Carolyn covers several topics with the common thread of the overwhelming presence of Jews controlling all aspects of our lives and societies. For instance:
- Kenneth Waltzer’s Michigan State University-sponsored exhibition extolling Michigan’s Jews and how their well-being was threateed by “Nazism” in Europe and World War II;
- Compare treatment of Hitler bodyguard Rochas Misch after the war with that of Hitler assassin Ewald-Heinrich von Kleist-Schmenzin who went on to become a major globalist and American stooge;
- Nephew of the Jew who captured Rudolf Höss discovers his daughter Brigitte living undetected in Northern Virginia and gets interview;
- The White Rose Society was made up of a few U. of Munich medical students who came from families that were anti-Hitler, strongly religious and Jew-friendly;
- They distributed leaflets advocating in 1942-43 for military defeat in order to accomplish the overthrow of the National-Socialist regime, and have been glorified as martyrs in post-war Germany, similar to the “Valkyrie” July 20 conspirators;
- Ringleader and half-Russian Alexander Schmorell has even been made a New Martyr by the “Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia.”
Image: From the exhibition “Uneasy Years: Michigan Jewry during Depression and War:” Announcing the 9th Jewish-owned Winkelman’s Dept. Store to open in Detroit, Mich. in 1940. Retailing in the Midwest had long been in the hands of the Jews, while they comprised 8/10 of 1% of the Michigan population.
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