February 07, 2014

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.07

Guest:  Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh. Dr. Paugh is an author, freelance writer and radio commentator. She is also a senior editor at Canada Free Press where her articles may be found. Her books, Echoes of Communism, Liberty on Life Support, and U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy

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Jonathan Azaziah's Mask of Zion Report 2/6/2014


“Liberate The Discourse Part II – The Tumor of Israel, World Zionism and the Rejection of Jewish Sensitivities”: Jonathan Azaziah provides some updates on the ongoing struggles of Dieudonne as well as the Ukrainian front before delving into the continuation of last week’s discussion, sounding the alarm that the hope of Palestine’s liberation lies within the Palestinian people and the Hizbullah-Algeria model, not an adoption of respect for or empathy with their colonizers and oppressors.



Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.02.07

False messiahs.

Oracle archive

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“You Just Shot An Unarmed Man!”: Witness Says Police Shot His Friend With His Hands Up

Five months after Fairfax County, Virginia police shot and killed 46-year-old father and husband John Geer in his home, the police’s investigation into the shooting has still yet to be completed, and his friends and family are outraged.

Now, Geer’s best friend Jeff Stewart who witnessed the shooting is speaking out, saying he saw police shoot his friend with his hands up.
Geer and his wife were having a domestic dispute and his wife called the cops. She told them he had a gun. Geer told police over the course of the 20-30 minute stand-off he was drinking and had a gun, but said it wasn’t on him.

Stewart, who arrived at the scene after receiving word, said he saw Geer slowly sliding his hands down the sides of his door, and it was when his hands were at head height that an officer opened fire on him.

Shocked, Stewart says he told the police “you just shot an unarmed man!”

Read more here

I read recently an article where a police chief stated that people need to realize that when they call the cops, someone is going to be arrested! 

Stop calling the police people!

They are not on your side, and in most cases they make a bad situation worse and people get killed for nothing.  Even going to visit their jails for minor shit can end your life

When you need help call friends not the friggin pirates!

"I Came Here For Freedom!" Cuban Refugee Goes Full Bore At Gun Grabbers!

Manny Martinez makes his return to the Oregon crapitol building to blast the legislators on the latest gun control bill. Feb. 6th, 2014.

Cordite Country 9.14.2011

Kicking Cancer to the Curb Naturally pt. 2


No Agenda - NA589 - Guards Gates Guns - 2014.02.06

Curry & Dvorak Consulting Group; The Fix is In!; Heroin/Fentanyl; F-Russia; EUROLand and lots of the usual topics of grumblesation from Curry & Divorak.
The Thursday Show.

Aww...Isn't He kewt! And so's the Dog!


The Insurgent Radio retro 6.9.2009

Enjoy this throwback show with TT and Gorilla Radio Man. This was when GRM was fully indoctrinated in the Talmudvision. Tommy was spot on and seemed to take a naive GRM to the task. They share a lot of good information to prepare for the coming Doom n Gloom.


Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call

An apparently bugged phone conversation in which a senior U.S. diplomat disparages the EU over the Ukraine crisis has been posted online. The alleged conversation between Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, appeared on YouTube on Thursday.

***Read article here***
*Leaked phone conversation audio here
*U.S. Sees Russian Hand in Envoy's Bugged Call
*'F**k the EU': Snr US State Dept. official caught in alleged phone chat on Ukraine

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.02.06

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Andy Gause - Gold Coins & The Economy

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Topics

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases & Your Health

56k CF
Rense' site

February 06, 2014

After Failed Geneva Talks, U.S. Steps Up Threats Against Syria

The reason for the collapse of the negotiations was clear. The talks began with a ceremonial session in which US Secretary of State issued an ultimatum that the Syrian regime had to accept the removal from power of President Bashar al-Assad and the installation of a puppet of Washington’s choosing. Throughout the rest of the talks, the Western-backed “rebels” of the Syrian National Coalition (SNC) followed Washington’s script, insisting on the ouster of Assad as a pre-condition for any agreements, while the negotiators of the Syrian regime insisted on a common declaration calling for an end to violence and terrorism.
In the final days of the talks, Washington staged a deliberate provocation by revealing that it has resumed arms shipments to the “rebels,” and that the US Congress recently approved secret legislation providing aid and funding for the anti-regime forces through September. This aid supplements the billions of dollars’ worth of arms and funding being funneled into Islamist militias by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, with the CIA’s collaboration.
***Read article here***

Spingola Speaks 2014.02.06

Guest: Dr. David Healy, an internationally respected psychiatrist, psychopharmacologist, scientist, and author.

David’s latest book, Pharmageddon, documents the riveting and terrifying story of how pharmaceutical companies have hijacked healthcare in America and the life-threatening results. Dr. Healy is also a founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Data Based Medicine Limited, which operates through its website RxISK.org, dedicated to making medicines safer through online direct patient reporting of drug effects.

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Leaked phone conversation of US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey R. Pyatt

Thanks for the scoop Mephistopheleslux

Here's a great investment, police brutality.

On February 3, news emerged that the city of Chicago, now run by former Obama right-hand man Rahm Emanuel, is issuing $900 million in bonds, $100 million of which is going directly to pay off plaintiffs of lawsuits against the city.

The city is attempting to issue the $900 million in bonds to lower some of its borrowing costs and to double its short-term credit line to $1 billion. But fully $100 million of that debt burden is going to pay off lawsuits, much of it to plaintiffs who won judgments against the city in police brutality cases.

Read more here

Invest in Chicago, crime is going up up up, don't lose out, get your bonds today at 1-800-JEW-SCUM

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.02.06

Synopsis pending.

Oracle archive

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