A unilateral decision has been taken regarding trolling of Fetch's Inside the Eye - Live shows:
1) All comments of a personal nature forthwith will be deleted, as many of you have noticed.
2) You should troll using ONLY an "anonymous" tag.
3) Trolls who are identified will have 100 of your identified threads removed permanently as payment for being an asshole and trolling the Troll Slayer.
Word out.
Go Eff yourselves and your childish bullshit when it comes to getting in my face. If you are deleted from the comments section and just can't help being an asshole and are dumb enough to return to be an asshole - then welcome to being treated like an asshole.
Forthwith -
For every 1 identified trolling post aimed at The Fetch personally, 100 posts of any and all nature will be deleted as payment.
Other than this policy - you are free to troll like idiots in all other threads and we will continue to humor the fact that you enjoy playing in a grammatical sandbox and giggle like a bunch of gurgling idiots
the Snot Nosed Poster Child Dumbfuck (John sholtes said...)
You will get credit for posting more that 100 words as a single post and then when I do read it, it will be deleted.
I figured since your single line "oh he is a Jew" trolling bullshit was not worth being counted as a single post - hence your 100 word policy.
You smart enough to figure that out dumbF%$#?
This is my way of saying F&^% you for getting in my face and being a total jackass and loser.
Don't blame me because you are a total asshole and not quite intellectually gifted enough to figure out that targeting me personally with your misleading and poisonous bullshit was neither humored nor welcome.
Since you want to be an asshole you will be treated like one - at least your giggling anonymous gurgle friend was smart enough to be pathetic anonymous coward so he can hide like a slug under a rock before he got stepped on.
With warm and kind regards,
Troll Slayer