December 15, 2014

Entitlement Mentality Gone Wild

*Entitlement Mentality Part 1

*Entitlement Mentality Part 2

Black Thug Life

*Video #1

*Video #2

David Duke Show 2014.12.15

Dr. Duke has another foundational show based on the release of documents of ISIS in Mosel telling its fanatics that is okay to enslave anyone who does not have the same version of Islam that they preach, and even gives its fanatics to rape and kill women! Dr. Duke then talks about the fact that fundamental Judaism also okays slavery of other people by Jews, along with rape and murder of women, men, children. He gives direct quotations from the Jewish book of laws the Halacha, from the Talmud which make this very clear, as well as all sorts of rape, pedophilia of both little boys and girls by Jews, including Jewish priests and pious ones. It literally gives sanction to these acts. Then he goes into the Jewish control of the world white slavery industry and the horrific degradation and enslavement of tens of millions of Europeans through global Jewish crime syndicates based in Israel. He quotes Jewish run newspapers such as the New York Times in documenting this horrific, Jewish racist reality. Dr. Slattery adds prescient commentary and the show is one of those programs that will shock you and motivate you to act against this globalist evil! Share this show!

David's site
Rense Archive 

56k CF Download

The Solar Storm with Kyle Hunt 2014.12.14

Ancestral Heritage

Kyle discusses the National Socialist organization that was dedicated to researching all things related to Germanic ancestry: archaeology, linguistics, religions, symbols, the occult, and more.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting


December 14, 2014

No Agenda Episode 678 - Sir London Foley Presents "Lustration" - 2014.12.14

TODAY; GLITCH!; SnowJob; Bank$ters; The Fix is In!; Ottomania; Caliphate!; F-Russia; Shut Up Slave!; Elite$; Agenda 21; EuroLand; Chiner$; War on Crazy; NA-Tech News; Furgeson; Space Fakes; Haiti, and all your usual listening whilst Torturing some poor little Brown man for information he doesn't possess favourites.

The Sunday Show


The Role of 9/11 in Justifying Torture and War: The Criminalization of the US State Apparatus. Senate Report on CIA Torture is a Whitewash

The actions directed against alleged jihadists are categorized as ineffective in the process of revealing intelligence. This in itself is a red herring. The objective of torture was not to reveal  intelligence. 
What of course is not acknowledged is that the alleged  terrorists who were tortured were framed by the CIA.
Known and documented the Al Qaeda network is a creation of US intelligence.
Yet we all know by now that the 9/11 official narrative is a fabrication.  The official 9/11 story is that Osama bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks. Lest we forget, bin Laden was hospitalized in a Pakistani military hospital in Rawalpindi on September 9, 2001.
9/11 was used as a pretext, a casus belli to wage an illegal war against Afghanistan.  What we are dealing with is the criminalization of the US State apparatus.
Jihadists were not behind the 9/11 attacks. The evidence points to a conspiracy at the highest levels of the US government including the involvement of the intelligence apparatus.
jihadists are “intelligence assets”.
Torture serves to perpetuate the legend that the evil terrorists are real and that the lives of Americans are threatened.
Torture is presented as “collateral damage.” Torture is an integral part of war propaganda  which consists in demonizing the alleged terrorists.     ***Read full article here***
*9/11:Israel did it
*The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
*Fox Banned News 9-11 The Israeli Connection
*There is no evidence that Muslims did 9/11
*Jewish Fingerprints All Over 9-11
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Who Controls America?
*Israel belongs to the Rothschilds

Remarks by Senator Warren on Citigroup and its bailout provision

2070 Paradigm Shift - Sam Hyde

This video could easily be subtitled 'Sam Hyde Trolls a TED talk.' 
Sam Hyde managed to be accepted as a TED speaker at a university under a totally made up (fake) biography.  Other notable (real) TED presenters include: Bill Clinton,  Jane Goodall, Al Gore, Richard Dawkins, Bill Gates and Bono. 

While doing a masterful (and hilarious) parody of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and other notable charismatic powerpoint speakers, Sam manages to expose the nasty underbelly of typical  NWO thinking.

Lead Developer of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean of Giant Deadly Scam

Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™.  Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines.  She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert button on the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines.  Dr. Harper made her surprising confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia.  Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”.
***Read full article here*** 

Spingola Speaks 2014.12.14

C. W. Wade of Sandy Hook Facts and Keith Johnson talk about Sandy Hook, See Deanna's video critique and notes on Halbig; People can easily ascertain that Sandy Hook Hoax ~ Walking In Circles Around Sandy Hook Firehouse is a looped video.

    News Page                         Deanna's site
Official chat room             Spingola Speaks .Info

32k CF Download

How Not To Cover Torture
*There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11
*9/11 Suspects Can’t Mention being Tortured during Trial Testimony because Their Torture is Classified
*Military lawyer resigns in protest of ‘show trial’ of accused 9-11 mastermind
*Perpetual war, indefinite detention, and torture: The U.S. and Israel’s shared values
*Obama Minimalizing Post 9/11 Torture: 'We tortured some folks'
*CIA waterboarding is torture: International Red Cross
*Canadian government uses information extracted through use of torture

The fabulous Success of Gun Free Zones

Condi on Torture, 2008
*9/11 Suspects Can’t Mention being Tortured during Trial Testimony because Their Torture is Classified
*Military lawyer resigns in protest of ‘show trial’ of accused 9-11 mastermind
*Perpetual war, indefinite detention, and torture: The U.S. and Israel’s shared values
*Obama Minimalizing Post 9/11 Torture: 'We tortured some folks'
*CIA waterboarding is torture: International Red Cross
*Canadian government uses information extracted through use of torture

jews Want Multi Cultural Europe And Jewish Only Israel
*Hervé Ryssen - jew race mixing immigration program
*The Jewish Role in U.S. Immigration Law(parts 1 & 2)
*Jewish Wealth Promotes Gibbering Immigration Insanity in the UK and the US
*Will Jews regret their Open Immigration policies? Divide and Conquer.
*Jews Hypocritically Endorse Open Immigration Policies In Western Countries But Closed Immigration Policies In Israel
*Barbara Lerner Spectre: jews will have leading role in transformation
*The Illegal Invasion of America
*U.S. Border Patrol, Texas, Caught On Video Telling The Truth 7/29/2014
*Pushing the jew Immigration Scam
*Jewish activist Anetta Kahane wants to destroy Europe via non-European immigration
*AJC Ann Schaffer: Immigration is a jewish Infiltrate, Divide, Conquer, and Loot game to increase national, and global jewish power
*Internet anti-Semitism a ‘mortal danger,’ says Knesset Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee chairman MK Yoel Razbozov
*Organized Jewry concerned about rising "anti-Semitism"
*"Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it"

Blacklisted Radio - 2014.12.13

Blacklisted News Radio is hosted by Doug Owen.


In this episode Doug Owen discusses the USAID's Rap Music Psyop in Cuba, Torture, 1.1 Trillion Dollar Budget that empowers ISIS and the NSA. Government's across the world cracking down on the media, and what are the "New World Order's"  are also topics in this latest live episode.


There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11

The United States government has alleged that 19 individuals with Arab names, deemed fanatic Muslims, hijacked four passenger planes on 11 September 2001 and crashed them in a suicide-operation that killed approximately 3,000 people. In this Report, the author shows that there is no credible evidence that these individuals boarded any of these passenger planes. For this reason, it is impossible to support the official account on 9/11. As the US government has failed to prove its accusations against the 19 alleged hijackers, the official account on 9/11 must be regarded as a lie.
***Read full article here*** 

*9/11:Israel did it
*9-11 The Israeli Connection  
*David Chandler 2010 "9/11 Analysis"
*Fast and Furious - The Twin Towers
*Fast and Furious - World Trade Center 7
*Shear Ignorance NIST and WTC7
*Fast and Furious - 9/11 Reactions
*jewish involvement exposed
*Terrorism a tool at the hands of imperialism 
*Al-Qaeda a tool for West's political/military adventures 
*Fake Al Qaeda Actors EXPOSED!  
*EXPOSED: Kerry Implicated in Turkey False Flag Using AlQaeda To Start War With Syria  
*Confirmed: U.S. Armed Al Qaeda to Topple Libya’s Gaddaffi 
*Who Controls America?

Psychiatry: the modern priest-class

In this society, psychiatrists are the primary definers of mental states. Their efforts are accepted as official science.
The Psychiatric Political State is based on myths and fairy tales about distinct and separate disorders and “good treatment.”
For years, even psychiatrists have been blowing the whistle on this hazy crazy process of “research.”
Of course, pharmaceutical companies, who manufacture highly toxic drugs to treat every one of these “disorders,” are leading the charge to invent more and more mental-health categories, so they can sell more drugs and make more money.
But we have a mind-boggling twist. Under the radar, one of the great psychiatric stars, who has been out in front inventing mental disorders, went public. He blew the whistle on himself and his colleagues. And for several years, almost no one noticed.
***Read full article here***
*Freud’s Follies: Psychoanalysis as religion, cult, and political movement
*Manufacturing Madness: The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry
*Vaccine fraud? What about psychiatric fraud? Staggering.

Does Torture Actually Work? The science and myths behind the West's so-called 'Enhanced Interrogation Techniques'
The idea that physical or mental pain may force someone to reveal vital information has little science behind it.