These days, describing the big banks as criminal syndicates extorting billions from the public is hardly sticking one’s head above the parapet: the foreclosures scandal, in which GMAC, Bank of America, CitiBank, JPMorganChase and others ignored banking laws in their fervour to throw people out of their homes as quickly as possible, was just one example of a long list of the many crimes of the financial sector, who by now have become so completely deregulated that they are acting not just with impunity from any kind of prosecution but with the active assistance of the governments of the West.
Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg discusses his recent arrest
during Hiroshima Day protests at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory; why land-based nuclear weapons have no good reason to exist;
the effects of nuclear winter; and how ICBMs equipped with conventional
warheads (so the US can kill anyone in the world in 1/2 an hour) could
start a nuclear war. (Duration: 35:10 — 8.0MB)
Jason Leopold, a journalist with Al Jazeera, discusses the government’s claim that “Al-Qaeda might attack Guantanamo” if they reveal details about Guantanamo prisoner genital searches requested in Leopold’s motion to intervene in a federal court case. (Duration: 22:31 — 5.2MB)
Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Slattery have a conversation that begins with the latest efforts of the Zionists to suppress free speech and opposition to Israel and Zio control of Gentile nations. Then Dr. Duke goes into the attack upon the family and the factors that reducing the birthrate and vitality of families, the economic and social realities that mitigate against healthy and happy families. Finally there is a fascinating discussion of the devolutionary aspects of societies that favor the highest birthrates among the least capable individuals and the very lowest birthrates among the many of the very brightest and talented of our populations. A problem that confronts the well-being of every race and every nation on earth!
How Zionism Hides Itself In The Christian And Muslim World.
You have been victims of a divide-and-conquer strategy that has completely demoralized your people, created strife and tension and disunity which has successfully pitted Shia against Sunni, Muslim against Christian, Kurdish against their neighbors, and vice-versa on all previous groups mentioned, all benefitting the furtherance of “The jewish Utopia.”
It is zionism/israel/zOGs-of-USA-UK-Etc., that are MANIPULATING, FINANCING, RADICALIZING, and COORDINATING the proxies known as “the rebels” in Syria, as they did in Libya; however, there is one very big difference between what they did in Libya, to what they are doing in Syria:
Overpasses for Obama’s Impeachment has a simple goal.. The removal of the corrupt and criminal President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama.
His actions go unimpeded, our pleas through petitions unanswered. Our calls and letters to Congress are left ignored and unopened.
Our only peaceful recourse is to take to the streets and overpasses of America and DEMAND that our nation be returned to We the People, and that Barack Hussein Obama be Impeached. (
President Obama and his congressional colleagues are carrying on an established, yet clearly dangerous, tradition of U.S. foreign policy — the mixing up of national interest and the parochial interests of powerful lobby groups.Indeed, given the way U.S. federal politics has long operated, national interest is, except in rare cases, an impossible notion.
This is because almost all politicians and both political parties are so tied to, and financially dependent upon, powerful lobby groups that they cannot formulate independent positions on issues important to these lobbies.Thus, what is put forth as national interest is most often the interest of a particular interest group with too much money buying too much influence. (
The mainstream media is now admitting that “TSA VIPR Teams” are conducting warrantless random sweeps at sporting events, music festivals, and train depots, and searching people without probable cause.
Deployments to war zones and combat exposure have no effect on military suicides and fail to explain the increase in self-inflicted deaths that occurred from 2001 to 2008, concluded a new medical study, thereby contradicting previous research.
Military medical researchers on Tuesday published a paper that claims mental disorders, such as depression and alcohol abuse – not combat – are to blame for military suicides. (
Please understand that cancer is big business. The cancer industry is
spending virtually nothing of its multi-billion dollar resources on
effective prevention strategies, such as dietary guidelines, exercise
and obesity education. Instead, it pours its money into treating cancer, not preventing or curing it.
Why would they shoot their cash cow? If they can keep the well-oiled
Cancer Machine running, they will continue to make massive profits on chemotherapy drugs, radiotherapy, diagnostic procedures and surgeries.
Mark Glenn is joined by the one and only Michael
Collins Piper to discuss the new book published by mainstream sources
that gives at least tacit credence to the thesis outlined in MCP’s
monument to journalism Final Judgment, that Israel’s Mossad was
responsible for the murder of JFK.
The corollary conspiracy theory is “Israel in danger.”
A long-term mainstay in the call for aid, Israel lobbyists have more
recently propagated Iranian president Ahmadinejad’s stated intention to
“wipe Israel from the map” as fact. So useful is this meme that it has
long since ceased to matter that it is a well-documented mistranslation.
In the current slippery slope of events foreseen by proponents of
“Israel in danger” theory, a nuclear-tipped Iran will first incinerate
Tel Aviv before parlaying demonstrated atomic clout into dominating the
entire energy-producing Gulf, forcing the U.S. out of the region. In
this feverish scenario, only a U.S. taxpayer-funded “qualitative
military edge” along with an ironclad U.S. commitment to attack Iran
will guarantee Israel’s survival, or so this fusion paranoia recommends.
Of course in reality it is Israel—not Iran—that casts a chafing
nuclear shadow across the entire region. Israel’s U.S. lobby has been
unceasing in its efforts to provide illicit support (both material and financial) to build up Israel’s nuclear arsenal. ***Read article at ANTIWAR***
Every Brand of Ugly Coming Soon in the World of Finance
-The big main stream media story of BOA lawsuit for stinky MBS is there to take your eye off the ball
-Banks do not want to sell homes to cities to resell back to the homeowners
-The end of USG ownership of Fannie and Freddie….again…and again.
-A listener asks why President Obama does not seem to adhere to the Constitution?
-Debt is a blessing for those who know
-Banks have managed to fractionalize gold and silver
-The future of Bit Coin is grim because they don’t have F-16′s
-Trying to hide anything these days is futile and simply will make you a suspicious character
-If you have lots of cash on hand you are one of the bad guys
-Miners can not get gold out of the ground fast enough and the price of gold is stalled
-G-20 and their agenda to bail in is fact and documented
-More and more know the real unemployment number is 15 – 20%
-The updated numbers on Pension Fund shortfalls is double what we’ve been told by their accountants
-Conventional wisdom on the street is the Fed is going to slow printing money. Andrew says, “No Way”
-MZM, hot money, ready to spend money keeps growing; now at 12 Trillion Dollars The Real World of Money Archive Andy's site