Texe Marrs tells us the signs of an implosion are all around us.
Founder of Power of Prophecy ministry, Texe is heard worldwide to an ever-increasing audience.
The author
and publisher of multiple books and videos on a wide variety of topics,
Texe has become one of the best known, outspoken figures in the arena
of uncompromising truth.
Penning the article Will America Survive Until 2025?, Texe zeroes in on several of the more important signs:
- Political Parties Are Dysfunctional
- Black Race War on Whites Encouraged by Obama
- Black Attorney General Uses Power to Attack Innocent Whites
- An Economic Mess
- Sexual Explosions
- Big Brother is Watching Us
- The Death Chase
Gahary had the chance to sit down with Texe to discuss the article’s
first segment, on the political state of affairs in America, in Part 1
of this informative interview .
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