June 18, 2013

How to Grow a Survival Garden Without Land

What are people to do who do not own or rent land and want to start a survival garden today?

A reader of my blog tried three different locations in city parks and natural areas. Two of them failed. But the third experiment is producing squash and cucumber plants as you can see in this video. It's totally hidden amidst long grass in a clearing surrounded by forest.

David Duke Show 2013.06.18

Today: Dr. David Duke gives a great opening segment on the Secret Behind Communism, sharing the facts of the greatest mass murder in all of history, and then he brings on Dr. MacDonald with a discussion of the parallels of Jewish Bolshevist genocide against Russians, Ukrainians and others and the modern form of it called mass immigration and multi-culturalism. Great Show. Go to www.DavidDuke.com and read the introductory chapter!

David's site

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Alex Jones “Builds Bombers”

Future Assassination of Alex Jones

Since June 11, 2013, Jones has begun paraphrasing  the aforementioned Bloomberg News report by repeatedly stating, “I don’t build bombs, I build bombers” on his radio show. Either Jones is trying attempting to provocateur an organic domestic terror attack or he is repeatedly rehashing the phrase on the record so that in the aftermath of domestic terror attacks allegedly committed by his listeners, the audio can be played in a courtroom for all of America to hear. 

Case in point: On June11, 2013, Alex Jones stated on his radio program: “Our government is Hitler…We need to get aggressive” and “They might kill me”. Two days later, Jones stated “I am in danger” and we need to “accelerate to ramming speed”. Jones, who has been planning a departure from public life for quote some time now is obviously setting up his future assassination but not before he completes his mission of inciting a bloody revolution in the aftermath of terror attacks. 

The NSA scandal and the inexplicable “building bombers” talk by Jones clearly indicates that Jones’ audience is systematically being set-up to take the fall for future acts of domestic terror. Not surprisingly, the Infowars headline in respect to the Bloomberg News report read: “Alex Jones’ Free Speech Causes Terrorism”, ultimately linking the words “Alex Jones” and “Terrorism” in the same sentence as some sort of a sick inside joke.     

It's only lies

Max French's The Victory Hour - June 17, 2013

Max and Egeria with News and Commentary for June 17th 2013.



The Forbidden Truth: The U.S. is Channeling Chemical Weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria, Obama is a Liar and a Terrorist

Who has Crossed the "Red Line"? Barack Obama and John Kerry are Supporting a Terrorist Organization on the State Department List.

A WMD saga modeled on Iraq based on fabricated evidence is unfolding.  The Western media in chorus relentlessly accuse the Syrian government of premeditated mass-murder, calling upon the “international community” to come to the rescue of the Syrian people.
“Syria crosses ‘red line’ on chemical weapons. How will Obama respond?”
The Syrian “opposition” is calling upon the US and its allies to implement “a no fly zone”.
In turn, the White House has acknowledged that the red line “has been crossed”, while emphasizing that the US and its allies will  “increase the scope and scale of assistance” to the rebels. ***Read article at Global Research***


James Petras : The Deeper Meaning of Mass Spying in America

The assault on the living standards of working and middle class Americans in order to fund the endless series of wars, and not the so-called ‘war on terror’, is the reason the state has developed massive cyber warfare against the US citizenry. The issue is not only a question of a violation of individual privacy: it is fundamentally an issue of state infringement of the collective rights of organized citizens to freely engage in public opposition to regressive socio-economic policies and question the empire. The proliferation of permanent bureaucratic institutions, with over a million security ‘data collectors’, is accompanied by tens of thousands of ‘field operators’, analysts and inquisitors acting arbitrarily to designate dissident citizens as ‘security risks’ and imposing reprisals according to the political needs of their ruling political bosses. The police state apparatus has its own rules of self-protection and self-perpetuation; it has its own linkages and may occasionally compete with the Pentagon. The police state links up with and protects the masters of Wall Street and the propagandists of the mass media – even as it (must) spy on them!
                     ***Read article at VETERANS NEWS NOW***

Apple Co-founder Steve Wozniak On Airport Interview Talking Constitution, PRISM, NSA And Patriot Act


Syria what is really going on and why


Montreal’s interim mayor faces fraud charges

Follow The Arrow to it's natural conclusion
The Montreal replacement mayor who recently took office amid a corruption scandal, and who promised to restore public trust, has now been arrested in a bribery case.
Mayor Michael Applebaum was picked up at his home Monday by Quebec’s anti-corruption unit as part of a broader investigation into construction deals involving Mafia-linked figures and a public official who recently committed suicide.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.06.17

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - Texe Marrs Warned Of NSA And IRS In Advance!

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dave McGowan - A Close Look At The Boston Bombing 'Problems'

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Michael Collins - Fukushima Radiation Over US - Yoichi Shimatsu Fukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site

Presidential Liability Michelle Obama to Stay in $3,300-a-Night Dublin Hotel Suite

This look worth over $3k a night to you US Tax Payers?
Freeloader Michelle Obama is staying Monday evening in the $3,300-per-night Princess Grace suite of Dublin’s Five-Star Shelbourne Hotel, according to Irish press reports, adding some credence to accusations she is in the city for a quick vacation at taxpayer expense.(You don't Say?!)

Absolute Power Corrupts: Judge Threatens: Have Sex With Me or I’ll Frame You and Ruin Your Life

File Under *Yet More Judicial Corruption within a corrupt System that needs a Lead Enema*
This is a corruption case of epic proportions. Chief Magistrate Judge Bryant Cochran of Georgia was handling a woman’s divorce case, when he gave her an illicit offer she couldn’t refuse. Really. When she refused, he took many illegal steps to ruin her life.
(Report by TheDailySheeple.com. Video from Young Turks Show)

The Heretics' Hour 2013.06.17

“Truth movement” secondary to political agenda

Carolyn says we are in a political struggle, and this political struggle dominates every search for  truth that we may sincerely be engaged in. “Democracy,” as represented by Barack Obama, has brought about a border-less world, rampant “terrorism” and total 24-hour surveillance. What does truth mean in such an environment?
  • The God-like status of Barack Obama in Germany and the extraordinary security measures taken for his June 18-19 visit;
  • New testimony at the totally political National Socialist Underground “murder” trial is both surprising and meaningless;
  • Pasquale di Fabrizio should be “truth researcher” Jim Fetzer’s worst nightmare;
  • Two Jeff Baumans:  curly-haired tall guy in picture (right) and straight-haired stockier guy as amputee hero;
  • Deceit involved in Clues Forum–truth mixed with mis-direction–that’s disinfo;
  • Reader says the solution to “Elie Wiesel in Buchenwald” is to find Lazar Wiesel–or at least traces of him;
  • Questions on the Questionaires from Buchenwald do not bring anything conclusive;
  • Only real solution is to put people on the witness stand, under oath, with cross-examination.
Image: “Jeff Bauman” holding his thigh in place as he’s rolled down the street to … ? We never see him get into an ambulance.

The White Network
Original Post

32k Download

June 17, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.06.17

John's first show on TalkShoe with guest Sofia Smallstorm.

Sofia has done extensive research into 9/11, the Sandy Hook "shooting" PSYOP, health and environmental issues, and a number of other subjects. We will be discussing her recent presentation at the Conspiracy Con 2013 conference which just took place in Milpitas, California on June 1st and 2nd. Sofia's presentation revolved around the Sandy Hook "shooting" PSYOP, so we will spend most of our time discussing her research into this topic.

John Friend.net


Doug Owen’s Blacklisted Radio 6.15.2013

"This is a really fun and informative show. Tons of news and current events are covered, ranging from spy-gate, War in Syria, Health, and the latest machinations of global banking. Also lots of relevant audio clips and other light hearted takes on what is happening today." - That's Doug's Blurb. I found it a reasonably interesting way to spend 111 mins with nothing else to do.

Spingola Speaks 2013.06.17

Guest: Wayne from Canada, Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention (video); Hitler’s Shadow – In the Service of The Fuehrer; Atrocity Propaganda

Deanna's site

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David Duke Show 2013.06.17

Today: Dr. David Duke begins with a great talk on the amazing documents published in his book showing the Bolshevik genocide had an ethnic basis, and was directed against groups the Jewish communist leaders wanted to diminish. One Soviet document quotes a Bolshevik leader boasting that the Ukrainian genocide was meant to reduce the Ukrainian population and to replace the dead with other nationalities to destroy any sense of patriotism and solidarity in the country. Even the Jewish invented the term Genocide, Lemkin, pointed out this horrific strategy by the Bolshevik leaders. He then shows how this is exactly the Jewish strategy against America and the other nations in supporting reduced European birthrates and massive influx of multi races and nationalities to weaken the majority founding people and to divide and conquer Western nations. Then he exposes a Jewish supremacist activist who wants the war in Syria to go indefinitely in Israel's interest. One more case of Jewish promoted genocide against their enemies. Dr. Slattery also shares some incisive commentary during the show.

David's site

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Protest and Resistance against America’s Police State: What’s Your Breaking Point to Take Action?

Can't be bothered to write a caption...oh, wait a min!
As whistleblower Sibel Edmonds wrote this week, the inaction and apathy of people is our greatest enemy: “Apathy is a must ingredient for any police state, authoritarian regime, dictatorship, for abuses of power, for corruption, national atrocities, genocide. . . .”
What is your breaking point?
This is the question we must all ask ourselves, especially those who have not yet taken action.

Jonathon Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report 6/16/2013

Jonathon Azaziah returns to discuss Syria, the recent elections in Iran and everything else relevant to saving this diseased and dying world.          Show-page


It's a Trick
