June 03, 2014

The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.06.03

On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by Dr. Kevin MacDonald. Dr. MacDonald and I will be discussing moral universalism vs. ethnic nationalism, the biological reality of race, the recent success of right wing political parties in Europe and the reaction of the organized Jewish community.

Below are relevant links for this program:
AFP Radio Network (BlogTalk)
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)


Fluorida judge attacks public defender

VIERA, Fla. - A judge allegedly struck a public defender Monday after a verbal confrontation in a Brevard County courtroom, Judge John Murphy is accused of hitting Andrew Weinstock, according to the public defender's office.

During a court session, Murphy asked Weinstock to waive his client's right to a speedy trial, but Weinstock refused, the public defender's office said.

The confrontation leading up to the fight was captured on video.

"If I had a rock, I would throw it at you right now," Murphy said. "Stop pissing me off. Just sit down. I'll take care of it. I don't need your help. Sit down."

"I'm the public defender, I have the right to be here and I have a right to stand and represent my clients," Weinstock said.

"Sit down," Murphy said. "If you want to fight, let's go out back and I'll just beat your ass."

"Let's go right now," Weinstock said. The two went into a hallway and Murphy allegedly grabbed Weinstock by the collar and started hitting him, according to the public defender's office.

Read more here

The Spingola Zone at AFP 6/2/2014

Deanna's guest is James Perloff, the author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, and The Shadows of Power. His topic is the Lusitania, a false flag.
American Free Press
The Barnes Review
Holocaust Handbooks
Holocaust Books

The Holocaust Mega-post 


5/31/2014 -- 4 Mile Long eruption of Liquid Sand + stored CO2 @ Fracking operation in Colorado

3.4m fracking earthquake struck Greeley Colorado a day after I made this video.... admitted fracking, University of Colorado now investigating... blaming wastewater injection... shake reports felt in Loveland... quote residents 'like a sledge hammer on the roof'

Holder announces task force on 'homegrown' terrorists

Operation "Demonise Whitey" is now in full effect!
Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder, Jr. on Monday announced the creation of a task force within the Justice Department to combat an “escalating danger” from “homegrown” terrorists within the United States.
The Justice Department, in a news release accompanying Holder’s weekly video address, cited a Congressional Research Service report last year that said domestic terrorists were responsible for more than two dozen incidents in the U.S. since 9/11.

Jewish responses to the European elections

Oi Vey! How *DARE* European "Goyim" try to escape Jewish Control?!
It’s no secret that Jewish organizations have been strongly in favor of the EU and its policies promoting immigration and multiculturalism. So it’s no surprise that they are quite negative about the results of the elections for the European Parliament. A Jerusalem Post article gives some reactions (“Far-right’s election success worries European Jewry“). Hungary’s Jobbik and Greece’s Golden Dawn are seen as the most worrisome.

Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.06.02

Listen  Download  Hour 1 - Michel Chossudovsky - Ukraine

Listen  Download  Hour 2 - Tim Rifat - Geopolitical Analysis

Listen  Download  Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Report

56k CF
Rense' site

June 02, 2014

Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.06.02

Delcroix Outside Radio

Charles talks about the psychology of believers and then resumes his Thursday topic on real estate. (Four callers)

Listen Live on MOBILE, Shoutcast, ShoutcastPlayer, MyRadioStream.com Or RadioTuna
A View From The Bog
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
Outside Radio Archive

64k CF Download


David Duke Show 2014.06.02

Dr. Duke begins by show the latest Zio hypocrisy in their condemnation of the European electoral victories of those who want to preserve their European Heritage. At the same time of course, the Zionists support the most Xenophobic racist state on the planet. Dr. David Duke has another penetrating interview with Paul Eisen that is incredibly revealing of the Jewish mentality and why non-Jews must develop a clear understanding of the incredibly alien mentality of the Jewish elite compared to the Gentile peoples around the world. Unless this understanding is rationally learned we are lost and doomed to tyranny, war, degeneration. Furthermore, we must become emotionally moved as well until our own survival and upward development becomes part of purpose of life. Great Show! Share it and don't forget to support the publication of Dr.Duke's new book the Illustrated Protocols of Zion!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

“Guns Everywhere Law,” now Signed

Georgia governor Nathan Deal signed into law, effective July 1, the most liberal gun carry legislation in the country. The popular Safe Carry Protection Act of 2014, known by anti-Second Amendment adversaries as the “Guns Everywhere Law,” passed with by-partisan support in the State House 112-58 and in the State Senate 37-18.
The legislation still requires a background check and good standing with the law for the license, and is extended to the permit holders of 28 states that issue CCW permits. The law exempts government buildings and airport terminals having security personnel, but other government buildings and airport facilities are not exempted. Churches, bars, and schools have the right to exclude guns in their facilities should they wish to. Police are no longer permitted to hold a person “for the sole purpose of investigating whether such a person has a weapons carry license,” which was a concern to some law enforcement personnel, but firefighters and emergency responders could be armed. This last measure was in response to a man recently having held firefighters hostage in his home. This would never have happened had they been armed.

Governor Deal in his address prior to signing the law cited passages of the Declaration of Independence as the authority behind the new law and quoted from its principle author, Thomas Jefferson. “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms, as a last resort, is to protect themselves against the tyranny in government.”

Read more here

Israel's Apologists: Jon Faine is at it Again

*Israeli Deceptions Go South: Ex-Australian Prime Minister Confirms Israel Attacked America
*What Does it Mean to be a Friend of Israel?
*The USS LIBERTY: 46 Years of Treason and Lies
*Banned News Report
*History of Jewish Terrorism ✡ ✈ ▌▌
*More information here

June 01, 2014

Country Doctor Cures Cancer With Baking Soda & Maple Syrup

Jim Kelmun – a 75 year old former truck driver, has been preparing remedies to assist cancer sufferers since 1954. He has treated 200 terminal cancer sufferers, and claims that 185 of them lived for at least a further 15 years.

Oddly, Jim has been threatened with jail by authorities unless he stops administering his remedy – as he has no medical degree!!!

"There's not a tumor on God's green Earth that can't be licked with a little baking soda and maple syrup!"

The Remedy – Maple Syrup and Baking Powder (Bicarbonate of soda)

    Mix 1 part baking soda to 3 parts maple syrup
    Heat rigorously in a pan for 5 minutes

    Take two teaspoons of the mixture per day for the first week and then one teaspoon per day as needed.

Try to get 100% Grade B maple syrup.

Dr Mark Sircus has examined the results and comments as follows:-

“cancer cells gobble up sugar so when you encourage the intake of sugar it’s like sending in a Trojan horse. The sugar is not going to encourage the growth of the cancer colonies because the baking soda is going to kill the cells before they have a chance to grow”

“The treatment is a combination of pure, 100% maple syrup [bulk Grade B from the health food store] and baking soda and was first reported on the Cancer Tutor site. When mixed and heated together, the maple syrup and baking soda bind together. The maple syrup targets cancer cells (which consume 15 times more glucose than normal cells) and the baking soda, which is dragged into the cancer cell by the maple syrup, being very alkaline forces a rapid shift in pH killing the cell.”

An almost identical remedy has been suggested by Italian Dr Simoncini – who claims to treat cancer as if it were a fungus.

 CANCER-FREE Newsletter

NoAgenda Episode 622 - "Operation Chokepoint" - 2014.06.01

SnowJob; EUROLand; Rodger Dodger; Shut Up Slave!; F-Russia / Ukraine; ;  Chiner$; Agenda 21; Bank$ters; Thailand; Obama Nation; LGBBTQQIAAP; Baustin; AFRIKA; Packet Inequality; Malacca Straights; War on Printer$; War on Ammo; War on Smoke; Ottomania; NA-Tech; Think of the Children!; India, and many more Infotainment Juicy bits.
The Sunday Show


Spingola Speaks 2014.06.01

Guest:2-4: Dr. Jeanne M. Stolzer, Keeping the Boy in Boyhood; The Systemic Correlation Between Psychiatric Medications and Unprovoked Mass Murder in America; 4-5: Bruce Wiseman, CCHR-Vets; CCHR 

News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info


Introduction to Holocaust revisionism

*More information here

When Planted DisInfo Becomes News It Is a Hoax


Auschwitz the missing cyanide

*More information here

Auschwitz versus Science a documentary about the gas chambers and crematoria of the holocaust

*More information here

Body Count

This Weeks Numbers 


6,717 US soldiers died fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.  


82,805 US veterans have killed themselves in the same time period.

Hollywood Pedophile Ring protected by Police, Media

May 14, 2014. Hollywood. When a rich Hollywood producer was named in a civil lawsuit a couple weeks ago, he was accused of imprisoning children, filling them with drugs and alcohol, and then together with other wealthy Hollywood elites, violently gang-raping them against their will. The suit contends that the American media industry, government and law enforcement community are well aware of the massive illegal pedophile ring because they’ve been flaunting it in the open for decades. The mother of the victim insists all three industries are part of the nationwide cover-up.

Just as it took decades for the code of silence and government protection to finally subside and the size of the secret pedophile ring operating inside the Catholic Church to be exposed, victims of Hollywood’s pedophile industry are still waiting for justice. Even the very public slap in the face by the son of Woody Allen and Mia Farrow during this year’s Golden Globe Awards did little to raise the ire of Americans. When known and admitted pedophile Woody Allen was given a touching tribute by the Hollywood award show, Allen’s son Tweeted to the world, “Missed the Woody Allen tribute - did they put the part where a woman publicly confirmed he molested her at age 7?”

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