Black Sabbath. New single from new album "13". Nuff Said.
June 28, 2013
House Passes 2014 NDAA; NSA Surveillance Will Lead to Indefinite Detention
Do *something*, or you'll be standing By for a long time... |
WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI
He needed the $5,000 because he was obviously Starving! |
Thordarson was long time volunteer for WikiLeaks with direct access to Assange and a key position as an organizer in the group. With his cold war-style embassy walk-in, he became something else: the first known FBI informant inside WikiLeaks. For the next three months, Thordarson served two masters, working for the secret-spilling website and simultaneously spilling its secrets to the U.S. government in exchange, he says, for a total of about $5,000.
(Article up at
Fight the New World Order with Global Non Compliance
Australian Documentary which delves deeply into the truth about the NWO. Provides ideas on how
to fight back at whatever level of effectiveness you can.
All 3 parts from Youtube listed below.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
All 3 parts from Youtube listed below.
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.06.27
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America At The Brink
Listen Download Hour 2 - Michael Wood - Master Cryptographer
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
56k CF
Rense' site
June 27, 2013
Miko Peled: How to counter false accusation of anti-semitism
Question: "How do we convince Americans who speak against Israeli policies to fight against the false accusation of anti-semitism?"
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev faces 30-count indictment in Boston Marathon bombing
A grand jury has indicted Boston Marathon
bombing suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev on charges of using weapons of mass
destruction and killing four people, federal prosecutors announced
Tsarnaev, 19, has been accused of setting off bombs near the finish line of the city’s annual race on April 15 with the help of his brother Tamerlan. The blasts killed three people, and investigators believe the brothers killed a university police officer in the days after the attack while attempting to evade capture.
Tsarnaev, 19, has been accused of setting off bombs near the finish line of the city’s annual race on April 15 with the help of his brother Tamerlan. The blasts killed three people, and investigators believe the brothers killed a university police officer in the days after the attack while attempting to evade capture.
David Duke Show 2013.06.27
Today: Dr. David Duke has an opening segment about the new book and why it completely changes the way that our people can approach the critical dangers of Jewish extremism. How for the first time we can go on the psychological offensive make and put them on the defensive. He shares an comment from a video commenter who is apparently an zio troll, and he shows how they work to divide and destroy their opponents. Part of their tactic is deceit, they pretend to basically agree with us and then they try to find fault with those who are truly accomplishing something great. Finally Kay and Dr. Duke talk about the power of giving of yourself and how that giving to the people and things you love actually gives you much more in return than what you give. He quotes Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, when Juliet says that the more she gives the more she has. And that is true in all things in life.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.06.26
Listen Download Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - World War Z
Listen Download Hour 2 - Terry Arnold - Snowden And Syria
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
56k CF
Rense' site
The Conspiracy - Official Trailer (2013)
Saw this trailer & just had to share it! Seems tailor-made for those of us with a conspiratorial bent...They're rubbing our noses in it yet again!
In THE CONSPIRACY, a pair of documentary filmmakers (Aaron Poole and James Gilbert) begin making a film about conspiracy theories. When the subject of their film (Alan C. Peterson) suddenly (and mysteriously) disappears, they find themselves digging deeper and deeper, the evidence leading them to an elite society with very powerful members.
In THE CONSPIRACY, a pair of documentary filmmakers (Aaron Poole and James Gilbert) begin making a film about conspiracy theories. When the subject of their film (Alan C. Peterson) suddenly (and mysteriously) disappears, they find themselves digging deeper and deeper, the evidence leading them to an elite society with very powerful members.
Spingola Speaks 2013.06.27
Guest: Victoria Thorn, of Project Rachel, and the National Office of Post-Abortion Reconciliation; the trauma of abortion; The Biology of the Theology of the Body; Interview; Biochemistry of Sex
Deanna's site
News Page
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks Email
Deanna's site
News Page
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks Email
Invasion of crazy ants that dine on your Mobile Phone
Likes eating Apples...or anything else electrical. |
The 9 Largest Private Armies In The World. What Are They Fighting For?
A clue: It rhymes with "Eccles". |
'US economy set to crash very hard'
Press TV has conducted an interview with Mike Harris, the financial editor of Veterans Today, from Oregon.
The Imperial Agenda in Syria - Michel Chossudovsky on GRTV
The aggressor nations in the war on Syria are now talking about "humanitarian aid" to support the Al Qaeda rebels they themselves sent into the country. But, as Michel Chossudovsky argues, the imperial powers need to be held accountable for their part in fomenting the conflict in the country, and should be made to pay reparations. Find out more in this week's GRTV Feature Interview.
Thugs with Keyboards to Spread Propaganda Using Up to 10 Online Personas Each
Rumors have long
floated around about government shills spreading disinformation on
websites that are at odds with the governmental party line. Now it’s
official: the US government has awarded a contract to a company in
California to create software to manage “online personalities”. The
software will allow one person to manage up to 10 personas, and will be
used to counter “extremist ideology and propaganda”.
***Read article at Activist Post***
***Read article at Activist Post***
Shaving After The Apocalypse: How To Prepare For Your $900 Shave And Haircut
You too can "Prep" & look like him! |
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