Charles Guiliani's inaugural broadcast on ANN.
In this Edition Charles discuses the false flag attack in Paris, i.e. "Charles Hebdo" as well as other topics.
Dr. David Duke has a long, fascinating discussion on the real
diversity of mankind and the evolutionary mechanisms that give different
peoples all over the world the incredible distinctions and unique
qualities that are expressed in the different genetic heritage, as well
as cultures and customs, religious sensitivities, and the social
structures that were created in response to their unique evolutionary
imperative. He also goes into the racist, anti-European mantra of the Zio controlled media.
Doug Owen discuses the exploitation of the recent terror attack in France by European leaders to increase surveillance powers and silence critics of the state, as well as other topics including China, Geopolitics, South America, BRIC's, Vice Media, and much more!
David Duke today revisits his incredibly powerful, further updated
article: Are You an "Anti-Semite?" If You Repeat What Jewish Elite Says
-- You Are One!
goes through what the ADL and Jewish pollsters say are "Anti-Semitic
canards" and shows that the leading Jewish authorities confirm every one
of the so-called myths!
is an incredible show that should be made into a thousands of videos
and shared to every person on the Planet, beginning with those people
whom you love and care about.
We all must awaken to the real truths of the world!
one of us, our families and loved ones, must confront the world's
greatest problem, that of Zio Globalism and Jewish tribalist supremacism
that leads us all to war, hate, degradation and destruction.
TODAY; Je Suis Charlie; Iran 5+1; Caliphate!; MIC; CYBER!; F-Russia; SnowJob; Bank$ters; Agenda 21; Shut Up Slave!; NWO; Ottomania; Vaccine$; The Fix is In!; EuroLand; Haiti, and all your usual listening whilst watching Bibi push his way to the front of the Photo-Op Favourites.
Declassified FBI files reveal details of the founder of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee's (AIPAC) early coordination with the head of Mossad and the Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs. The 198-page file, released under the Freedom of Information Act to the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRmep), is now on the Internet. According to the FBI, on July 18, 1949 Mossad founder Reuven Shiloah and Foreign Minister Moshe Sharett ordered AIPAC founder Isaiah L. Kenen to implement urgent public relations strategies to boost Israel's economic and military might. At that time Kenen directed the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affair's Israel Office of Information (IOI) in New York which was tasked with receiving encrypted cables from Israel for decoding and placement into prominent U.S. print publications such as Reader's Digest and Cosmopolitan. According to the formerly secret FBI report, IOI established a network of such offices...