Dennis Fetcho, aka "The Fetch", is an American ex-patriot living in Amman, Jordan. He is the author of the Illuminatus Observor, a blog regarded by many as simply the finest Hermetic Qaballa blog in all of blogdom. The Fetch also has a second site called"Inside The Eye" Intelligent media for the politically aware.
Here you go America! Coloured Students "Fail" because of the "Whiteness" Of your teachers and Student Bodies...And this weekend, a conclave of Educators are meeting in Baltimore to be brainwashed into pushing this message nationally Across the USA.
Anti-White "Liar-In-Chief" Obama wanted "a national conversation on race." This conference is what he meant: "interrupting whiteness" in American schools, "challenging white supremacy," and eliminating the "white privilege" of Caucasian students.
Stephen Herrick Requa on "The Great Gold Grab" & the criminal/nazi Deep State
Special two-hour interview! Stephen Herrick Requa, author of The Great Gold Grab,
began writing the book in 1993. It details his family mining history
and focusing on the discoveries in Nevada and then the Court Frauds and
theft of the Requa/Hoover Files; and how he retained Dr. William F.
Pepper in 1999 to investigate at same time he started his Memphis MLK
assassination trial that resulted in a favourable verdict for the ML
King family.
In this interview we will discuss the covert ops and assassinations that
Stephen Sequa has traced to the criminal/nazi Deep State that rules
America...and whose days may be numbered as the people begin to wake up.
When the dark lord of the Anglo-American empire, Zbigniew Brzezinski,
stated that the United States should retaliate against Russia as a
result of the latter ruining the former’s credibility in the Middle East
(which the U.S. needed no help in doing), the world got a glimpse into
just how far the ruling elite is willing to take the world’s population
in its quest for total hegemony.
After all, Brzezinski is no mere talking head or media mouthpiece. He is
the architect of al-Qaeda and controller of much of the American
geopolitical strategy. When he states that retaliation must be part of
U.S. strategy, there is a very real possibility that it will be. ***Read full article here***
Recorded on-site in Berlin! Peter Mooring discusses Electronic Harassment Conference
The Electronic Harassment Conference
in Berlin was one of the most interesting events I've ever attended. In
this interview, Conference organizer Peter Mooring and I discuss how "quiet weapons for silent wars" have been developed, tested, and deployed. We also raise philosophical questions surrounding this kind of weaponry.
Peter Mooring, is a founder of the STOPEG Foundation.
He has a degree in Electrical Engineering / Computer architecture from
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Together with some
other graduates he started his own company specialized in developing
custom advanced computer hardware and software systems. Some of the
investors in the company – wealthy individuals and/or “cut-outs” for
intelligence agencies – apparently deemed Peter an “actionable threat”
and a guinea pig for testing electronic weapons systems. Since then, he
has been fighting back back by raising the issue of covert harassment in
various public forums.
Dr. Duke Exposes the Affirmative Action Fraud of Ben Carson & Pastor Dankof Exposes the Zio-Isis Coalition!
Duke started the show by pointing out that Conservative darling
presidential candidate Ben Carson has stated on air that he opposes
people in urban areas being able to own semi-automatic guns, which
constitute the vast majority of firearms nowadays. He then brought on
Reverend Mark Dankof, who exposed the fact that the source of the report
that Russian cruise missiles had crashed in Iran is in fact a group
headed by a militant homosexual Zionist Jew.
then talked about the connection between Syria and the Ukraine crises.
Reverend Dankof explained that Zionist power fears the Russian state
under President Putin as the main obstacle to their aim of establishing
permanent Israeli hegemony over the Middle East and imposing a Zio-lead
globalist, multicultural, culturally Marxist agenda on the world. Dr.
Slattery also joined the show.
Russia is presumably aware of the strategy being used against it – i.e. the attempt to chip away at all nations
that resist the dictates of the NATO power structure and, in
particular, areas of Russian alliance and influence before finally
turning its sights directly on Russia itself. The creeping moves to
gradually surround Russia cannot go unnoticed. If Syria falls, so falls
Hezbollah. Iran will be isolated. Once Iran falls, there is little else
left beyond Russia itself. Putin will then see the increase of terrorism
in Russian territories and a greater push east by NATO in Ukraine. In
essence, Russia is attempting to prevent the dominoes from falling.
While Russia’s position in Syria is, without a doubt beneficial to the
Syrian people, it should not be romanticized that the Russian government
is simply sitting at home watching the crisis unfold, overcome with
concern for the victims of the war. The truth is that many factors have
come into play in this regard. We should not allow ourselves to assume
that world leaders are concerned with all of the same issues as the
people they “lead.” ***Read full article here***
Migrants; CYBER!; UNHRC; War on Crazy; Election 2016; LGBBTQQIAAP; Shut Up Slave!; Native Ads; Pocahauntus; Chemtrails; Caliphate!; Elite$; Agenda 2030; Ministry of Truth; NA-Tech News; mac & Cheese; Eugenics; Raw, and all your usual listening whilst pointing at the Truthers,Fakeologists;Wiggers, Christian Fun-Da-Mentalists,Muslim Apologists,and other assorted Actors Activists Operatives and Nutballs who Infest our little corner of the Flat-Internet Favourites!