July 03, 2013

Bob Lazar Worked On Alien Spaceship Reverse Engineering: Lockheed Martin’s Senior Scientist

File Under "Mischievous foon1e Posting"!
Unquestionably, one of the most famous men associated with S4 (Sector – 4) is physicist Bob Lazar. Robert Scott Lazar was born in Coral Gables, Florida, in 1959 and is a name numerous people associate with alien spaceship reverse engineering .
This is due to the fact that he claims to have been employed at a complex recognised as “S-4″ deep within the now dry Papoose lake bed from 1988 until 1989 as a physicist at an area called S-4 (Sector Four), located near Groom Lake, Nevada, next to Area 51.
According to Lazar, S-4 served as a hidden military location for the study of and possibly reverse engineering extraterrestrial flying saucers. Lazar says he saw nine different discs there and provides details on their mode of propulsion.

Top 10 Places You Aren’t Allowed To Visit

Menwith Hill
Find out where the worlds highest security locations are. Many are top secret. (topinfopost.com)

Snowden drama ensnares an angry Bolivian leader

I like punching myself in the head - makes me feel Goooood!
It began as a seemingly offhand remark by the president of Bolivia, who suggested during a visit to Moscow that he might be happy to host Edward J. Snowden, the fugitive former security contractor who is desperate to find asylum. It escalated into a major diplomatic scramble in which the Bolivian president's plane was rerouted Tuesday because of suspicions that Snowden was aboard.

Son of David Icke Turns Down BBC Appearance With His Rock Band

Gareth Icke - forging a media career away from his famous father.
Gareth Icke made the following post to his blog in regards to his rejection of the BBC’s offer

Whistleblowing--Beware the Burdens of Knowledge

How often have you come across a news article where some obnoxious or even downright despicable activity has come to light and is shown to have been an activity for some period of time. How could such a travesty have gone on so long... surely someone should have been aware? In the back of our minds we are incredulous someone should have known and somehow put a stop to it.
The chances are the foul, dangerous or illegal practice was known to some degree by a passive observer who chose for some reason to turn a blind eye to the situation. Some would say that person was culpable through remaining silent, others may have empathy for that position, usually from bitter experience.
The track record for those who come forward and seek to right obvious wrongs is not good. The well intentioned are often subjected to harsh consequence and personal attack, careers are often ended. We need to ask and understand why, for surely intervening in a wrong situation should be lauded, not penalized.
***Read article at BEYOND PROPHECY***

Two more babies stricken with herpes after Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in Jew York City

Two more infants have been infected with a deadly herpes virus in the last three months after undergoing a controversial religious oral circumcision in New York City.
The latest cases bring the count to 13 infants since 2000, two of which suffered brain damage and two died from the virus which can rapidly spread throughout its body.
The ultra-Orthodox Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to orally suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound following its circumcision, making them susceptible to the virus.
***Read article at DAILY MAIL***  

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.02

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Michel Chossudovsky - US Closer To Hegemony Over Canada

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - George Filer - MUFON UFO Report

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Sharmine Narwani - Inside Syria

56k CF
Rense' site

July 02, 2013

The People Speak with Rock Cash 2013.07.02

 Guest:  NSA Whistle-blowers William Binney and Thomas Andrews Drake talk  about the US government being a surveillance state and pretend not to be gatekeepers.

BBS Radio 2

64k CF Download

Scott Horton 2013.07.01

First interview Philip Weiss

Philip Weiss, founder and co-editor of Mondoweiss, discusses Secretary of State John Kerry’s persistent yet futile push for peace talks in Israel; the never-ending colonization of the West Bank; why most Americans have never heard of the Nakba; and mainstream recognition that a Jewish state isn’t really necessary. (Duration: 31:33 — 7.2MB)

32k Download

Second interview Adam Morrow

PS News journalist Adam Morrow discusses the huge protests against Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi; the Egyptian military’s demand that a political settlement be reached within 48 hours, or else; and why the secular Egyptian opposition looks ready to vote for another military dictatorship only two years after deposing Hosni Mubarak. (Duration: 25:45 — 5.9MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.02

Guest: Karl Burgart of Olea Estates Organic Olive Oil and Healthy Harvest Gardens, LLC

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
Spingola Speaks Email


David Duke Show 2013.07.02

Today: 48 hours deadline to set the number for printing of The Secret Behind Communism. This program with Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into many of the fascinating aspects of Dr. Duke's new book showing its crucial relevance to modern world, and why this book can change the way people react to Zionism, and Jewish extremist power in the globalist world!

David's site

64k CF Download

Irish minister refuses to answer questions on Anglo Irish Bank fraud and instead attempts to grab camera

Rage against the Regime (RAR) attempt to question Labour Party TD (MP) and Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin on why no criminal action has followed on from the revelations regarding Anglo-Irish Bank and its senior staff. Mr Howlin refuses to answer any of the questions put to him and instead tried to grab the camera. Typical of the contempt most Government ministers this side of the pond continue to show the average citizen today.(http://wakeupfromyourslumber.com)

Paula Deen Blames ‘The Jews’ For Firing her from Food Network.

Obviously liked to sample her own cooking!
Celebrity chef Paula Deen, embroiled in controversy this week over allegations of racism, added two cups of gasoline to the fire this morning when she blamed her troubles on Jewish people.
Deen, 66, was a guest of morning host Dave Garver on Atlanta radio station WTMI when she claimed “Jew executives” deliberately abandoned her in the wake of the controversy, which stemmed from a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee against her company.
(For entertainment purposes only - file under "Satire").

Too little too late

 Last week, President Obama gained what he called a “great diplomatic victory” when he “convinced” Israel to issue an apology to Turkey over their “misunderstanding” involving the massacre of peace activists and journalists on the high seas.


The article is sure to raise some hairs.

On The Warning Track - June 30, 2013

This Weeks dose of...you guessed it...Christian Zionist John Hagee.


On the Warning Track Holohoax Series

It's a Trick 


The Evil Men do.

Two harrowing documentaries about the underground scourge of Child Trafficking and Prostitution. After recent events in the Uk, I believe it important to keep this issue in the public eye - before the masons and politicians make the headlines go away again.

Dutch Injustice: When Child Traffickers Rule A Nation

Sun Sea and Satan - Full Documentary

Meet Catherine Ashton, Tony Blair’s pro-Israel proxy in the EU

Axis Of Evil?
Beneath the radar of the US media, Secretary of State John Kerry and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu succeeded in blocking a statement by European Union member states that would have included sharp criticism of illegal Israeli settlement activity and of the general direction of the peace process. (mondoweiss.net)

Woman, 62, Jailed On Felony Battery Charge After Kissing Cop On The Nose!

Jumping Jehoshaphat!!!!
A Florida woman is jailed on a felony battery on a law enforcement officer charge after she allegedly kissed a cop on the nose.
Peggy Hill, 62, was arrested late Saturday evening outside her Bradenton residence by Manatee County Sheriff’s Office deputies who had arrived at the home in response to a call about a dispute between Hill and a neighbor about a fence between their properties. refreshingnews with the scoop.

Suspicious of using Skype after the recent revelations? 9 Alternatives to Skype for VoIP and Video Chat

In case of a Planetary Crash, Emergency Telephones will drop out of the Sky...
Microsoft buying Skype in a $8.5 billion deal is probably good news for video chat users, there will probably be some Skype customers who are worried about the implications of the acquisition and may be looking for alternatives. While there’s probably no one service that provides a feature-for-feature replacement for Skype, there are plenty that offer great VoIP and video calling services, some of which are even better than Skype’s. Here is a list of some of our favorites. (http://gigaom.com)

The most frequently used words on television

Emergency Lighting in Family Submarines can aid televisual Viewing!
Propaganda is the art of selling people a reality they would never choose on their own.
One of the profound and simple tricks of propaganda is selling people what they already have.
However, if they don’t know they already have it, if they don’t realize the sale is unnecessary, they won’t recognize the sleight-of-hand operation. (Activistpost.com)