Today: Dr. David Duke begins with another interesting analysis of the origins of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and motivation and thinking behind its author. He explains how the important thing in the Protocols is not who its author is or the literary framework of the book, but the underlying truth it postulates. For instance he shows how it predicted the inhumanity of the Bolshevik regime and twenty years before Winston Churchill's famous article about the Jewish takeover of Russia, the Protocols laid bare the same Jewish role that Churchill documents. Dr. Duke's new book documents how the assertions in the Protocols are also spot on the modern world. Dr. Duke also talks today in a health and fitness segment how any debate on the value of a particular diet should look on the diet our ancestors ate for hundreds of thousands of years, and thus is the diet that we were designed to eat. He outlines what our ancestors ate and how that radically differs from the kind of foods promoted by the international food corporations. Then Dr. Duke and Dr. Slattery go into a great discussion of the origins and distinctions in mankind and helps the listener get a better idea of why we do indeed have differences and why the Zio globalists try to hide and suppress them, while at the same time extolling their own distinctiveness and chosenness! Great show, truly one you should share with family and friends!
David's site
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March 21, 2014
Bedford Mass. Elementary School Kids Playing ‘Jail The Jews’
The Bedford Massachusetts school district is trying to address an
alarming rise in anti-Semitic incidents in recent months. The incidents
include a game called “Jail the Jews” which has become popular at two
elementary schools, the appearance of swastikas and anti-Semitic
graffiti painted on a high school and elementary school, and disturbing
statements by some children.
According to the Boston Globe, the superintendent of the district, Jon Sill, has announced a community forum for Thursday evening at a local middle school’s auditorium intended to address the anti-Semitic trends.
Just another case of Jews painting swastikas to get sympathy and more hate crimes laws passed
According to the Boston Globe, the superintendent of the district, Jon Sill, has announced a community forum for Thursday evening at a local middle school’s auditorium intended to address the anti-Semitic trends.
In addition to the game played by students at one of the elementary schools, a child told her parents that a classmate told her they were going to destroy her country because she is Jewish, Sills said. In another instance, a Jewish child was told by a peer that she could not have a cracker because Jews didn’t believe in Jesus Christ.
Also recently, students discussing the difference between Christmas and Hanukkah made a comment that Jews were responsible for killing Jesus, Sills said.
On Nov. 8, a swastika was etched on a playground slide at the Lane School with graffiti that said, “Jews Kill Them All,’’ Jones said. Two weeks later, swastikas were found in a boys bathroom at Bedford High School, he said.Read more here
Just another case of Jews painting swastikas to get sympathy and more hate crimes laws passed
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.20
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - World Influenza Report
Listen Download Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates
Listen Download Hour 3 - Patricia Doyle, PhD - Emerging Diseases And Your Health
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Rense' site
March 20, 2014
Tel Aviv regime backs Syria militants
The Israeli commander said the militants
provide Israeli spy agents with information on the identity and medical
condition of the wounded militants.
In February, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to a secret field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights, which offers medical services to the injured militants coming in from Syria.
***Watch video and read article here***
In February, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid a visit to a secret field hospital in the occupied Golan Heights, which offers medical services to the injured militants coming in from Syria.
***Watch video and read article here***
Radio Free Northwest 3.20.2014
HAC gives a young White man career advice and expounds on street-walking and blackout-breaking, we hear from a new migrant in Idaho, Lord Lucan talks about an American labor party, and Olivia analyzes the kosher food racket
David Duke Show 2014.03.20
Today: Dr. David Duke reveals the rising American consciousness of the Zionist control of our foreign policy and involvement of wars that so damage America, then he goes into some new aspects of the original Protocols of Zion and some of the insights and documentation in his new book, the Illustrated Protocols of Zion. He has an amazing quote from Dr. Johan Galtung internationally honored peace human rights advocate who advocates people to read the Protocols. Then Dr. Slattery joins the show and discusses what all this means in the Jewish community at large and how even the few Jews who oppose some aspects of Zionism tend to support the Jewish privilege and racism of the Jewish masters of media, academia, banking and politics. Great Show! Share it!
David's site
Rense Archive
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David's site
Rense Archive
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Oath Made to Uphold the Law, No Matter Who's Breaking It says Mike Flanders, Border Patrol
Call the Border Patrol's Campo Station: (619) 938-8700 Tell them you stand with Mike Flanders
Crimes Against Germans When WW2 Ended
*More information here
The merciless revenge perpetrated on the entire German civilian population of Eastern Europe during the closing stages of the war, and for many months after, took the lives of over 2,100,000 ethnic German men, women and children. For generations these Germans had lived and toiled in areas that today are part of central and Eastern Europe. Around fifteen million of these Volksdeutsche were driven from their homes and ancestral lands in Poland, East Prussia, Silesia, Ukraine, Belarus and Serbia and forced back into the Allied occupied zones of Germany. This was the greatest forcible evacuation of people in European history. It is estimated that of the eight million Germans expelled from Poland around 1,600,000 died in the process. In Czechoslovakia, memories of the Lidice massacre inspired acts of revenge against German soldiers and civilians. Soldiers were disarmed, tied to stakes, doused with petrol and set alight. Wounded German soldiers in hospital were shot in their beds, others were hung up on lamposts in Wenzell Square and fires were lit beneath them so that they died the gruesome death of being roasted alive. These ethnic Germans lived in fear of the Russians but no one thought that the dreadful fate which awaited them would not even emanate from the Soviets at all but from their own neighbours, the Czechs!
Thousands of innocent German residents were murdered in their homes by the Czechs, others were forced into interment camps where they were beaten and maltreated before being expelled. Bishop Beranek of Prague declared: 'If a Czech comes to me and confesses to having killed a German, I absolve him immediately'. The Americans, utterly blind to the political consequences of allowing the Soviets to liberate Czechoslovakia, halted at the Karlsbad-Pilsen-Budweis line. The Sudeten Germans now had no protection from the torrent of bestiality vented on them by the Czechs. In Brno, 25,000 German civilians were forced marched at gun-point to the Austrian border. There, the Austrian guards refused them entry, the Czech guards refused to re-admit them. Herded into an open field they died by the hundreds from hunger and cold before being rescued by the US 16th Tank Division on May 8th 1945. In the Russian occupied zones of Eastern Europe and in Germany, hundreds of thousands of civilian men and women, Poles, Czechs, Romanians and Germans, were transported to the Urals in the Soviet Union and used as slave labourers until released in the late 40s. Mostly ignored by the world's press, the unimaginable suffering experienced by the expellees is largely unknown outside Germany, yet it was systematically carried out in a brutal fashion as official Allied policy in accordance with the decisions formulated at Yalta and Potsdam.
Around the small Bavarian village of Postberg (Postoloprty) in the province of Saazerland on the Bavarian-Czech border, hundreds of German men, women and children were shot to death during the Czech 'ethnic cleansing'. All German civilian residents in the province were rounded up by Czech soldiers and communist partisans and marched to a collection point in Postberg. There they were interned and beaten, many were executed. On September 17, 1947, a number of mass graves were discovered in and around Postberg. Thirty-four bodies were found in the village itself, another four nearby at Weinberg and twenty-six in an old sandpit at Schuladen. At Lewanitzer, 349 corpses were unearthed and another 103 bodies were exhumed from another mass grave. Ten corpses were found in a sand pit at Kreuz along with another 225 bodies in a mass grave at the local school.
At the military barracks five bodies were found and seven were buried under house No. 74. During investigations only one Czech, Vojtech Cerny, admitted to participating in the shooting and killing of four Germans. In all, a total of 763 Germans were murdered. A law, passed by the Czech authorities (The Benesch law: No115/1946) stated that all Czech crimes against Germans were not legible to penalty.
Wealth Transfer JEW Schemes
Wall Street and its Washington cronies
would like you to believe that the ongoing financial crisis is based on
nothing more than bad judgment calls by otherwise well-meaning Wall
Street titans. Don’t believe it. The following articles explore the
trail of corruption.
***See the articles here***
*More information here
***See the articles here***
*More information here
Leo Tolstoy: Beware Your Contradictions
Tolstoy's new, simpler life was not, however, without its struggles and contradictions. Apart from the fact that he preached universal love yet was constantly fighting with his wife, the apostle of equality was never able to fully abandon his wealth and privileged lifestyle, and lived till old age in a grand house with servants. When he mooted the idea of giving away his estate to the peasants, his wife and children were furious, and he eventually backed down. But in the early 1890s he managed, against their wishes, to relinquish copyright to a huge portion of his literary works, in effect sacrificing a fortune. In his last years, when writers and journalists came to pay homage to the bearded sage, they were always surprised to find the world's most famous author chopping wood with some workers or making his own boots. Given the privileged position in which Tolstoy started life, his personal transformation, if not complete, still deserves our admiration.
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.19
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Shambles
Listen Download Hour 2 - Charles R. Smith - Malaysian Flight 370
Listen Download Hour 3 - Dr. Richard Miller - Part 2 - Power Tools for the 21st Century
56k CF
Rense' site
March 19, 2014
Special Episode of Circus Maximus with Nick 2014.03.19
Tonight. Nick from Circus Maximus is filling in. He will be joined by
Deanna Spingola host of Spingola Speaks. Deanna’s show airs Tuesdays on
AFP and Sundays on RBN. We will be mainly discussing her newest book
regarding the Blackstone Memorial (W.E. Blackstone) and breaking down
exactly what the implications were from that.
Christian Zionism will be the main focus tonight. We will touch on subjects like British Israelism and quite possibly the New World Religion, the Bahai Faith. Both Nick and Deanna are Chicago inhabitants and understand that the Jewish problem is in our own backyard.
Renegade ArchiveChristian Zionism will be the main focus tonight. We will touch on subjects like British Israelism and quite possibly the New World Religion, the Bahai Faith. Both Nick and Deanna are Chicago inhabitants and understand that the Jewish problem is in our own backyard.
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism
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The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.03.19
The New York Federal Reserve: Controlling the Dollar and the World
-Andy breaks down all the moving parts in the Ukraine situation, including:
Russia selling U.S. debt
Ukrainian gold was one of the first things to take a flight out
Sanctions and taking Russia off of the SWIFT system
The BRICS Nations and where do go from here
-The difference between a local and international currency is stark
-The origin of the petro dollar at Bretton Woods
-The Federal Reserve Bank of NY is not audited and pays no Federal Income Tax
-Why is former VP Dick Cheney talking about a possible EMP through atmospheric nuclear explosion?
-The Tesla auto story
-China’s 1.5 Billion people will take some time becoming authentic consumers like us
-The significance of the Dodd-Frank Bill and “Safe as Money in the bank”
-China’s moves looks as if they want the Yuan to take on the dollar with a possible Gold backed currency
-Check out the tax increases for 2014. Wow!
-What makes gold and silver have value?
-What would catapult gold and silver in big, big gains?
-The COMEX paper/physical thing is looking grim, unless one owns gold
-What is an IMF SDR and does it matter to the dollar
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
-Andy breaks down all the moving parts in the Ukraine situation, including:
Russia selling U.S. debt
Ukrainian gold was one of the first things to take a flight out
Sanctions and taking Russia off of the SWIFT system
The BRICS Nations and where do go from here
-The difference between a local and international currency is stark
-The origin of the petro dollar at Bretton Woods
-The Federal Reserve Bank of NY is not audited and pays no Federal Income Tax
-Why is former VP Dick Cheney talking about a possible EMP through atmospheric nuclear explosion?
-The Tesla auto story
-China’s 1.5 Billion people will take some time becoming authentic consumers like us
-The significance of the Dodd-Frank Bill and “Safe as Money in the bank”
-China’s moves looks as if they want the Yuan to take on the dollar with a possible Gold backed currency
-Check out the tax increases for 2014. Wow!
-What makes gold and silver have value?
-What would catapult gold and silver in big, big gains?
-The COMEX paper/physical thing is looking grim, unless one owns gold
-What is an IMF SDR and does it matter to the dollar
The Real World of Money Archive
Andy's site
The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.03.19
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Eric Hunt. Eric and I will be discussing his films The Last Days of the Big Lie and The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- The Jewish Gas Chamber Hoax
- The Last Days of the Big Lie
- One Third of the Holocaust
- What is the "Holocaust" story really all about? - John Friend
- 1.2m killed at Auschwitz in just one day - Winston Smith Ministry of Truth
The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
David Duke Show 2014.03.19
Today: Dr. David Duke talks about his former political opponent Edwin Edwards and the race for governor when the Zio media said "Vote for the crook (Edwards), It's important" One more example that in the Jewish supremacy over the media and politics the most important thing is not whether a candidate will rob the state and millions of its citizens blind, but whether or not the candidate will be a servant to the Zionists. Also discussed is some of the history of the Protocols and why its authorship is not important but the ideas and accurate information in it that are of supreme importance. He quotes from peacemaker Johan Galtung recommending that people read the Protocols and he gives a power example of the Protocols predicting the Zio controlled FED and also the leading "Elder of Zion" in the 20th Century, Israeli founder, Ben Gurion, confirming his vision of Jewish world domination. Dr. Slattery adds his commentary to a really great show that should be shared all over the world.
David's site
Rense Archive
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David's site
Rense Archive
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The Spingola Zone at AFP 3/18/2014
Deanna'a guests are: Hour 1: Mike Campbell, Hour 2: James Perloff.
American Free Press
The Barnes Review
American Free Press
The Barnes Review
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.18
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Richard Miller - A Conversation - Power Tools for the 21st Century
Listen Download Hour 2 - Preston James - Zionist West Ukraine Coup
Listen Download Hour 3 - Jim Kirwan - The View From SF
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Rense' site
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