Sandra started out trying to figure out the chemtrails in November 2007. Debilitated with Lyme disease, she was directing a conference when some researchers concerned for her health and exposure told her about chemtrails. A few months ago, Sandra went to the mayor, chief of police and county commissioner near Tampa, Florida with her pictures of chemtrails over the Tampa, Florida area – and chemtrails complaint. The county commissioner
went to see Senator Bill Young, and the state congressional Representative.
The chemtrails stopped.
They weren’t completely blatant.”They would go out into the gulf and spray and let them come in”, Sandra explained. “They’re not spraying directly anymore”, she reconfirmed. They’re sneaky about it. When it’s getting ready to rain, they’ll spray above the clouds. Sandra knows a “very well known microbiologist who has three dead friends” and whom she does not reveal to anyone. Using a 20,000-power microscope he looked at her samples of chemtrails fallout caught in a sterile dish in her front yard – not rain, but actual powder falling from the sky.
Read the rest here
August 15, 2013
Snowden: NSA targeted journalists critical of government after 9/11
“After 9/11, many of the most important news outlets in American
abdicated their role as a check to power – the journalistic
responsibility to challenge the excesses of government – for fear of
being seen as unpatriotic and punished in the market during a period of
heightened nationalism,” he said.
“From a business perspective, this was the obvious strategy,” he continued. “But what benefitted the institutions ended up costing the public dearly. The major outlets are still only beginning to recover from this cold period. Laura and Glenn are among the few who reported fearlessly on controversial topics.”
***Read article at THE HILL***
“From a business perspective, this was the obvious strategy,” he continued. “But what benefitted the institutions ended up costing the public dearly. The major outlets are still only beginning to recover from this cold period. Laura and Glenn are among the few who reported fearlessly on controversial topics.”
***Read article at THE HILL***
Snowden: American media ‘abdicated their role as check to power’
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has gone on the offensive against
his critics in the US, accusing the mainstream media there of failing
their audiences “for fear of being seen as unpatriotic and punished in
the market.”
In a rare interview, Snowden explained why he chose a UK journalist and a documentary filmmaker for his leaks. In an encrypted e-mail correspondence with journalist Peter Maass, the former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower presented his candid opinion of the US media and what finally persuaded him to go public on the NSA’s worldwide surveillance program.
***Read article at RINF***
In a rare interview, Snowden explained why he chose a UK journalist and a documentary filmmaker for his leaks. In an encrypted e-mail correspondence with journalist Peter Maass, the former NSA contractor-turned-whistleblower presented his candid opinion of the US media and what finally persuaded him to go public on the NSA’s worldwide surveillance program.
***Read article at RINF***
MSNBC Blames Boston Bombing on “Deeply Racist” Alex Jones
MSNBC engaged in one of the most egregious and defamatory hit pieces in its entire history earlier today when host Alex Wagner and guests all but blamed Alex Jones for the Boston bombings, claiming with no evidence that the Tsarnaev brothers were inspired to carry out the attack by the “deeply racist” Jones and his website. (infowars)
*Torn about this one, as i think Jones is controlled opposition. But Blaming him for this tars *all* truthers - probably the msm's intention.
*Torn about this one, as i think Jones is controlled opposition. But Blaming him for this tars *all* truthers - probably the msm's intention.
Canada’s One-Sided Israel Extremism
They control your country, just like they control mine! |
The latest example is Ottawa helping convince the European Union to list Hezbollah’s military wing as a “terrorist” organization. After that decision was taken, Foreign Minister John Baird declared, “We are thrilled that the European Union unanimously has agreed to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. We’ve been pushing for this.” (counterpunch)
Investigating WTC Building 7: The Evidence Might Surprise You
In the 12 years since the events of 9/11, independent researchers have assembled a body of evidence that overwhelmingly contradicts the official account of 9/11. A primary area of research has been the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and the Twin Towers.
Check out the website to follow the campaign and get active, as grassroots actions will be fully developed in mid-August. Help ReThink911 go viral this September! (
Check out the website to follow the campaign and get active, as grassroots actions will be fully developed in mid-August. Help ReThink911 go viral this September! (
Look out! Israel’s Twitter pimps are about
Online Jewish Pimp Danny Seaman... |
The Israeli prime minister’s office said in a statement that students on Israeli university campuses would receive full or partial scholarships to combat anti-Semitism and calls to boycott Israel online. It said students’ messages would parallel statements by government officials…
18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer
In other words, there is a very strong positive correlation between more
guns and less crime. This is the exact opposite of what the mainstream
media would have us believe, but it makes sense. You see, the reality
is that criminals really, really, really don’t want to get shot. When
you pass strict gun control laws, you take the fear of getting shot away
and criminals tend to flourish.
***Read article at IntelliHub***
***Read article at IntelliHub***
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.08.14
Listen Download Hour 1 - Gerald Celente - Trending Toward Disaster
Listen Download Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - A World Gone To Hell
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs
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Rense' site
August 14, 2013
Spingola Speaks 2013.08.14
Guest: Mike King, the author of NWO Forbidden History, talks Adolf Hitler and King Edward
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
Scott Horton 2013.08.13
First interview Will Grigg
Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the continued persecution of 57 year old quilt maker Rita Hutchens by the police and city government of tiny Sandpoint, Idaho; the character assassination of a Utah prosecutor who would dare indict a cop who broke the law; and how even local governments can conspire to ruin the life of anyone they choose. (Duration: 30:14 — 6.9MB)
32k Download
Second interview Antonio Buehler
Antonio Buehler, co-founder of the Peaceful Streets Project, discusses his efforts to bring accountability to out-of-control law enforcement; looking at cops through the eyes of black Americans; the latest Austin, TX police murder; and the 2013 Project Police Accountability Summit in Austin on August 17th. (Duration: 30:36 — 7.0MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
Will Grigg, blogger and author of Liberty in Eclipse, discusses the continued persecution of 57 year old quilt maker Rita Hutchens by the police and city government of tiny Sandpoint, Idaho; the character assassination of a Utah prosecutor who would dare indict a cop who broke the law; and how even local governments can conspire to ruin the life of anyone they choose. (Duration: 30:14 — 6.9MB)
32k Download
Second interview Antonio Buehler
Antonio Buehler, co-founder of the Peaceful Streets Project, discusses his efforts to bring accountability to out-of-control law enforcement; looking at cops through the eyes of black Americans; the latest Austin, TX police murder; and the 2013 Project Police Accountability Summit in Austin on August 17th. (Duration: 30:36 — 7.0MB)
32k Download
No Agenda Global Radio
David Duke Show 2013.08.14
Today: Dr. David Duke first talks about a new study from the University of Utah that shows even small amounts of sugar have a devastating affect on our health and even our achievement and willingness to stand up for ourselves, our family our rights and freedoms. Next Dr. Slattery comes on and the two academics discuss the latest outrage where anti-Zionist students at Florida Atlantic University have been sent to ADL re-education programs for simply daring to protest an Israeli war criminal.
David's site
56k CF Download
David's site
56k CF Download
Man in coma after Black mob of 50 pummels him
Ray Widstrand thought he'd nothing to fear, living in a Black neighbourhood. |
(Editor’s note: Colin Flaherty has done more reporting than any other journalist on what appears to be a nationwide trend of skyrocketing black-on-white crime, violence and abuse. WND features these reports to counterbalance the virtual blackout by the rest of the media due to their concerns that reporting such incidents would be inflammatory or even racist. WND considers it racist not to report racial abuse solely because of the skin color of the perpetrators or victims.) Videos linked or embedded may contain foul language and violence.)
The Obama Regime’s Fabricated “Terror Conspiracy” in Defense of the Police State
If you can see a politicians lips moving,you know they're lying. |
Israel's Undisputed Role in Training Middle East Terrorists
Lying,Evil Sons-Of-Bitches. |
All Israeli settlements on Palestinian land are illegal, US says
John Kerry. Stating the obvious. |
Kerry made the remarks during a joint news conference with his Brazilian counterpart Antonio Patriota in the Brazilian capital Brasilia, where he arrived on Tuesday 13th August after visiting neighboring Colombia.
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