May 20, 2013

Canada PM slams world leaders for not supporting Israel

Canada’s prime minister Stephen Harper expressed dismay Thursday at the growing lack of support for Israel across the world and criticized international leaders for failing to back the Jewish state. “There’s nothing more shortsighted in Western capitals in our time than the softening of support we’ve seen for Israel around the globe,” he said, calling the country “the one stable, democratic ally in this part of the world.”
 *Read article at THE TIMES OF ISRAEL*

The Vinny Eastwood Show 2013.05.15

15 May 2013, How You Become A Producer Instead Of A Consumer, Scott Sycamore, All I Know Is I know Nothing. (1 Hour Ad Free Episode)

Vinny's NUTShell: Scott Sycamore
It's sometimes very hard going when you stop listening endlessly to other peoples content and get busy creating some of your own, where are the protests? Public Meetings? How am I going to edit or upload the video?
we give you some low down dirty tricks and a bit of philosophy about how to get active and stay that way.

Vinny Eastwood


David Duke Show 2013.05.20

Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery Today. The show begins by Dr. Duke making a surprise announcement that his new book The Zionist Conspiracy is one of three books that will be published in the next 60 Days. The first book published within two weeks is The Secret Behind Communism which completely exposes the Jewish origins and driving force behind the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia and the world Communist Movement. It is an amazing book with incredible documentation and extremely illustrated in exposing the Tribalist, racist origins of the greatest human rights violations in all of history. He quotes Jewish mainstream sources that Jews were the perpetrators of a far bigger holocaust of human beings than what is called the Holocaust of the Jewish people. This will be an earthshaking book. Dr. Duke shares some earthshaking quotes from the new book.

Dr. Slattery joins Dr. Duke and the rest of the program discusses these issues and also a fascinating discussion of the relationship between Christianity and Judaism takes place that you won't want to miss.

David's site

56k CF Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.05.20

Guest: Joel Ostrander talks about the legalities of gun ownership and personal and home protection

This is a great show for all gun owners, especially the ladies.

Deanna's site

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May 19, 2013

What's Ailing America with Dr Rebecca Carley 2013.05.19

Guest: Andrea Boland

Dr. Carley' Site

32k CF Download

The Piper Report 2013.05.19

Guest in the second hour, Hungarian George.

Mike Piper



32k CF Download

Right-wing radio host: I want to shoot Clinton right in the vagina

“I want to shoot her right in the vagina and I don’t want her to die right away,” he added. “I want her to feel the pain and I want to look her in the eyes and I want to say, on behalf of all Americans that you’ve killed, on behalf of the Navy SEALS, the families of Navy SEAL Team Six who were involved in the fake hunt down of this Obama, Obama bin Laden thing.

“That whole fake scenario, because these Navy SEALS know the truth, they killed them all. On behalf of all of those people, I’m supporting our troops by saying we need to try, convict, and shoot Hillary Clinton in the vagina.”

Read the rest here

Phil Shenon, Philip Zelikow & Karl Rove

Mother’s Day Goldbug Special 2013.05.17

Ed Chiarini returned for his 4th appearance and The Rebel Path and we got into Spielberg, Lincoln, Obama, Kennedy, Maryilyn and a whole bunch of other craziness.

The picture above will make a hole lot more sense after you listen to the show all the way through.

Celtic Rebel's Blog


Max French's The Victory Hour May 18, 2013

The Victory Hour covers several important stories along with of course the usual excellent discussion and analysis.


Obama Planning Online Wiretapping Law

Media reports say that Barack Obama is going to end the long-running debate over online snooping with a legislation allowing law-enforcement agencies tapping into many types of online communications.
Everyone understands that bringing in this law will surely have political, technical and legal obstacles. Indeed, if Obama gets it through it would really represent a serious change in American culture.  

Industry experts point out that if he succeeds, the FBI and other agencies will have a right to snoop on voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) services like Skype and real-time chats.

Apparently, it would end a regime where the FBI has difficultly snooping but is able to eavesdrop on traditional telephone calls. Of course, tech firms hate the idea, which would likely face stiff opposition in Congress. At the moment, spooks can ask the courts to wiretap almost anything, but only traditional telecommunications carriers are demanded to make it easy.

The law in question – Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act – doesn’t apply to any of Microsoft’s services, for example. This includes Skype, as it doesn’t class Microsoft as a traditional telecommunications carrier.   LOL

Thus, Obama’s new legislation would encompass VoIP, chat and any other online communication services. However, it is still unclear how tech companies could be compelled to help the authorities unscramble encrypted communications, apart from providing access. Actually, Obama’s proposed legislation is a slightly watered down version of what the Federal Bureau of Investigation wants. The FBI had called for a blanket requirement that ISPs provide authorized officials the same kind of sweeping, turn-key access to their networks that phone companies do.

However, tech firms, civil libertarians and some government officials claimed that it was impractical for smaller firms and such back doors can present serious security risks. Some of the critics insist that the fact the President would end up pushing the legislation will make him the punching bag for every American citizen who is already worried about their government.

Fuckin Hypocrate: 9 Indicted for Snooping on Obama Records



It is not uncommon for Palestinian solidarity activists to be told at one time or another that Judaism and Zionism are separate concepts, that Zionism is/was a secular movement, or even that Zionism and Judaism have little or nothing to do with one another. Some people (not just Jews) will tell you these things because they sincerely believe or want them to be true.

I have much respect for those isolated Jewish individuals and groups who cling to or assert a non-Zionist vision of Judaism. However, the fact is that in a real sense the validity of religious doctrine is determined by its adherents and for most religious Jews, Judaism and Zionism are complementary, to say the least. Even early "secular" Zionists like Hess and Ben-Gurion (né Grün) allowed that Judaism was the essential foundation of Zionism.

Read the rest at Noor al Haqiqa's Blog

This is well worth reading, please send Bob Foreskin the link 

9/11 Widow & lawyer sanctioned for motions which “reflect anti-Semitism in a raw and ugly form.”

A federal court in New York has sanctioned the widow of a 9/11 victim as well as her attorney, for filing “a series of offensive insinuations, unmistakably anti-Semitic.”

California Attorney Bruce Leichty and Appellant Ellen Mariani were both chided and fined by the court in an 11-page decision dated May 15th. The case, Ransmeier v. UAL Corporation, et al., was heard in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit.

 “We conclude that Appellant and her attorney’s conduct in prosecuting this appeal was frivolous and offensive,” the court proclaimed, “and therefore warrants the imposition of sanctions.”

Read the rest here

Viral Video: Security Guard Assaults Photographers Taking Pictures

During last week’s accident in which a semi plunged into a ravine near the Ohio Valley Mall, a scuffle broke out between a mall security guard and a woman taking photos of the accident. Mall policy states photos can not be taken of mall property. The woman was asked by the security guard to stop when the two fought.

The Corbett Report 267 - The Meaning of Life

Source Documentation

Syrian President Bashar Al Assad: “I don’t give up. People say who stays and who should go, not U.S.”

See this also: President al-Assad: Basis for Any Political Solution for Crisis in Syria is What the Syrian People Want

Pentagon Engaging in a Power Grab Against the Civilian Leadership

For the average citizen watching events such as the intense pursuit of the Tsarnaev brothers on television, it would be difficult to discern between fully outfitted police SWAT teams and the military.
The lines blurred even further Monday as a new dynamic was introduced to the militarization of domestic law enforcement. By making a few subtle changes to a regulation in the U.S. Code titled “Defense Support of Civilian Law Enforcement Agencies” [See p. 16 (3) here] the military has quietly granted itself the ability to police the streets without obtaining prior local or state consent, upending a precedent that has been in place for more than two centuries.   ***Read article at WASHINGTON'S BLOG***

Helpful hints on how to do a podcast and have it posted here

You just need a cheap microphone to start with and a free software that can record your sound card.

25 Free Digital Audio Editors You Should Know 

If you don't find something that works for you, just do a google search. Maybe you're using Linux or Mac?

Listen to the audio below, comment and ask questions. If you figure out how to and just want to have it posted then create an account at Kiwi6 or datafilehost or any other server and sent it to me at Chatango and I will do the rest.


Renegade Roundtable 2013.05.18

In all fairness, this is an edited version of the show in which they bashed Mami's shit.

I've been posting your shows since day one guys and this kind of behavior is childish in my opinion. I'm especially surprised at Mike's comportment.

P.S. When I called in to the show, I wanted to say that bashing Christians was counter productive. On the other hand if we could get most of them to realize that Israel is a peace of shit rogue State then we might have a formidable army on our side.

In any case, best of luck to you guys. BTW Mike, you need to work on that French Canadian accent some more. That was a bad impression of the French one. LOL.

Last renegade post in here unless you guys still have the urge to bash us again.

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