life. Through various mechanisms it is Michaels extremely well-backed information that the government and various agencies intend to destroy private property ownership and rights through huge land grabs for wildlife preserves. Ultimately using nature to determine human actions. Together John and Michael discuss many examples which are very simply understood on how these policies of Agenda 21 are seeping into our daily lives.



No Agenda Show for Thursday September 27th 2012 " Drone Double Tap "


No Agenda

Moishe Riverowicz - What's Gonna Happen 2012.09.27

"Aloha Goyim"

"Oy Vey" today I talk about my beloved Israel, her clever bankers, our fearless leader Bi Bi and that terrorist Mahmoud Ahmadinijad

Moishe's Site


Spingola Speaks 2012.09.27

  Guest: Douglas Valentine, author of The Phoenix Program and other books, Phoenix Program Document Library; Brickman Attack PDF; Phoenix PsyOps Policy PDF

 Deanna's site

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Mark Dankof’s America Sept 26, 2012

Mark Dankof‘s beginning News Analysis will briefly reference his conversation with the Habilian Association of Iran on the de-listing of the Mujahedeen-e-Khalq (MEK).

Guests today include Ken O’Keefe from Occupied Gaza if remote hookup works (!) and Merlin Miller of Americana Pictures and the American 3rd Position Party, who will discuss his recent trip to Tehran and the New Horizon Independent Film Festival there.




Keith Johnson's Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast Sept 25, 2012

The incomparably intelligent and witty Keith Johnson interviews the incomparably witty and intelligent Nashid Abdul Khaaliq.




The Jack Blood Show 2012.09.27

" The canaries are coming home to roost."

Guests: Robbie Martin and Shepard Ambellas

No Agenda Global Radio
Deadline Live

64k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2012.09.27

A retrospective of 9/11 mostly focusing on the white vans as described by Charles with his usual lack of stamina and soft-spoken voice. Soporific too is the second part of the show when Charles explicates part two of his notes on Sharia and Noachide law. lol

Show Notes

64k CF Download

Kerry Cassidys interview with Gwenyth Todd 2012.09.26

This is a great interview with Gwenyth Todd who now lives in Australia, Kerry really nags and picks and asks the right questions.

Kerry has technical issues throughout the show, but it's listen-able and I cut out all the dead air.

Gwenyth is the highest-level former US government operative I’ve yet interviewed. A White House Middle East policy adviser under Clinton, she was personally recruited by Richard “Prince of Darkness” Perle to become the Bush Administration’s geo-strategic adviser to the Admiral(s) running America’s crucial 5th Fleet in Bahrain. Unbeknownst to Perle – who thought she was a loyal neocon - Gwenyth agreed with the first Admirals she worked with to undermine neocon plans to arrange a war-trigger incident vs. Iran. When the neocons replaced the loyal admirals with potentially treasonous ones, and set up a false-flag operation to trigger a 2007 war on Iran, Gwenyth violated direct orders by alerting loyal officials in the State Department, stopping the false-flag warmongers in their tracks and possibly saving the lives of hundreds of US sailors. In retribution, she was targeted for legal and extra-legal harassment, and had to flee for her life to Australia, where the harassment continues.

Washington Post Article

Veterans Today Article

Kerry's Archive


Scott Horton 2012.09.26

First interview John Glaser editor John Glaser discusses President Obama’s mendacious speech to the UN about supposed US support for Mideast democracy; Saudi Arabia and Qatar’s open financial and military support for Syria’s rebels; charting Obama’s real course on the Arab Spring (where the US is siding with dictators and Al Qaeda instead of democratic reformers); why a pre-election attack on Iran is probably off the table; and how US national interests became subordinate to what the Gulf monarchies and Israel want. (Duration: 27:52 — 6.4MB)

32k CF

Second interview Nathan Fuller

Nathan Fuller of the Bradley Manning Support Network discusses the September 30th fundraiser in Washington DC for Manning’s legal defense; how President Obama and Defense Secretary Panetta guaranteed Manning won’t get a fair trial; Bradley’s unconscionable treatment in pretrial custody at Quantico; and David Coombs’ defense strategies against the government’s spurious charges. (Duration: 23:01 — 5.3MB)

32k CF

No Agenda Global Radio

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2012.09.26

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical Commentary

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - US And China And UFOs?

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - From Japan - Richard Wilcox And Tony Boys Fukushima Update

56k CF
Rense' site