March 26, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.03.26

Producing More Than We Consume is the Key to It All

-Producing more than we consume is the key to it all
-When is it wise to purchase a stock?
-How The Boys, and you can too, buy on margin aka leverage
-What is a bubble? How are they formed and popped?
-The Fed vs. The Free Market
-60 Trillion is owed and money supply is 20 Trillion
-Now may be a good time to acquire a small business loan
-Iraq buys 1.6 Billion in gold and Ukraine looses the same amount
-The history of Charles De Gaulle asking for gold for his dollars and Nixon closing the gold window
-The implications of the big G-20 meeting in April and the scolding the U.S. will receive on dollar printing
-Is China wanting a Yuan backed by gold? Andy says a confidence level of 6 on ten
-The fascinating history of The First Bank of United States
-Just how serious is the Russia/Ukraine situaiton?
-The Kuwaiti Dinar is worth $3.00 What’s up with that?
-The good , bad and ugly of Annuities
-The Fed balance sheet and it’s significance to you and I
-Bail Ins up date

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Secret Facts of the Holocaust

Secret Facts of the Holocaust part-1

Secret Facts of the Holocaust part-2

*More information here

Confronting Cognitive Dissonance
Are you irate, irritable and irrational when presented with evidence that goes against your preconceived notions of how the world operates? Looking for a solution to your stress? We examine the theory of cognitive dissonance and how it stops people from confronting the uncomfortable truths about the way the world really works.
*More information here 

Obama vs Putin


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Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni "Anti-semitic", "its a trick we always use it"
*Abraham Foxman: you can’t call a Jew a traitor, unless you’re an anti-Semite
*More information here

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.03.25

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Mary Osborn - From TMI To Fukushima...Radiation Kills PHOTOS 

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Frosty Wooldridge - Growing Greenhouse Gasses

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi ShimatsuFukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site

Obama's Hope is Dope?

Thanks Theding

A Perfect German Sunday in the Third Reich
*More information here

NJ Lawmaker Rips Magazine Ban to Shreds
*More information here

March 25, 2014

The People Speak with Rock Cash 2014.03.25

Guest: Rebecca Carley

BBS Radio


64k CF Download

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.03.24

Charles finishes the "50 of the most powerful Jewish swine balls" list from his March 6th show. (This is yesterday's show)

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

Netanyahu was wrong about Iraq having nuclear weapons. Do you now trust anything he says about Iran or Syria?
Also see:
*Iran Propaganda debunked in less than 6 minutes

The Spingola Zone at AFP 3/25/2014

Deanna's guest is Sheila Matthews to discuss
AbleChild, a 501c3 non profit organization, has been established to raise public awareness regarding the psychiatric labeling and drugging of children, and the risks of mandatory mental health screening.
AbleChild acts as an independent advocate on behalf of parents whose children have been subjected to mental health screening, psychiatric labeling, and prescribed psychotropic drugs without receiving informed consent.
Ablechild champions human rights to protect all children and teens by disseminating all necessary information to educate parents and caregivers on the real risks of psychotropic drugs on children and inform them on alternative resources for behavior and attention issues.
Ablechild’s intent is to refocus or redirect schools onto educational issues as opposed to psychological ones.


American Free Press 

The Barnes Review 


"Why Zasto" - NATO bombing Yugoslavia IN 1999


The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.03.25

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Tom in CT. Tom and I will be discussing the psychologically and emotionally exploitative propaganda associated with 9/11 and the fake Jewish "Holocaust" narrative of WWII.

Below are relevant links for this program:
The Realist Report (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)


Will Israel kill US empire this week?

The US empire, which might be more accurately termed the New World Order bankster empire, seems to be lashing out blindly as it enters its death spasms.

In Ukraine – as in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere – the Empire’s forces are in disarray. The loss of Crimea, and setbacks in Syria, are merely the latest of many debacles. The cause of this ongoing disaster: A series of self-inflicted wounds.

The worst wounds have been self-inflicted by the Empire’s lunatic fringe: the Israel-centric neoconservatives. This group, which includes both Jewish chauvinists and Christian armageddonites, is burdened by fanatical devotion to an impossible project: The maintenance of a sustainable “Jewish state” in Occupied Palestine.

Read more here

David Duke Show 2014.03.25

Today: Dr. David Duke has a great beginning of the show starting with a review of the new Cosmos series and delving into the reality of the distinctions and differences in humanity, the true diversity of humanity that we should honor and support! Then he goes into a powerful synopsis of 1984 and an application of its principles in the modern world. Newspeak and Doublespeak illustrated in the media and government discourse. He shows how the original Protocols of Zion actually presage much of the lessons of 1984 and identify the power behind the big brother of today. Then Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke discuss that power and apply some of the earlier principles of the show to what is occurring in Crimea, how if the Svoda Party in Ukraine became victorious, the entire governmental and media establishment apparatus would switch sides and try to drive Ukraine to its knees. A fascinating show. Share it!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

Leo Tolstoy: Expand Your Social Circle

The most essential lesson to take from Tolstoy is to follow his lead and recognize that the best way to challenge our assumptions and prejudices, and develop new ways of looking at the world, is to surround ourselves with people whose views and lifestyles differ from our own. That's why he ceased socializing in Moscow and spent so much time with laborers on the land. In Resurrection, Tolstoy pointed out that most people, whether they are wealthy businessmen, powerful politicians, or common thieves, consider their beliefs and way of life to be both admirable and ethical. "In order to keep up their view of life," he wrote, "these people instinctively keep to the circle of those people who share their views of life and their own place in it."
 If we want to question our beliefs and ideals, we need to follow the example of Tolstoy, spending time with people whose values and everyday experiences contrast with our own. Our task must be to journey beyond the perimeters of the circle.