March 30, 2013
The International Jew Study Hour 2013.03.28
“‘Jewish Rights’ to put Studies Out of Schools” – Episode 40
“The International Jew” Study Hour presents: Hadding Scott and Carolyn Yeager read and comment on Chapter 36, “Jewish Rights” to put Studies Out of Schools.”
B’nai B’rith was begun in the backroom of a New York saloon in 1843 by a group of Jews from Germany, even before the Alliance Israelite Universelle was formed in France, and opened its second lodge in Berlin in 1885, then in Rumania and Austria. It is described in TIJ as freemasonry exclusively for Jews, adding that “the Jew demands as his right entrance into other Orders; into his own he admits none but Jews.” It’s militant arm, the Anti-Defamation League, wasn’t created until 1913.
This organization brought all its power to bear against the Shakespeare play “The Merchant of Venice” being read in high schools because of the Jewish character Shylock, a moneylender who demanded a literal “pound of flesh” from the Christian Antonio. The League claimed in 1919 that 150 American cities had excluded the play from their public schools. This was presented as a victory for “Jewish rights.”
Note: We are using the Noontide Press publication of The International Jew — The World’s Foremost Problem which can be found online here as a pdf file.
The White Network
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Texas judge and Red Hat protect Linux from patent troll
Read article at NETWORKWORLD
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.03.29
Listen Download Hour 1 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Special UFO Eyewitnesses
Listen Download Hour 2 - Peter Davenport - NUFORC Special UFO Eyewitnesses
Listen Download Hour 3 - Dr. Carolyn Dean - RnA Drops Report
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Rense' site
March 29, 2013
Lugh's Den 17 - 2013.03.29
Covering a miriad of issues this week. Current events at the network and abroad. Open topic night for callers, so feel free to bring up any topic you’d like. Kyle was on with Lugh.
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.03.29
Charles takes calls on his last show at Oracle and will post other shows in a week or so at his new site.
Show Notes
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Show Notes
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David Duke Show 2013.03.29
Today: Dr. David Duke leads a health, life and fitness Friday by beginning to talk about the great perseverance and hard work of European Americans who were able to overcome draconian racial discrimination and attend Harvard University, and even though greatly outnumbered and facing a degree of bias from Jewish tribalist professors rose to the top echelon of students graduating at the top of the class at rate five times greater than did the elite Jews who go to Harvard. He talks about diet, family, attitudes and the fundamental beliefs we hold and the way to express ourselves on these subjects to our loved ones and to the world. With Kay Wahlen he talks about discipline, honor and responsibility and how with rights must come responsibility. A truly wonderful uplifting show. Also he announced his new book would hopefully be published soon, and the fundraising effort that must be completed to raise the publishing costs of a book that will be even more powerful than his first two.
David's site
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David's site
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.03.28
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - American In Crisis
Listen Download Hour 2 - DC Dave Martin - Geopolitical Analysis
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
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Rense' site
March 28, 2013
102.Minutes.That.Changed.America.2008 [Full] - HD
“Masters of Deception” By Zander C. Fuerza Now Available
Reconstructions Live with Mike Sledge 2013.03.28
Divide And Conquer! But Who?
Renegade Archive
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Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism
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Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism
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Big Pharma: Bribery, Fraud, Price Fixing
Those of us who have long been describing the pharmaceutical industry as a "criminal racket" over the last few years have been wholly vindicated by recent news.
Read article at World Truth
"Mossad sleepers cells.."
Not sure why the upload-er on youtube classified this as 'comedy' unless youtube did it. This is truth. -Rockclimber
Spingola Speaks 2013.03.28
Guest: Dr. David Kennedy, producer of Fluoridegate, a new documentary; Fluoride Spill eats Holes in Concrete
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Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager Nov.3, 2012
Should we accept the truth of the Protocols of Zion?
Carolyn wades into the controversy that so many want to bury once and for all — whether the Protocols of the Elders of Zion should be taken seriously or thrown into the trashcan of literary forgeries.
- A search through the Dialogue in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieufor the alleged parallel passages found in the Protocols leaves much to be desired;
- Only the first two of the three similar passages shown on Wikipedia can be found;
- The narrative of how the forgery occurred published in The Times is not believable (kind of like the narrative of the ‘Holocaust’);
- More believable is the story of Mlle. Glinka and Alexis Sukhotin, and the Jewish traitor Joseph Schorst;
- The relationship between Maurice Joly (author of “Dialogue”) and Adolphe Cremieux (Grand Master of the Mizraim Lodge and a founder of the Alliance Israelite Universelle);
- The Berne, Switzerland trial as a typical legal travesty that Jews always resort to;
- Layers of disinformation and confusion make the trail to the truth about the Protocols difficult, but investigation should be undertaken;
- Fear of Jewish retribution is a big reason Whites stay away from the topic, or are satisfied with a non-committal stand.
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