April 25, 2014

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.04.24

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - David Cole - Renowned Revisionist Historian

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Bill Deagle MD - Multiple Updates

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Jim Marrs - The View From Marrs

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Rense' site

April 24, 2014

The opening ceremony of 1936 Olympics

*No time for silence
*More information here 

U.S. State Department's Evidence for "FALSE FLAG" Ridiculed By Reporters

*More information here

18 Scientifically Validated Reasons to End Public Water Fluoridation

Many people are coming to realize that far from improving dental health, the fluoridation of municipal water and many store bought foods and drinks is actually detrimental to our overall health. What was once a widely accepted practice is now being scrutinized and condemned by many prominent physicians and free-thinkers, and the scientific evidence to support these condemnations is mounting.
***Read full article here***

Washington uses Ukraine as pawn in its big geopolitical game — Russian politician

At a current stage, according to Ivanov, Washington was seeking to solve at least three tasks, which were only indirectly related to Ukraine. “The first task is to contain Russia, not to let it consolidate its international positions,” he said. “The second task is to breathe in a new life into disoriented NATO and at the same time to make Europeans be more generous in military spending. The third task is to consolidate its own positions on the global energy markets trying to reshape them in its own interests.”
“It would be a fatal mistake not to continue the work commenced a week ago in Geneva,” the Russian politician stressed. “It is absolutely obvious that Ukraine of today is a powder keg, which will explode sooner or later. And the consequences will be grave, if not catastrophic, for all.”
***Read full article here***
*More information here 

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.04.24

The father of modern political Zionism: Theodor Herzl. Multiple topics.

Oracle archive

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David Duke Show 2014.04.24

Today: Dr. David has an amazing show the dynamics of Jewish racial supremacism, thenocentrism and hard core racist discriminatory policies that are used as weapons to takeover institutions, corporations, politics, banking and of course:media. They use the media they control to mask their own racism, accuse every other people of racism and anti-semitism and then use that instilled psychological servitude of Gentiles to further implement their supremacy over non-Jewish societies. Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke go into the Eugenics and racial supremacist founding principles of Israel and how the Jewish organizations preach one thing for Jews and the opposite to the Gentiles they consider themselves competing with. Revealed in the program are the bragged about policies in the designed to reduce the number of non-Jews in Israel. If European nations adopted those policies they would be demonized by the Jewish organizations and Jewish influences who dominate the media, but once again, Jewish racism is hidden why non-Jewish racism is blown out of proportion constantly. Finally Dr. Slattery outlines some of the genetic factors of why the Khazar theory is scientifically unsound. A really fascinating show and one that should be shared.

David's site
Rense Archive 

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Send in the Clowns

Burning Man is Moving in Directly Next Door to Bundy Ranch. Meet ‘Bundyfest.’

Rancher Cliven Bundy can now add hippies and assorted steampunks to the federal government on his list of “People I Wish Would Go Away.”

Raw Story reports that "some folks" (Swej) involved with the annual Burning Man festival plan on staging a counter-standoff to the one currently taken up by Bundy in his ongoing challenge to the feds over grazing rights.

Read more here

Canadian News Anchor Gives Warning To American Gun Owners

This Deluded Irishman,and others like him are the reason Nation States in Europe are endangered.

Peter Sutherland: "EU should 'undermine national homogeneity"
The EU should "do its best to undermine" the "homogeneity" of its member states, the UN's special representative for migration has said.
Peter Sutherland told peers the future prosperity of many EU states depended on them becoming multicultural.
He also suggested the UK government's immigration policy had no basis in international law. He was being quizzed by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Doomcast 38 - 2014.04.23

38th Doomcast already?! Where has the time gone?

Doug and Charlie Appear to have rush edited this one out without providing us with a synopsis this time. Suffice to say from the pic they used on the player;something to do with keeping an "Open Mind" is contained within the verbal bandage.
( ...& now, a word from our sponsor... )

Doug and Charlie focus on the continued US proxy war with Russia developing in Ukraine. We also follow up on recent events in Bunkerville, trending news and show updates.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.04.23

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Tim Rifat - 'The World Can't End Soon Enough!'

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - MERS Exploding In Saudi Arabia

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - David Duke - Rethinking the Khazar Theory

56k CF
Rense' site

April 23, 2014

The Real World of Money with Andrew Gause 2014.04.23

Behind Every War Is a Banker, Without A Doubt

-Hear the fascinating history of Land Banks and how they can be used today.
-The State Bank of North Dakota is the only true state owned bank and they are doing some very creative things for the people.
-A car made from hemp? Henry Ford did it.
-World War I and II, the gold and oh my, some stories about what Hitler and The Boys were up to back then.
-49% of the Federal Budget is paid out to people either on entitlements. The great transfer of wealth is full on.
-If you think a one world government is the stuff of internet crackpots, think again
-Trader Scott weighs in with an interesting email and Andy’s analysis ensues
-A listener asks “Who was Ezra Pound?” and Andy comes through with colors
-The conventional wisdom on The Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, The Gulf of Tonkin and weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. All Fairy tales.
-Who and what is The Council on Foreign Relations?

The Real World of Money Archive 
Andy's site


Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.04.21 - 22

April 21st
Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Texe Marrs - The Destabilization Of The United States

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - James Fetzer - Zio West Try To Encircle Russia Will Fail

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima & Weather Control

April 22nd
Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Harry Cooper & Jim Marrs - Hitler In Argentina

56k CF
Rense' site

BY WAY OF DECEPTION jews shall FOOL THE MASSES on youtube & social media.

 Ever wonder why there are so many defenders of Israel and Zionism out there? Well here it is. BY WAY OF DECEPTION jews shall FOOL THE MASSES on youtube & social media.

Voice of Albion 2014.04.23

Paul Hickman discusses Arnold Spencer Leese (1871 – 1956)

Leese had orignally been a member of the British Fascists and had been only one of two members to ever hold public office for them (as a Councillor in Stamford).
In 1927 he moved to London and created the Imperial Fascist League.
Leese was incarcerated on several oocasions for challenging Jewish Power in England and Freemasons.

Out of Step – Events in the lives of an Anti-Jewish Camel-Doctor. (1951)

Paul Hickman's Blog
Renegade Broadcasting


Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.04.23

Charles finishes yesterday's topic on the Sedition Act.

Oracle archive

32k CF Download

9-11 Follow the Star - 15 Minutes of Truth

*More information here
*Banned News Report
*9/11 Analysis
*Who is in control?

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.04.23

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined by Bruce Campbell, founder of the American Defense Party. Bruce and I will be discussing a variety of issues, including the recent alleged shooting purportedly carried out by Glenn Miller in the Kansas City area.

Below are relevant links for this program:

AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)


David Duke Show 2014.04.23

Today: A fantastic show with Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald the Khazar Theory and so much more! Dr. MacDonald shows clearly that the Jewish people are related genetically and constitute a classical scientific definition of a race. They talk about one of the most recent impressive genetic studies by Jewish and Gentile scientists that openly show that Jews are a race. Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald show that Jewish academics say that race doesn't when it comes to Europeans and Africans and Asians, say that it does exist in Jews! The point being that they don't want people to see the racial and tribal nature of Jews and thus become aware of their racist and oppressive actions. This is a classic show. If you have the skills please make a video and post this program as a video for the world to hear. Be sure to remove the music so the video violates no copyright convenants. This is a show to savor and save!

David's site
Rense Archive 

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