October 09, 2013

Mo Money, Mo Money, Mo Money

Inmates at Stony Mountain Institution have walked off the job to protest against a 30 per cent cut in their pay.
They’re joining their counterparts on strike at federal prisons in Ontario, New Brunswick, Quebec and Saskatchewan.

On Monday, the federal government began deducting the money from prisoners’ paycheques as part of a move to recover costs under Ottawa’s Deficit Reduction Action Plan.

Read the rest here.

David Duke Show 2013.10.09

Today: Dr. David Duke and Patrick Slattery talk about the biggest funeral in the history of Israel: One for a Jewish religious leader who stated that the only reason Gentiles exist at all are to be servants to Jews, and then compared Gentiles to donkeys. In addition he advocated genocide of the Palestine people, literally "wiping their seed" from the face of the earth. A discussion of the word Shiksa then ensues and a fascinating journey into the mind and realities of Jewish supremacism. Also you can find the quotations that David Duke cites in this broadcast on David's site.

David's site

64k CF Download

Another War for Israel? NOT!

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.10.09

Charles talks about journalist Tim Russert's death and Brian Jones of the Rolling Stones' "drowning". Then he finishes the show with the Beltway sniper attacks.


32k CF Download

The 9/11 Attacks, Pretext to Wage War on Afghanistan. 12 Years of Illegal Occupation


Global Research: The 9/11 Attacks, Pretext to Wage War on Afghanistan. 12 Years of Illegal Occupation

Chris Hedges on the 12 year Afghanistan war anniversary


The Piper Report Oct 7, 2013

Michael Collins Piper discusses the latest Geo-political Jew realities.


Show-page    FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK]

                    The Barnes Review 

32k CF Download

Max French's The Victory Hour 10/6/2013

Egeria and Max cover the triumph of Iran at this years UN General Assembly. Supremacist Jewry organized a world war and nobody showed up. With Israel so completely isolated, the world waits for the next move by The Beast. Find here, the best analysis of the 2013 UNGA to be found anywhere. The world gains time and rushes to Iran, the nucleus of prosperity, strength and dignity.                Show-page



Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2013.10.08

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - Time For Doctors To Sue Obamacare

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Gordon Duff - Veterans Today Report

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief

56k CF
Rense' site

October 08, 2013

The People Speak with Jeannette LaFeve 2013.10.08

Guest:  Karen Hudes World Bank Whistleblower. Her appearance on Spingola here

Note: The first 5 to 7 minutes of the interview are missing due to the Shoutcast stream going offline just as the show was starting.

BBS Radio 2

32k CF Download

The Realist Report with John Friend 2013.10.08

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by long time pro-White activist and scholar John de Nugent. John and I will be discussing the history of White Nationalism in American post-WWII.

Below are relevant links for this program:

John Friend.net
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)


Doug Christie Crushes Loud-Mouth Zionist Media Hack

My 2-cents: It's an older video but it is a must watch. Enjoy!

Found at Zander C. Fuerza's site:

Here is a program from the 1980s following the Zundel “holocaust” trial in Toronto. Doug Christie’s wonderful clarity of thought and expression is too much for this obnoxious Zionist troll.


The Fuerza Perspective – Episode 1


This is episode one in a series of podcasts I will do about some of the topics I am most familiar with: Zionism, World War Two, the Middle East, 9/11 and other deceptions perpetrated by the cruel architects of the Zionist New World Order. I give some of my viewpoints on Jewish supremacism and the real purpose of “holocaust” hysteria to serve the interests of political Zionism, highlighting some of the material that can be found in my book, Masters of Deception. I commend Ernst Zundel and his remarkable former lawyer, the late Douglas Christie, and encourage others to carry on their legacy of truth and freedom.


21 Of The Best Comments Posted By Frustrated Americans On The Official Obamacare Facebook Page

My 2-cents: If there is only one main thing to remember about Obamacare it is that it is a giveaway to the insurance companies. Obamacare is an absolute joke. (as if you didn't know) -rockclimber

Obamacare Website Down

The launch of Obamacare has been a complete and total nightmare so far.  The “online exchanges” are constantly crashing, there are endless glitches and delays, and many of the people that actually have been able to successfully register for an account are discovering that health insurance premiums under Obamacare are far higher than what they are used to paying.  In fact, as I wrote about the other day, some Americans that have had their old policies canceled by their insurance companies are discovering that their health insurance costs will double or even triple under Obamacare.  What a great “success”, eh?  Under Obamacare, Americans are going to pay more for health care, they are going to have more limited health care options, they are going to be subjected to much more paperwork, and if they choose not to participate in the system they are going to be hit with very punitive fines.  What’s not to like?



Also read: http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/epic-fail-has-anyone-actually-been-able-to-successfully-sign-up-for-obamacare-yet 

David Duke Show 2013.10.08

Dr. David Duke has a great show today focusing on Jewish racism, Jewish supremacism and Jewish privilege. He completely debunks the Jewish-promoted argument that there is White privilege in America, and Dr. Duke, step by step completely demolishes that hoax and shows how Jewish privilege and discrimination against European Americans by Jewish extremists is the clear reality. Dr. Slattery comes on and joins in the discussion and also illustrates how even Jewish anti-Zionists actually are Jewish supremacists who enable the Jewish power in the West that empowers Zionism. The program shows how discrimination against the once 90 percent European American population of the U.S. was necessary for the Jewish tribalists to take over the American establishment.

David's site

64k CF Download

Spingola Speaks 2013.10.08

Guest: 11-noon: Donna Schwenk talks about cultured foods and her new book; Jennifer Saleem, the Hybrid Rasta Mama talks about coconut oil; Wayback site

Note: The second hour of today’s broadcast was cut short due to technical problems.

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Worksheet asks children to remove parts of the Bill of Rights!

A student in Bryant School District in Arkansas brought home a worksheet that presented her with a scenario that referred to the Bill of Rights as “outdated” and that as part of a special committee she would need to throw out two of the Amendments.

The worksheet was handed out to Sixth grade students in a History class. According to the girl’s mother, Lela Spears, she has not received any government or civics classes and this was the first assignment dealing with the Constitution or Bill of Rights. The school district is participating in the embattled Common Core curriculum.

Read the rest here.

Looks like I will have to home school my grandson, I thought I could let him go to school and learn the basics (The 3 R's) and I would teach him the rest, but it seems all he'll learn is propaganda that will turn him away from family and for the state. 

They have us right were they want us, parents working 2-3 jobs and kids in school till they're in their 20s learning pro government bullshit, instead of what they really need to know to survive in the commie Jew World Order.

EDL founder quits amid criminal charges

Tommy Robinson: Doing a deal to avoid Prison Time?
The founder of the UK’s far-right anti-Islamic group, the English Defence League (EDL) says he’s quitting the group following criminal charges the extremist was faced because of his activities.
Tommy Robinson used to lead anti-Islam gatherings and street protests in Britain which were marked by racism and hate-mongering since the group was founded in 2009.
He claimed he’s leaving the group because it has become too extreme, adding that “Islamist ideology needs to be challenged not with violence, but with better, democratic ideas".
This is while that the 30-year-old from Luton, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is facing various criminal charges as far as his activities with the group are concerned.    (presstv)

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2013.10.08

Charles reads articles from the SPLC and comments about them.


32k CF Download