October 28, 2013

AFP PODCAST: Texe Marrs, Will America Survive Until 2025? Part 1

Texe Marrs tells us the signs of an implosion are all around us.
Founder of Power of Prophecy ministry, Texe is heard worldwide to an ever-increasing audience.
The author and publisher of multiple books and videos on a wide variety of topics, Texe has become one of the best known, outspoken figures in the arena of uncompromising truth.
Penning the article Will America Survive Until 2025?, Texe zeroes in on several of the more important signs:
  • Political Parties Are Dysfunctional
  • Black Race War on Whites Encouraged by Obama
  • Black Attorney General Uses Power to Attack Innocent Whites
  • An Economic Mess
  • Sexual Explosions
  • Big Brother is Watching Us
  • The Death Chase
Dave Gahary had the chance to sit down with Texe to discuss the article’s first segment, on the political state of affairs in America, in Part 1 of this informative interview .
Show-page                    AMERICAN FREE PRESS

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Renegades in America - White Survival in the USSA (p1)

This is a rough cut of the first section of the documentary. Follow along with the Renegades as they seek to reclaim their destiny. This part features: Mike Sledge, Kyle Hunt, Dana Antiochus, Siegfried, Andrew J, Angelo John Gage, and more!

The Piper Report Oct 28, 2013

Michael Collins Piper discusses: Agents within the movement, literally under every bed, some of them knowing who they are and what they are doing, others who simply do the enemy’s dirty work while believeing they are doing something good.


Show-page    FINAL JUDGEMENT lecture [Mossad connection to JFK]

                    The Barnes Review 

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Spingola Speaks 2013.10.28

Guest: Beverly K. Eakman, the author of six books talks about Common CORE

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


David Duke Show 2013.10.28

Today: Dr. David Duke and Dr. Slattery go into the massive Zionist Hacking of the phone lines and messages of tens of millions of people in Europe, America and around the world, and the Zio media coverup of the Jewish role in all this! Incredible information! Then Dr. Duke goes into the vagaries of the Health care system in the United States and shows the corruption in the Zio controlled American Medical Association and the Government promoted, reduced saturated fat, so called, "Heart Healthy" diet. A recent $700 million dollar study showed that that low levels of saturated fat and large amounts of carbs from fruits and grains actually caused much worst health among the participants! Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into the Jewish foundation scandals hidden by the Zio media and finally they do the first installment of a section on Obamacare and how it will affect you and America.

David's site

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Pro-Israel organization sought to survey US Jews on dual loyalty

This is astonishing. An Israel lobby group came up with a questionnaire for American Jews and Israeli Jews living here that asks a question that supposedly only anti-Semites ever ask, about the degree of loyalty Jews would have for Israel if the two countries were at odds. An other questions about the importance of the Jewish lobby.

The Israeli government had distributed the surveys to tens of thousands of people, Haaretz says, but Netanyahu has now scotched the survey, which was undertaken by a nonprofit, the Israeli American Council (which is funded by both Sheldon Adelson (Republican giver) and Haim Saban (Democratic)).

Read the rest here

Ultimate Goal of Nuclear Talks Is to Leave Iranians Helpless; UN, U.S. Begin Dismantling Syria’s Chemical Weapons

“It’s obvious where Israel stands,” he said. “Similarly, neocons and special interest groups like AIPAC
[American Israel Public Affairs Committee] are trying to preemptively shift the goalposts for these negotiations so that Iran has to go even further in their concessions. The neocons view themselves as being close to the finish line, and these meetings are their last obstacle to war. It’s clear that they want to prevent a shift in Iran’s willingness to negotiate.”
On top of AIPAC and the neocons, Abdi addressed other stumbling blocks.
“Iranian conservatives are highly suspicious of these talks, whereas the Saudis view Iran as their main economic competitor,” he said. “Saudi rulers are clinging to the status quo, and in that regard they’re not real dissimilar to Israel. Neither wants an ascendant Iran.”
Particularly interesting is the fact that everything Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu currently accuses Iran of doing in terms of its supposed quest for “the bomb” was already carried out by Israeli scientists beginning in the 1960s.
***Read article at American Free Press*** 

Blacklisted Radio Podcast - 2013.10.27

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.

The Blacklisted Radio Studio (and my family and I) are moving, and so this is one of several upcoming 1hr podcast’s we are doing as we transit to our new home-base local. Topics include a breaking down of the viral Russell Brand video, and the following calls for Eco-fascist revolution, taxing our black box’s by the mile, and how the interstate highways are the true firewall to Anarchy. The BBC’s conspiracy of truth and other show updates are thrown into the mix as well. More updates and media announcements will follow!

October 27, 2013

Defamation (2009) - What is anti-Semitism today?

Published on 16 Dec 2012
DEFAMATION (Hebrew: השמצה; translit. Hashmatsa) is a 2009 documentary film by award-winning Israeli filmmaker Yoav Shamir who embarks on a provocative -- and at times irreverent -- quest to answer the question, "What is anti-Semitism today?" Is it a dangerous and immediate threat? Or is it a scare tactic used by Zionist partisans to unjustly discredit everyone that disagrees with them?

In particular, the film examines the way perceptions of anti-Semitism affect Israeli and U.S. politics. Speaking with an array of people from across the political spectrum (including the head of the Anti-Defamation League and its fiercest critic, author Norman Finkelstein) and traveling to places like Auschwitz (alongside Israeli school kids) and Brooklyn (to explore reports of violence against Jews), Shamir discovers the realities of anti-Semitism today.

Shamir decided to make this film, that won Best Documentary Feature Film at the 2009 Asia Pacific Screen Awards, after a critic of an earlier film accused him of anti-Semitism. His findings are shocking, enlightening and -- surprisingly -- often wryly funny. At the beginning of the film, Shamir states that as an Israeli he has never experienced anti-Semitism himself and wants to learn more about it since references to anti-Semitism in countries all over the world are common in the Israeli media.

Today, we are happy to bring you this very enlightening Israeli film in the spirit of Nostra Aetate (Latin: In our Age), Second Vatican Council's Declaration on the Relation of the Church with Non-Christian Religions, promulgated on October 28, 1965, by Pope Paul VI. The Declaration decries all displays of anti-Semitism made at any time by anyone.

The Inter-Net Is Being Cast Over America


“A national architecture…”

“This is the largest telecommunications project in the history
of the United States. It’s going to cover every square meter of land
in the United States. It’s going to be able to penetrate the basements
of Manhattan, and cover the forest fires in the Sierra Nevada.”

–Sam Ginn, National Telecommunications And Information Admin.
First Responder Network Authority – Chairman,
Speaking at the Feb. 2013 NGA meeting


The private association called the “National Governor’s Association (NGA)” recently got together in Washington D.C. for its annual meeting. Yes, in case you didn’t know about this, our Governors indeed meet outside of the 50 states united under a non-governmental and no-profit private association to discuss, plan, and implement national and international policies and programs like Agenda 21.

One of its topics at this last meeting was about something called “First Net” – something that all Americans should really know more about.

Imagine if government had its own, private (not for public consumption) internet. No watchdog scrutiny, completely private untraceable emails, spying and GPS tracking of all persons on completely private servers with impunity and total secrecy , and total security from the prying eyes of whistle-blowers and activists. Well America, welcome to the New Age…

Read the rest on Clints Blog

Gluten: What You Don't Know Might Kill You


Article: Surviving wheat withdrawal

Article: Wheat Madness – Is This Popular Grain Provoking Mental Illness?

Meet Noam Chomsky, Academic Gatekeeper


Noam Chomsky sets A@E for 9/11 Truth straight

"Contractors Reportedly Told To ERASE EVERY INCH" Of Sandy Hook Elementary School

Destroy all the evidence! Leave no trace!

VPN Provider Shuts Down After Lavabit Case Undermines Security

A VPN provider says that concerns it may be forced to hand over its encryption keys to United States authorities have led it to take the decision to shut down its consumer services. CryptoSeal says that information revealed as part of the Lavabit case has undermined its original understanding of United States law and made its position untenable. Shutting down, the company says, is the only solution to protect customer privacy.    ***Read article at Wake Up From Your Slumber***

ASEAN Union, Petition Shutdown, Monsanto's Nobel - New World Next Week


Saturday Afternoon with Carolyn Yeager 10/26/2013

Interview with Paul Hickman, the Birmingham Nationalist

The Most Honest Three Minutes In Television History

This has been around but I thought it was a good one to share again.

Who Killed Michael Hastings?

In an era of unsanctioned drone warfare—where a man operating a joystick in New Mexico can carry out the remote-controlled assassination of any person worldwide who shows up on the President’s “kill list”—it may not be far-fetched to imagine that similar capabilities, and techniques, are being employed closer to home.
Richard Clarke, the counterterrorism chief under both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, told the Huffington Post that Hastings’s crash looked “consistent with a car cyber attack.”
What did he mean? According to Stefan Savage, a computer science professor at the University of California, San Diego, any modern vehicle’s computer system made by any manufacturer can be hacked.           ***Read article at Global Research***

Sooner or Later, Out of the Hearts of Humanity.

Israel and the demons they )worship are getting very antsy...
Israel and the demons they worship are getting very antsy. It's like certain serial killers and the full moon. If they haven't killed and dismembered someone for more than a certain period of time, the compulsion becomes very intense. This is why Israel is sodomizing members of the American Senate, in order to convince them to pass legislation legalizing an attack on Iran. In those cases where they have not been successful in the strong-arm rape of congressional representatives, they have the videos of them doing it to underage children set up in a honey pot sting. Of course they also use people of legal age when any simple scandal will destroy them. However! Never let it be said that this kind of behavior does not go through channels to gain even a divine imprimatur on the business.      (dogpoet at zippittydodah.com)

Dennis Fetcho, Inside the Eye Live 2013.10.26

Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan.  He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom.  The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye Live.com"
Intelligent media for the politically aware.

Fetch does his usual intro, takes a call and then has John Kaminski on as a guest for the rest of the show.

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Websites: illuminatusobservor.blogspot   inside the eye live
Email: thefetch@yahoo.com
Revolution Radio @ Freedom Slips.com
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ITEL @ Archive.org