August 03, 2013

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.08.02

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Sword Brethren of The Mein Kampf Project at We'll be discussing Chapter 11 Nation & Race of Mein Kampf along with some of the writings of Thomas Jefferson & George Washington.

See Original Post for more details.

P.S. On that photo, it looks like Hitler needs a good rubbing alcohol swipe instead of a clean shave. Not sure what's going on there. Maybe I missed something. LOL

The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


August 02, 2013

AMERICAN FREE PRESS Editors Roundtable 8/1/2013

AMERICAN FREE PRESS newspaper's editors and reporters discuss the weeks top stories.         Show-page



The Jim Traficant Show 7/31/2013

Former 17-year Ohio Congressman Jim Traficant tells it like it is, in two hours of non-stop commentary and analysis on the issues that no one else will dare to touch.




Spingola Speaks 2013.08.02

Guest: Karl Radl talks about the Third Reich and the Occult (and how the jews have used that to facilitate Christian Zionism)

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.08.02

Today: Dr. David Duke in a follow up to his last show dealing with happiness, today talks about the relationship between happiness and meaningfulness in life, and how that a meaningful life is far more important to your family, your community your world and ultimately to yourself than is happiness. Using the latest research from a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science PSNAS, this show helps you navigate between those sometimes conflicting psychologies. Also there is some fascinating political commentary from Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery.

David's site

56k CF Download

Corbett Report: Who Funded Hitler?


In this edition of the ongoing Questions For Corbett podcast series, James answers your questions on weather manipulation, cyber attacks, water wars, biometrics, Hitler, online anonymity and more.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.01

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Andy Gause - Gold 

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Current Events

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases

56k CF
Rense' site

Wall to Wall ZIO

August 01, 2013

Big Banks Manipulated Energy Markets In California and the Midwest … Ripping Off Tens of Millions of Dollars in 9 Months

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission says that JP Morgan has massively manipulated energy markets in  California and the Midwest, obtaining tens of millions of dollars in overpayments from grid operators between September 2010 and June 2011.
As shown below, big banks have manipulated virtually every other market as well – both in the financial sector and the real economy – and broken virtually every law on the books.
***Read article at Global Research***

Politically Incorrect Jewish News - 8/1/13

Mark Glenn's The Ugly Truth Broadcast 7/29/2013

Putin and the Jews–is he ‘one of them’ as certain corners of the ‘Truth Movement’ are alleging or simply a skilled chess player?

We are joined by ‘Alexander from Russia’ to discuss this and other issues.         Show-page


Spingola Speaks 2013.08.01

Guest: Texe Marrs; of Conspiracy World; talks about his new book, DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline; noon - 1pm: Noor of Snippits and Snappits

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Scott Horton 2013.07.31

Greg Mitchell

Greg Mitchell, daily blogger for The Nation, discusses the most significant revelations in whistleblower Bradley Manning’s leaked documents; the exposed corruption and illegal acts committed by governments around the world; and the likely arguments that will be made by the defense and prosecution during Manning’s sentencing hearing. (Duration: 30:31 — 7.0MB)

32k Download

No Agenda Global Radio

David Duke Show 2013.08.01

Today: Dr. Duke has an incredibly insightful and inspiring show. He begins by discussing the philosophical underpinnings of human rights and freedom and then goes into the source of our own happiness, love, creativity and achievement with six keys to happiness and achievement based on his own values and a summation of Harvard Professor, Shawn Achor. This program will truly inspire you, empower you and give you the tools that will propel your life and your happiness, and contribute to the redemption of a world facing the ultimate struggle between light and darkness.

David's site

56k CF Download

6,000pounds of food on 1/10th acre!


Questions For The Corporate Media And Politicians.

Wait a minute. I finally understand American and world history. It tells us why we cannot investigate 911. Why we are fed poisons in our food that sterilize and kill us. Why we are treated as an enemy of the state with the government spying on us and demanding our passwords. Why Wall Street is allowed to steal our money by the tens of trillions. Why the government is preparing to kill us.
It is because the Jews run our government and the media. They know they have stolen our paychecks, our savings and our pensions. They declared war on humanity.
***Read article at Video Rebel's Blog***

Amazing Serial Killer Survival Story
WeAreChange recently got the opportunity to meet and Interview Joe Lozito, the selfless hero who put his life on the line to stop a serial killer. The story is only magnified when Joe finds out, that while being stabbed by the serial killer, the NYPD was standing by watching everything unfold from the safety of the conductors door. Currently in a legal suit, the NYPD and City of NY is arguing that the NYPD has NO duty to protect its own citizens.
If you want to learn more about Joe and be updated about his court case follow him on
Joe is petitioning Judge Margaret A. Chan to get his day in court against the NYPD. Please sign and share!

How America's Top Tech Companies Created the Surveillance State

But the sounds of silence from the tech and telecom sectors are drowning out a larger truth, one that some of Snowden’s documents might well supply in much greater detail. For nearly 20 years, many of these companies—indeed most of America’s biggest corporate sectors, from energy to finance to telecom to computers—have been doing the intelligence community’s bidding, as America’s spy and homeland-security agencies have bored their way into the nation’s privately run digital and electronic infrastructure. Sometimes this has happened after initial resistance, and occasionally under penalty of law, but more often with willing and even eager cooperation. Indeed, the private tech sector effectively built the NSA’s surveillance system, and got rich doing it.
***Read article at National Journal***

West war crimes in Syria exposed

There was a time during the 30-month covert dirty war on Syria when the Western governments and mainstream media would make a clamor over reported massacres. Now, despicably, these governments and media just ignore such atrocities.
Why? Because it is increasingly clear that the groups committing these crimes against thousands of Syrian civilians are the foreign-backed mercenaries, whom the Western media and their governments have tried to lionize as “rebels” fighting for “democratic freedom”.

***Read article at Press TV*** 

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.07.31

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Catherine Austin Fitts - The 'Economy'...What's Left Of It - The Old System Is Struggling And Dying

 Hour 2 and hour 3 were ENCORES

56k CF
Rense' site