Rep. Charles Rangel (D-NY) is a combat veteran and former Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee.
"As a Korean War veteran, I know the plight of war. Our military is the best in the world, but war is unpredictable and chaotic. In the event that the conflict in Iraq and Syria necessitates American troops on the ground, everyone should share the sacrifices instead of the small few who are already carrying that burden.
For a decade I have been calling for the reinstatement of the draft because our military personnel and their families bear a tremendous cost each time we send them to fight...."
“And we are all mortal” JFK – June 10, 1963 – American University Not long after uttering those words in his startling and
prophetic commencement address, President John F. Kennedy was publicly
executed by terrorists operating from deep within the shadows of the
secret state. A symbolic universe was shattered that day and a sense of
fear and terror was unleashed into American society. The natural human
fear of death was multiplied a thousand-fold as post-traumatic denial
settled over the country and the Warren Commission released its
fabrications fifty years ago this September 24th. (Did it win the
Pulitzer Prize for fiction that year?) That fear is the air we breathe today. We are choking on fear; trembling. In a previous article,,
I suggested that Americans are propagandized on two levels: culturally
and politically. The elite work to scare and discombobulate regular
people in various ways. Call it propaganda, brain-washing, mind-control,
double-speak, etc. The result is to try and reduce people to muddled,
frightened messes. These manipulative machinations generally work. ***Read full article here*** *More information here
SPECIAL NOTE TO READER This dynamic volume outlines a comprehensive Jewish plan for the
extinction of the German nation and the total eradication from the
earth, of all her people. Also contained the possible territorial
dissection of Germany and the apportionment of her lands.
Shuffling various
disease and disorder labels; the studies claiming there is no link
between vaccines and autism; the hoops the government makes parents jump
through, in order to try to obtain financial compensation; the legal
deal allowing vaccine manufacturers to avoid law suits; the invented
cover stories claiming autism begins in utero or is a genetic disorder;
the pretension that autism has even been defined---there is no defining
diagnostic test for it---
All lies. All avoidances.
A child gets a vaccine. The child suffers brain damage. That happens.
That's the truth which the government buries in a mountain of obfuscation.
-The factors influencing silver and gold prices
-Audit The Fed Bill introduced into the House is not going anywhere
-Understanding reverse repos and how the fed is sucking money out of the economy on purpose
-Fed says it is a liquidity crisis to cover up a solvency crisis
-Stocks are being purchased on borrowed money, aka leverage
-Currency raiders – another tool of the FED – Reagan did it with the Ruble
-Dollar is the highest it has been in seven years
-Numismatics have out performed bullion dramatically in the past seven years
-Andy talks cryptocurrencies and happily bows out from owning any. He tells us why
-The mobilization of credit is the issue
-Iraq is getting their political act together. Will they sell their plentiful oil for dollars or Dinar?
-Rockefeller’s divesting out of fossil fuels
-Does Andy think that precious metals prices will behave like they did in 2008-09 when the market crashed, if/when the market crashes again?
-We go through the H41 report during this show. Click on link to follow the bouncing dollar with Andrew
Dr. David Duke & Dr. Slattery Today. First subject is how the Zio media not only controls our views of foreign policy such as Syria and ISIS, but how it affects very important issues that have dramatic impact on our health, morality, happiness, fitness, mentality.... and why if we are to have political revolution, we must also have a personal evolution, We who know the truth must be empowered to be ambassadors for this truth to our communities and our world. Then Dr. Duke goes into the latest excellent article by British Journalist Robert Fisk and gives some needed background of the Israeli control of American and European foreign policy in the Mideast and how it has cost of trillions of dollars economically and contributed to the rise of terrorism in both the Mideast and the rest of the World. Also discussed is the hypocritical Jewish establishment support for racist state of Israel while at the same time they promote opposite policies for the United States of America. Great Show with astute commentary by Patrick Slattery as well.
It’s unannounced. It’s no secret. Israel is heavily involved. It’s been so all along. It wants Assad ousted.
It bombs Syrian targets at its discretion. It supplies weapons to Islamic State terrorists and other extremist Takfiri fighters.
It treats their wounded in Israeli hospitals. It supplies other support overtly and covertly. ***Read full article here***
In a statement released on Sunday, the Syrian Foreign Ministry said that
Damascus does not possess chemical weapons as it implemented its
obligations to turn in its entire chemical weapons stockpile to the
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). The
statement further noted that certain regional and Western countries
might supply chemical munitions to the militants fighting against the
Damascus government in an attempt to make up an excuse for “premeditated
aggression” on Syria.
Tonight I will be talking about Nicky Crane, former poster boy of white
power in Britain during the 70′s and 80′s. I will touch upon Martin
Webster, Nick Griffin, and the secret life of an “anti-semitic” commenter.