September 10, 2014
NSA Whistleblower Supports 9/11 Truth - William Binney and Richard Gage
*9/11:Israel did it
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
*Israel belongs to the Rothschilds
False Flag Alert!!!: General McInerney: We Should Go To DEFCON 1, ISIS Will Attack Us Very, Very Soon
“We should go to DEFCON 1, our highest state of readiness, and be
prepared as we lead up to 9/11,” stated retired Air Force Lt. Gen.
Thomas McInerney.
General McInerney expects that the US will be attacked very, very soon by ISIS. He also asserts that we should be taking very strong action against ISIS, hitting 200 targets a day, but Obama’s narrative to handle ISIS is “three years behind.”
Yes, we should be hitting ISIS extremely hard and simply wipe this infestation off the face of the Earth.
***Read full article here***
*Many more information links found here
General McInerney expects that the US will be attacked very, very soon by ISIS. He also asserts that we should be taking very strong action against ISIS, hitting 200 targets a day, but Obama’s narrative to handle ISIS is “three years behind.”
Yes, we should be hitting ISIS extremely hard and simply wipe this infestation off the face of the Earth.
***Read full article here***
*Many more information links found here
Media Coverup of Israeli Crimes against Humanity in Gaza: An Urgent Call to Confront the Mainstream Media
After 50 days of Israeli attacks on a basically defenseless
civilian population in Gaza, the pro-Israeli media is now trying to
blame the victims for the devastation. Worse, Israel’s supporters are
running scurrilous ads that malign Hamas, even comparing it to ISIS.
The editors and publishers of such media must urgently be confronted
with demands that their outlets reflect the facts rather than the
attacks on Palestnian resistance and the pro-Israeli re-writing of
Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza illustrated Israel’s use of its Dagan Plan, using Israeli civilian deaths as an excuse to cause massive Palestinian casualties and its Dahiya Doctrine, causing such extensive destruction that it would take decades to recover, thus weakening the government. Israel not only targeted civilians (Washington Blog) (almost 2200 were murdered, with 11,000 injured) but also targeted the civilian infrastructure such as UN facilities, schools, hospitals, clinics, ambulances and medics, virtually every mosque, and the only power plant, which provided potable water. Hundreds of thousands were left homeless; entire families were wiped out; entire neighborhoods were razed to the ground. Gaza has been left with little food, no potable water, a lack of critical medical supplies, electricity, or even material to rebuild with.
***Read full article here***
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza
*Some important information for jew owners of major media news outlets
Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza illustrated Israel’s use of its Dagan Plan, using Israeli civilian deaths as an excuse to cause massive Palestinian casualties and its Dahiya Doctrine, causing such extensive destruction that it would take decades to recover, thus weakening the government. Israel not only targeted civilians (Washington Blog) (almost 2200 were murdered, with 11,000 injured) but also targeted the civilian infrastructure such as UN facilities, schools, hospitals, clinics, ambulances and medics, virtually every mosque, and the only power plant, which provided potable water. Hundreds of thousands were left homeless; entire families were wiped out; entire neighborhoods were razed to the ground. Gaza has been left with little food, no potable water, a lack of critical medical supplies, electricity, or even material to rebuild with.
***Read full article here***
*The Blood of Palestine is on the Hands of the Bribe-Takers
*Israel's Plan To Obliterate Gaza
*Some important information for jew owners of major media news outlets
Spingola Speaks 2014.09.07
Guests: Dr.
Judy Wood, author of Where
Did the Towers Go;
Why Indeed Did the WTC Buildings Disintegrate?;
The Shell Game; Images and
Andrew Johnson, author of
9-11, Finding the Truth
News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
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News Page
Deanna's site
Official chat room
Spingola Speaks .Info
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Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.09.09
Listen Download Hour 1 - Devvy Kidd - America In Shreds
Listen Download Hour 2 - Jonathan Emord
Listen Download Hour 3 - Joel Skousen - World Affairs Brief
56k CF
Rense' site
September 09, 2014
The Return of Tyr with Drew 2014.09.09
Tonight I will be discussing Feisal Abdul Rauf also know as, “that muzztard that wanted to build a mosque at ground zero.” I will show how Islam and Judaism are combining forces to undermine the west, Islamic Nationalphobia, and touch on a little bit of NC Jewish history.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Vaccines Did Not Save Us – 2 Centuries Of Official Statistics
This is the data the drug industry do not want you to see. Here 2 centuries of UK, USA and Australian official death statistics show conclusively and scientifically modern
medicine is not responsible for and played little part in substantially
improved life expectancy and survival from disease in western
A detailed Contents listing of this article with each category of disease and related graphs appears after the Introduction.
The main advances in combating disease over 200 years have been better food and clean drinking water. Improved sanitation, less overcrowded and better living conditions also contribute. ***Read full article here****Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History
Vaccine fraud? What about psychiatric fraud? Staggering.
This is an article about the intentional construction of false reality.
Not a minor construction—a huge, enduring, institutional, wing-flapping, money-munching, poison-dispensing, Matrix-welding, yet “humanity-saving” invention.
In the wake of CDC whistleblower William Thompson’s confession that he buried a vaccine-autism connection, some people reacted with shock—as if this was the first case of rank fraud that had ever taken place within the hallowed halls of medical research.
How about a whole branch of modern medicine that is a fraud from top to bottom?
Let us turn the page to Psychiatry. And the lying liars who lie about it.
***Read full article here***
*Freud’s Follies: Psychoanalysis as religion, cult, and political movement
Not a minor construction—a huge, enduring, institutional, wing-flapping, money-munching, poison-dispensing, Matrix-welding, yet “humanity-saving” invention.
In the wake of CDC whistleblower William Thompson’s confession that he buried a vaccine-autism connection, some people reacted with shock—as if this was the first case of rank fraud that had ever taken place within the hallowed halls of medical research.
How about a whole branch of modern medicine that is a fraud from top to bottom?
Let us turn the page to Psychiatry. And the lying liars who lie about it.
***Read full article here***
*Freud’s Follies: Psychoanalysis as religion, cult, and political movement
Truth Hertz with Charles Giuliani 2014.09.09
The sixth day into the 9/11 event. (No callers)
Listen Live from 8-10am Eastern on weekdays.
Call in number: 508-422-7010 Massachusetts USA
Truth Hertz 2 Chat HTML5 Version
Outside Radio Archive Skype Call
A View From The Bog
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The Realist Report with John Friend 2014.09.09
On this edition of The Realist Report, we'll be joined once again by author, film maker, and musician Lenon Honor. Lenon and I will be discussing his book The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program as we approach the 13th anniversary of the events of 9/11.
Below are relevant links for this program:
- The Truth About September 11th, 2001 (vid)
- Book Review - The 911 Fear-Based Mind Control Program
- TV = Weapon of Mass Deception
- Destroying ISIS May Take Years, U.S. Officials Say - The New York Times
- 'Significant increase' in terror chatter as haunting anniversary of 9/11 nears - The Washington Times
The Realist Report (TalkShoe)
The Realist Report (YouTube)
A View From The Bog
David Duke Show 2014.09.09
Dr. David Duke and Dr. Patrick Slattery today. Today Dr. Duke has an earthshaking program showing how the Jewish supremacists support the opposite policies of immigration and refugee asylum that the Israeli State institutionalizes. The same Jewish organizations that support multiculturalism and massive immigration into Europe and America support the State of Israel which has exactly the opposite policies. An amazing show that will enlighten you and help you to see the truth about the real horrific racism that threatens America, the Western World and the entire globe. Unless Europeans are liberated, there is no liberation from a world of war and degeneracy! Share this program!
David's site
Rense Archive
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David's site
Rense Archive
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Failed Nazi spy mission in UK ‘was sabotaged by German dissidents’
They Didin't like it up 'em! Comical Germans in wartime Britain were easy to spot! |
Ready for a new jew-false-flag attack? They Just Keep Saying ISIS Is Going to Attack America’s Electric Grid
into another 9/11 anniversary, the normal al Qaeda scarefest is nowhere
to be found. This year is all about ISIS, and September started by
taking the rhetoric up a notch.
Back in August, it was all about how ISIS is tremendously well-funded and like nothing the Pentagon had ever seen and another 9/11 was on the way. Then we were told an ISIS terror attack on American streets is highly likely; so likely, in fact, that an Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border alert was released featuring the possibility that ISIS groups operating out of the Mexican border city of Juarez might attack the U.S. with car bombs, although no specific threats had been received.
Then we were told that there are nearly a dozen jets missing from war-torn Libya which could be used to strike 9/11-like targets.
The new and latest September-fresh talking point is that ISIS is going to attack America’s ‘frail and vulnerable’ electric grid. Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, has actually given it the monicker “grid jihad.” ***Read full article here***
*Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism
*The ISIS ride
*The New Scary Boogie-man: ISIS
*Gov't Fear Factory: ISIS Is Here
*Dick Cheney: ‘Absolutely Certain There Will Be Another Mass Casualty Attack Against U.S.’
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
*Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!
*EXPOSED: Kerry Implicated in Turkey False Flag Using AlQaeda To Start War With Syria
*Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi
*9/11:Israel did it
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
Back in August, it was all about how ISIS is tremendously well-funded and like nothing the Pentagon had ever seen and another 9/11 was on the way. Then we were told an ISIS terror attack on American streets is highly likely; so likely, in fact, that an Imminent Terrorist Attack Warning By Feds on US Border alert was released featuring the possibility that ISIS groups operating out of the Mexican border city of Juarez might attack the U.S. with car bombs, although no specific threats had been received.
Then we were told that there are nearly a dozen jets missing from war-torn Libya which could be used to strike 9/11-like targets.
The new and latest September-fresh talking point is that ISIS is going to attack America’s ‘frail and vulnerable’ electric grid. Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy in Washington, has actually given it the monicker “grid jihad.” ***Read full article here***
*Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism
*The ISIS ride
*The New Scary Boogie-man: ISIS
*Gov't Fear Factory: ISIS Is Here
*Dick Cheney: ‘Absolutely Certain There Will Be Another Mass Casualty Attack Against U.S.’
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures
*Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!
*EXPOSED: Kerry Implicated in Turkey False Flag Using AlQaeda To Start War With Syria
*Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi
*9/11:Israel did it
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
Texe Marrs Podcast 8/29/2014 - Rockefeller and Rothschild United—The New World Order is Built on Oil Monopoly
Texe Marrs explains the reason for the reordering of the Middle East,
the U.S. invasions and Israeli aggression in Ukraine. The
multibillionaire oilmen and bankers, Rothschild and Rockefeller, have
merged their operations. In a few short years, the United States has
become the #1 world’s oil producer and is now selling its oil and gas to
other countries. Only Russia can compete in the oil and gas market, and
the Illuminati elite are working to remove Russia and Putin from their
oil perch. They have ignited a false, new Cold War.
Two rabbis busted in london for counterfeit medicine ring, money laundering.
Oi Vey! I'm So Busted! |
Bais Moshiach, a non-official Lubavitch Centre in London’s Stamford Hill neighbourhood, was raided this evening by UK police and Interpol agents.
The director of the center along with his son were arrested on charges of money laundering.
A more in-depth article - showing how controlled the UK press are when being allowed to say *exactly* who these two men really were - can be found at: London24
Jeff Rense Radio Show - 2014.09.08
Listen Download Hour 1 - Dr. Henry L. Niman, PhD - Critical Ebola News Update
Listen Download Hour 2 - Thomas Goodrich - Hellstorm…The Death Of Nazi Germany 1944-1947
Listen Download Hour 3 - Yoichi Shimatsu - Fukushima Update With Special Guest Dana Durnford
56k CF
Rense' site
September 08, 2014
The Activism, Persecution, & Death of Edgar Steele 2014.09.08
This tribute to the pro-White defense attorney Edgar J. Steele includes some of the hero’s “nickel rants”, coverage of his show trial, an interview from prison, and news of his death on September 4th, 2014.
Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
Vladimir Putin speaks in Israel
*Post-WW1 jewish Communism In Germany
*Judeo Bolshevism Discovered
*The Holocaust Mega-post
*Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jewish Communists
*Adolf Hitler Explains His Reasons For Invading The Soviet Union
*Hitler's War - What the Historians Neglect to Mention
*Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told
*Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why?
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