January 25, 2013

Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager August 11, 2012

Günter Deckert: Frictions in the Eurozone

  Günter Deckert joins Carolyn from Germany to discuss the breaks in European nations’ solidarity in the face of the growing fiscal crisis. It is being described as “increasing stereotyping of Northern vs. Southern Europeans, with Germans criticized most, naturally, as they become more resentful of bailing out other nations. Günter makes this very plain.

The ongoing government attack on anything and everything on the “right” is brought up to date, including the latest revelation about Beate Zschäpe working for the government.
The controversy over the German Olympic rower Drygalla has devolved into talk of a “democracy pledge” that all sports stars representing Germany must sign. No one suggests far-leftists would need to sign one.
Finally, the Roma problem in Europe and how the European Union has exacerbated it and other immigration problems.
Gunter gives his expert opinion on all this, plus shares about his latest trips to London and Paris.


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.25

Free for all Friday with calls.

Show Notes

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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.24

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Flu Mortality Rate Spikes To 9.8%

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Clif High - Half-Past Human Report

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

56k CF
Rense' site

The International Jew Study Hour Jan. 24, 2013

The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S. – Episode 31

 Carolyn Yeager and Hadding Scott read and comment on Chapter 26 “The Scope of Jewish Dictatorship in the U.S.”

How Bernard Baruch exercised power as the  “Jewish High Governor of the United States in war affairs” and how Jews got richer through his influence. At the beginning of the chapter we are told  that Baruch himself expressed that he ‘got into the war’ at Plattsburg and ‘out of the war’ when the Paris Peace Conference ended. What was Plattsburg? At the outbreak of war in Europe in 1914, some “elite” super-patriots, including Teddy Roosevelt and Elihu Root, instigated what was called the Preparedness Movement, to set up military training camps for civilians. Several organizations sponsored marches and demonstrations in major cities.  Training camps were operated in Plattsburg, N.Y. in 1915 and 1916 serving 40,000 men mostly from elite social classes. These men were destined to become officers.

For all episodes of The International Jew Study Hour

Link to The International Jew by Henry Ford


Australia Calling episode 3 with Derrick MacThomas 2013.01.24

Anti-Islamic Dutch MP speaks in Australia
Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders, who leads the fight against the Islamification of Holland, will speak in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth during February. Be there! Be ready to defend yourself if the Muslim crazies try to disrupt the event. Man up and take your country back from these black-eyed vermin. Derrick also dives into Jewish hypocracy on immigration in Australia & Israel.
Truth Militia Site


January 24, 2013

Down and Out Radio With Mike Sledge 2013.01.24


Renegade Broadcasting

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John Stadtmiller's intel stud: Bob 2013.01.23

Pic by Grizzom


Spingola Speaks 2013.01.24

Guest:  Paul Fromm, founder of the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE)

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David Duke Show 2013.01.24

Today: Dr. David Duke and Luthern minister Mark Dankof go deeply into the unholy roots of Christian Zionism. First Dr. Duke does his news roundup with a great expose' of the U.S. Senators who expressed shock at Egyptian President Morsy saying the Jews controlled the U.S. Media. Duke juxtaposes that with the LA Times Article titled Do Jews Control Hollywood which demonstrates almost a total control of media in America. Then Pastor Mark Dankof joins Dr. Duke in an incredible exposure of Christian Zionism which is nothing really more than anti-Christianism!

David's site

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Cointel Stooges Exposed - Alex Jones, Drake, Benjamin Fulford, Ted Gunderson and more!

In the Nsearch Radio broadcast on October 10th, 2012 (see above) we cover all the main Cointel operatives. We discuss who they work for and what they have done. We brought on many guests during the show that had more information so this is not just my opinion or Stew Webb's opinion here.

 Stew has over 200 witnesses and footlockers full of documents and tapes that he has been collecting for decades on the NWO crime syndicate.  He wants justice against those that stole his daughter from him as a baby and those that have bankrupted America!  The ones listed as Cointel in the above list were identified by Stew Webb's Intel sources on being on payrolls of the US government (Alex Jones, Drake) or on the payroll of the UK government (Benjamin Fulford).

 Listen to the show and do your own research and then feel free to ask me or Stew any questions through our websites at www.project.nsearch.com or www.stewwebb.com or through the Project Nsearch Youtube Channel.



Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.01.23

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - A Currency, Proxy, Psychic War

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Russ Dizdar - Satanic America...A Link To Sandy Hook? Part 3

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

January 23, 2013

Axis of Light with Dana Antiochus 2013.01.23

Continuation of last weeks topics; Refelections on some general themes we've been discussing at Truth Militia and comments on some previous shows such as the race versus the jewish problem, how they interrelate, what is more important, and did one cause the other? addressing race treason as the highest crime, envisioning the future, should we be hopeful or pessimistic?  My dual strategy idea of raising consciousness of our own people and branching out and expanding the message where it is possible; can one retain a strong, consistent ideology and its integrity without alienating and isolating ourselves?

Truth Militia


Ain't Nobody Got Time Fo Dat with Greg NJ 2013.01.23



Renegade Broadcasting

32k Download

Mark Dankof’s America Jan 23, 2013

Mark Dankof’s news summary includes reference to Pat Buchanan’s “Clouds over Obama’s Second Term,” Philip Giraldi’s “It’s All About Israel, ” Kelly Vlahos’ “Football, War, and Brain Damage,” and a look at Israel’s elections on January 22nd. Brief discussion of his proposed shows on Biblical eschatology on Armenia TV Los Angeles with Bedros Hajian may also ensue.




The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2013.01.23

Those Who Control the Dollar and Euro Worldwide Retain Power By Getting Along with One Another

-The Boys are meeting in Davos comparing notes on inflating their currencies together
-Again Andy makes his arguments of why “They” will not allow a crash of any sort..where’s the profit in a crash?
-The austerity and stealing in Southern Europe will continue
-Understanding pushing on a string will make you eligible for Federal Reserve Chairman.
-Understanding the velocity of money is critical and fun to know about
-A listener asks, “What would happen if some politicians get their way and the government truly cuts spending?”
-Physical gold is physical and paper gold and silver are paper
-Russia just purchased 600,000 ounces of gold for a rainy day
-Germany dramatically softens their position on repatriating their gold from the NY Fed
-A little history lesson on the financial woes of Japan, the war, the bomb and control of money
-The dollars the NY Fed gives back to Treasury is after expenses and their are creative ways to spend indeed.
-The Greenspan Commission and Social Security
-Controlling the world’s currency, the dollar, is the deal
-Andy looks back at the inflation, timelines with gold and silver prices
-The IRS’s rule on fair exchange
-Their are many, many creative ways we will get additional taxes in the future.
-Local Exchange Trading explained

The Real World of Money Archive 

Andrew's Site


Spingola Speaks 2013.01.23

Guest: Cynthia Sandor, author of Through Innocent Eyes - The Chosen Girls of the Hitler Youth

Deanna's site

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Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.01.23

A discussion on Jehovah's Witnesses.

Show Notes

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David Duke Show 2013.01.23

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald dive into the question of whether or not Jewish establishment leaders are becoming more radical and supremacist, or more moderate and egalitarian: the evidence is overwhelming that they are indeed in Israel and all over the world becoming far more radical. They also discuss the racial problems in America and Europe and how the Jewish extremists use a divide and conquer strategy against the their age-old European enemies. Then they talk about the fact although life is getting much tougher for Europeans and Americans, African Americans and other minorities are also reaping the worlwind of Jewish control and how the Jewish media and institutions are creating massive destruction of the Black family, millions of Black drug and alcohol addicts, and have heightened the wave of violence afflicting the Black and White community. Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald agree that if the Jewish power were to be deposed, that Blacks and Whites could likely work out mutually beneficial solutions to the race problem

David's site

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Nonsense Fairytales Propaganda Crap...
