Dion discusses real terrorists, not what the media wants you to
believe. First the rampant Muslim violence occurring in Sweden, in
light of the recent beheading in an IKEA. Then he will compare it to the
rise of Mestizo violence in the US. The circumstances of these two
countries are very similar.Uncensored, hard hitting commentary and historical perspective on the current events affecting the U.S. and Western civilization.
Dion@radiowehrwolf.com Radio Wehrwolf Archive Radio Wehrwolf Web-Site
Philip Giraldi and Michael Pregent argue about whether or not Iran
was responsible for the explosively formed penetrators (EFPs) that
allegedly killed 500 US soldiers in Iraq, and the consequences of
lifting sanctions on Iran as part of the nuclear agreement.
Philip Giraldi is a former CIA officer and Executive Director of The Council for the National Interest.Michael Pregent is a former intelligence advisor to Gen. David Petraeus and Executive Director of Veterans Against the Deal.
Britain has been rocked by incessant pedophile scandals since the revelations that the former DJ and BBC television presenter, Jimmy Savile, was involved in widespread child sex abuse. Even though the full scale of Savile’s crimes will never be known, it is thought that he raped and sexually assaulted up to 1,000 girls and boys on the BBC’s premises alone, with many accusing BBC executives of turning a blind eye to his nefarious activities. Savile, a man who looked as much like a pedophile as one possibly could, was also known to have been connected to Prince Charles, raising serious questions as to the British royal family’s involvement and knowledge of Savile’s sadistic behaviour.
TODAY; Ashley Madison; Big Pharma; War on Religion; BlackLivesMatter; Caliphate!; Hillary 2016; Trump; War on Men; Earon; BAustin; CYBER!; MIC; F-Russia; Shut Up Slave!; LGGBBTQQIA; EuroLand; Millenials; SnowJob; Ottomania; Out There; Agenda 21; Chemtrails; Mac & Cheese Life; NA-Tech News, and all your usual listening whilst loading up your new Smartphone with many Podcasts for future listening Pleasure favourites!
Today Dr. Duke had another dynamite show. The debate has resulted in a
big upswing in new visitors to DavidDuke.com, as Jones' listeners
obviously liked what Dr. Duke had to say. In his postmortem of his
debate with Alex Jones he again expressed his appreciation for being
invited on the show and recognized the important areas of agreement
between himself and Mr. Jones, but also noted the weakness in Jones'
blindspot regarding Jewish tribal domination of our society, and by
proxy of the world.
Slattery pointed out that Jones is mis-identifying who is dividing us.
Listening to Jones one would think that "leftists" are dividing Jews
from Gentiles. Jewish domination of the controlling heights of our
society is obvious, and Dr. Slattery contended that Jewish tribalists
get the "left" to implement their social agenda just as the Jewish
Neocon-dominated "right" pushes Jewish foreign policy priorities, as the
Republican debates make abundantly clear.
full HD version of the Duke-Jones debate is available at DavidDuke.com.
Please copy this version and repost it, and request that Alex Jones
puts it back up on his site.
Dr. Duke thanked Alex Jones for having him on his show for two hours
yesterday and encouraged him to post the full debate on his website.
Currently, only a snippet of the debate is being aired on Jones' main
channel, despite him having promoted the debate for days. In addition
the show was misnamed "Epic War of Words with the KKK." Hopefully people
will go to his website and respectfully protest this tiny clip and the
absolutely deceptive title.
then brought on Professor Kevin MacDonald to explain the evidence that
the Jewish people are a biologically and genetically identifiable group.
Professor MacDonald commented that the media filters out any discussion
of even the most obvious and undeniable aspects of Jewish power, which
results in the average person being unable to process evidence of Jewish
supremacism even when they are confronted with it. This made Dr. Duke's
opportunity to speak at length to Alex Jones' audience so valuable.
Professor MacDonald and Dr. Duke also presented evidence not just of the
massive Jewish over-representation in the various aspects of the
American elite but also their ability to repress discussion of Jewish