July 31, 2013

The Joeblow and zapoper interview 2012.10.25

A blast from the past. The first and only audio I did completely sober. LOL

Joeblow was an admin at TIU and had disappeared for nine months therefor everyone was wondering WTF happened to him so this was my attempt to get some answers out of him. 



Doug Owen on Wide Awake News - 2013.07.30

Doug Owen and Charlie McGrath talk about their new collaborative project, the DoomCast's new weekly schedule, and the direction and overall initial response,which has been great!

The Blitzkrieg Broadcast with Kyle Hunt 2013.07.30

The Hidden History of White Slaves White people have been slaving in horrid conditions throughout history and up until the present day. Topics include: white slaves in North Africa, white slaves in North America, white slaves in Israel, white children as sex slaves, white wage slaves, and more.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism


Spingola Speaks 2013.07.31

Guest: Friedrich Paul Berg; Did Six Million Really Die?

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Scott Horton 2013.07.30

First interview Kevin Zeese

Kevin Zeese, Co-Chair of Come Home America, discusses the verdict of Bradley Manning’s military trial; the serious attack on freedom of the press; Judge Denise Lind’s strange rulings (always favoring the prosecution) that could be overturned on appeal; the high-powered government witnesses scheduled to denounce Manning during the sentencing phase; and the tipping point in the battle between citizen and corporate media. (Duration: 30:23 — 7.0MB)

32k Download

Second interview Daniel Ellsberg

Exclusive: the first reaction of Daniel Ellsberg, author of Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers, to Bradley Manning’s acquittal on charges of “aiding the enemy,” but conviction under the espionage act, why journalism is still threatened, Manning’s motives, the positive consequences of his leaks — for instance ending America’s occupation of Iraq once and for all, and the importance of whistleblowers to a free society. (Duration: 19:32 — 4.5MB)

The Ellsberg link has been fixed.

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.07.30

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Pete Papaherakles of American Free Press.

Below are links to some of the topics we discussed during this program:

John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


David Duke Show 2013.07.31

Today: Dr. David Duke hunkers down with you personally in this show scanning a wide landscape of thoughts both about the realities of the world and expressing wonderful thoughts about living a happier and more fulfilling life at the same time fulfilling your responsibility to your people and your world! He also quotes a wonderful poem by Norwegian nature poet and author Knut Hamsun. For those who want to hear the song, do a google search for Om hundrede aar er alting glemt (In one hundred years all will be forgotten) and you can find the lyrics with translation as well.

David's site

56k CF Download

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.30

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Mike King - Hitler vs The New World Order

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Jay Weidner - The State Of The Planet

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

Whistleblowers, Prison, and More…

Want to risk blowing this?
Whistleblowers, in my humble opinion, are honorable people who should be valued rather than prosecuted. I know that may go against the grain for some readers. However, are we not guaranteed—and morally obligated—to think, feel, and believe what our consciences require of us?  (activistpost.com)

July 30, 2013

On The Warning Track Broadcast- July 28, 2013

Israel upping the pressure on Iran.


Laughing thugs poured acid over mother as she walked her six-year-old twins home from school

This article at the dailymail.co.uk site made me sick to my stomach today. Just one more example of how far down the toilet Britain has fallen.

A gang who laughed as they doused a woman in acid while she walked her six-year-old twins home from school have been jailed for a total of 44 years.

The attackers was heard laughing as the noxious liquid was sprayed at the screaming mother in front of her two boys outside Upton Cross Primary School in Upton Park, east London.

Rep. Barletta: US ‘waving a green flag’ for people to come here illegally.

click here for video

In an interview with The Daily Caller’s Ginni Thomas, Barletta said he didn’t come to Congress “to play politics.” “I came here to do what’s best for America,” he declared.Barletta argued in the interview that American citizenship is a special privilege that shouldn’t be given away like a “cheap suit.”

Manning 'Guilty' on Most Counts, Faces 100 Years in Prison

Waiting for the verdict.
'Not Guilty' on 'aiding the enemy' charge, but vPfc. Bradley Manning, the army whistleblower who exposed egregious U.S. war crimes after revealing military documents to the website WikiLeaks, has been found guilty of almost all of his charges in a military court in Fort Meade, Maryland and could face a maximum of more than 100 years in jail. (commondreams.org)

Look Up! A Social Action Documentary

There may be hope for democracy and freedom yet! Get the App and save the world. LOL

Spingola Speaks 2013.07.30

Guest: Walter Burien, Mr. Smith (CAFR1) goes to Washington; Review Process

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Scott Horton 2013.07.29

James Bamford

James Bamford, author of several books on the NSA, discusses the revelations/confirmations of NSA spying in whistleblower Edward Snowden’s leaked documents; the “Secret War” waged by NSA director General Keith Alexander; and the Israeli companies helping the NSA collect and process information on American citizens. (Duration: 30:49 — 7.1MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio
Scott Horton.org

David Duke Show 2013.07.30

Today: Dr. Duke is joined by Patrick Slattery with a dynamic discussion of the Zio FED and the media hiding of the complete Jewish Supremacy of the most powerful financial institution on Earth. Then Dr. Duke also talks about his new video now being uploaded, Israeli Media Reveals the Secret Behind Communism!

David's site

56k CF Download

Hikers Capture Video of Mysterious 'Bigfoot' in Canada

The startling video allegedly shot by a couple hiking in Mission, British Columbia, shows a large, gangling figure covered in hair, lumbering over a forest hilltop. Source

Fox News: Hikers capture footage of mysterious 'Bigfoot' figure

I think it's a naked French Canadian livin off grid, but I may be wrong. 

Don't tell Bo Bo and Renae, they will scare him away! 

Mind your thought fungus (by Mrpeackcrackers)

'Fake Cops' Who Robbed People at Gunpoint in Detroit Turn Out to Be Real Cops

As things turn even uglier in Detroit after the Official Bankrupcy of the city, those tasked with the protection of it's citizens turn out to be just as bad as the next crook.