Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Clips like this makes me wonder when this kind of manipulation actually began. LOL @ whispering into his lawyer's ear, phony denials and waiting until 'executive session'.
Ex-BBC researcher Tony Gosling on Charlie Hebdo, Gladio, & other false flags
Tony Gosling worked as a researcher for the BBC…until his research led
him into the uncharted waters of the Deep State, where Bilderbergers
rule and elite secret societies orchestrate false flag terror events
like Gladio, 9/11, Bali, Madrid, 7/7, Boston…and now the Paris Charlie
Hebdo spectacular, the "French 9/11."
4 news' security correspondent Simon Israel, for example, called the
Paris attack 'The most deadly in Western Europe since 7/7', where 52
died. He sidestepped freemason Zionist/Knights Templar Anders Breivik's
July 2011 Utoya attacks which killed 77 mostly young people. It was in
Northern Europe but most definitive maps of Western Europe include
Scandinavia. how 'our' media and the journalists that get the job, have become a psychological warfare arm of the NATO war machine?
Dr. Duke today exposes the lies of the vicious, hateful, lying
attacks against him by the Zio organizations in collusion with the Zio
Media, and shows how they work against anyone who exposes their
The two prominent organizations viciously attacking Dr. Duke are the ADL and the SPLC. David's site Rense Archive
TODAY; RIP Pete O'Rourke; Je Suis Charlie; Caliphate!; CYBER!; SnowJob; Pipeline$; NWO; F-Russia; War on Men; EuroLand; Internet Freedom; NA-Tech News; ROK NK; Haiti; Trains Good Planes Bad (whoo hoo!); Agenda 21; Vaccine$; Real News, and all your usual listening whilst watching angry hippos chase down speedboats in Botswana favourites.
Duke does a in depth show taken from his ongoing research article on
how terrorism, ISIS and eventual Civil War is coming to every nation of
the Western World unless we overthrow the Zio-Globalist power over our
media, finance and politics.
shows how the Zionist control of Western Policy by supporting the
horrific crimes of Israel against Mideast peoples and nations, as well
as the Zio-directed wars that have brought death, injury and devastation
to millions of people.
Jewish Secretary of State justifying the death of 500,000 children in
Iraq is offered as an example of this horrific policy done in the name
of America, but one instigated by Jewish extremists like her.
he shows how the increasing terrorist attacks across the Western World
would not be possible except for the massive immigration into Western
nations, and he proves that Jewish tribalists have been the driving
force behind it in every Western nation! They even brag openly about
they have not only led the specific immigration advocacy groups but
their control of media has brainwashed many European people into
thinking that massive immigration will be good thing for respective
countries, when of course see their horrifically conflicted nations,
increased crime, social welfare burden, and of course terrorism on as
scale completely alien to their way of life.
also talks about the fact that all people on Earth naturally want to
preserve their heritage and the vast majority of every nation does not
want mass immigration of foreign peoples who don't share the essential
values and culture.
recounts a famous lecture he gave in the leading intellectual
University in Libya and how the thousand academics and students
actually cheered the fact that he wanted to preserve his own European
people and culture in European lands just as the people of Libya desire
the same for their own people.
Slattery added some prescient commentary on this issue and he and Dr.
Duke discussed the argument and answered those who say that organized
Jewish don't support immigration because why would they want to people
coming in who are also natively anti-Israel. Dr. Slattery and Dr. Duke
reveal the fact that all the major groups DO SUPPORT OPEN BORDERS FOR
Europe and the every nation, and even boast about… and then go to
explain the reasons that they do.
-The interest the USG pays you to borrow money for 30 years is 2.39% – this is artificially low to keep
30 year mortgage rates under 4% to keep houses and the economy moving
-Lots of conversation about the benefits of owning a home on credit, using credit as a blessing and always having a mortgage going, even when you rent your living quarters
-Andy and others estimate around 200 Billion per month is being wagered on keep the derivatives market going by the NY Fed
-Retail sales over Christmas – the worst numbers since 2009
-Andy gives a good explanation of the labor pool, the participation rates/eligible to work pool, and how it
is possible USG says the “unemployment” rate is 5.5%?
-Consolidation is another word for the rich guys buying up more stuff from the people in trouble…world wide
-And another good explanation of how the NY Fed works and how they are able to give back 98 billion to the Treasury and still “make” mountains of money for themselves.
-Why not buying a new car on credit makes all the sense in the world
-Some discussion on the Paris shootings; were they just another false flag?
-The oil situation, how we got here, who got us here and the reasons for same?